rokhed00 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 My day's been pretty good. So long as you consider a good day to be waking up in your own bed and not, say, Nazi Germany. Nazi germany was a pretty good place if you were german. Anger is slowly going up, have now spent over an hour applying for a christmas job at sainsburys, which i dont want, due to refference and website problems. also, applying to the police, but they may not accept me due to eyesight (even though its 20/20 with contact lenses) and foot deformities, due to the fact i'm flat footed, although this has never given me a single problem, not when walking all day, not when running and not in any outher capacity. i saw a fat as you like female police officer attempt to chase down a kid a few nights ago. if she is some how considered fitter then me, despite the fact she cant hyave run mor then a few meters (van was right next to her) and was already panting and red in the face, not to mention the fact slower then wind errosion. it really pisses me off that im considered less fit, or indeed dissabled despite the fact im fully fit and can walk/run for an abouve average amout of time with no problems. You'll be ok, police take anyone these days.
Chris the great Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 You'll be ok, police take anyone these days. thats good to hear, hope i get to be a bad ass cop like tequila in hard boiled. or at least i can be danny from hot fuzz.
Molly Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Next time I'm home (near Aylesbury), I'm gonna ring up said HBOS branch. It's not the branch but the admin/back office place, the blue leanie if you've been to aylesbury! But yes call up and listen lol, I'm recording next week. You're going to be a secretary for the Bank of Scotland? lol, not quite. I'll be the extremely annoying person that says things like 'For a value, please press one' etc etc. Still, they like my voice so...woooop.
The fish Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Nazi germany was a pretty good place if you were german. Not if you were also Jewish, communist, a trade unionist, a homosexual, transexual, black or disabled. Or, for that matter, a rational human being. lol, not quite. I'll be the extremely annoying person that says things like 'For a value, please press one' etc etc. Still, they like my voice so...woooop. When you come to reading it, do the introductory bit fast. Get to the options as fast as possbile, and you'll save many people much annoyance.
Chris the great Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Not if you were also Jewish, communist, a trade unionist, a homosexual, transexual, black or disabled. Or, for that matter, a rational human being. or a gypsy. looooota gypsies died in the halocaust
ReZourceman Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 When you come to reading it, do the introductory bit fast. Get to the options as fast as possbile, and you'll save many people much annoyance. People are gonna get annoyed just at hearing her voice anyway! (Sorry...couldn't know I like your voice really)
Molly Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 People are gonna get annoyed just at hearing her voice anyway! (Sorry...couldn't know I like your voice really) oooooooh you bitch! Thats it, i dont love you anymore. Go away.
ReZourceman Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 oooooooh you bitch! Thats it, i dont love you anymore. Go away. You started it! ....I think!
Slaggis Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Today was odd. There was a fire at college, and we all had to go and wait in the carpark for 30 minutes. We missed part of lunch so 4th period was cancelled. Because of this I had the afternoon off, so for last period me and a mate went round college carrying on our "taking pictures under as many things as possible" quest. We got so many pictures, and broke into so many rooms. Managed to get into the assembly hall, and with moves Splinter Cell would be proud of we got into the heads office whilst he was chatting to a teacher and got a picture before charging out full speed. Epic.
Ganepark32 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Meh. Best word I could think of to sum up today. Ditched my english lecture as I know how to write essays so there is no need in me being there. Got a free 864 page psychology textbook for helping the lecture carry and hand out some stuff in the lecture but it's completely useless (well it probably isn't but I'm not going to use it). Got lots of work and very little time for anything else. It'd be alright if I could get some work done on the train to and from Uni but I always end up with the most ignorant pricks sitting at the table who seem to think that they are more important than everyone else so they stretch out their legs, leaving no room for moving, and take up the entire table space with either their documents or laptops. And because of the route I have to travel on, the trains are always busy and so there is just no way around it. Starting to hate Uni just for that reason. The travelling is pissing me off so much. And I'm actually bored in the lectures. I'm there to do psychology but really it has been so boring that if it keeps up like this I'll just stop going. The only part of Uni I'm enjoying is the english and there's no way I could change to have english as my major as my work would never meet the standards necessary to pass and get a decent degree. Really don't want to end up dropping out as I've already laid rest to my architecture career path and I really don't want to do it again. I'll stick with it for as long as I can but I'm not going to continue being bored and not really caring about what's being taught like I did at college. Sorry, just needed to rant and vent a little bit. Can't talk to my parents (literally. It takes two to have a convo and neither are that interested) and Uni has been great in giving all the friends I need One good thing did happen today though. I got a beer mat that gives me 2 free half pints of either Bulmers or Magners cider at Scream Pubs. Now if only I could find a Scream pub then I'd be sorted.
Jimbob Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Day has been ok, even though the work load was in short supply there was enough around to keep things flowing nice. Decided to prepare myself for Quantum of Solice by watching 1 Bond movie from every actor who portrayed him (except the un-official ones). Starting with the Sean Connery movies first. Just now gotta pick which one.
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Day has been ok, even though the work load was in short supply there was enough around to keep things flowing nice. Decided to prepare myself for Quantum of Solice by watching 1 Bond movie from every actor who portrayed him (except the un-official ones). Starting with the Sean Connery movies first. Just now gotta pick which one. Choose wisely when you get to Lazenby. As for Timothy Dalton, it has to be License to Kill.
Letty Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I hit Oxford Street today. Really hurt my knuckles.... Lol! I was in H&M then the fire alarm went off, so I went and stood outside, then the firemen came in a fire engine and it was exciting. *spins around*
Ganepark32 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Just found out that Metallica are playing the SECC in March and tickets are on sale on friday. So getting tickets to that. It'll be awesome. So at least that's two good things today.
Letty Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Just found out that Metallica are playing the SECC in March and tickets are on sale on friday. So getting tickets to that. It'll be awesome. So at least that's two good things today. Scotland eh? Glasgow eh? Hmmmmmm!!!! Might see about going... Edit: Me and my brother are going to go
Goron_3 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Day has been ok, even though the work load was in short supply there was enough around to keep things flowing nice. Decided to prepare myself for Quantum of Solice by watching 1 Bond movie from every actor who portrayed him (except the un-official ones). Starting with the Sean Connery movies first. Just now gotta pick which one. I really hope you pick Goldeneye...
EEVILMURRAY Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I really hope you pick Goldeneye... Nah, The World Is Not Enough.
Ganepark32 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 *high fives Letty* Gonna have my mother sitting at the phone at 9am to get tickets as I know that they'll sell out quick as hell seeing as they NEVER come to Scotland. I can see tickets going for hundreds on eBay once they sell out.
Dyson Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 ...pssh! maybe it's just the silly hat, but yeah maybe JK. o____O still bothering meeeee....... Dan Dare?
Dan_Dare Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 As much as I consider Jamba a fellow hombre in the arts of being a handsome rake, knave and devastatingly awesome in a suit, I don't think so
Raining_again Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I went to my weightwatchers class tonight 1 pound off - OH YES!
ReZourceman Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Congrats Rainster. Good for you. Shifting weight is hard, lame and phailz. Deserving of more Zs in fact, but alas I know y'all round these parts don't like it when I go over teh top with leet.
Ellmeister Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I just lost the game =[ Thats how bad my day has been.
Raining_again Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 Congrats Rainster. Good for you. Shifting weight is hard, lame and phailz. Deserving of more Zs in fact, but alas I know y'all round these parts don't like it when I go over teh top with leet. *high fives* ReZ, go for all the Z's you like It really is a bit lame, but i'm getting there. I want to lose a stone and a half before christmas - I've lost 12lbs - only 9 to go! (I think - lol)
Letty Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 I just lost the game =[ Thats how bad my day has been. Fuck you!! I just lost it too.
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