Zoot Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Damn... almost got past the intro on expert in TTFAF. Otherwise my day has been pretty boring.
Letty Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 I came home from work and made fairy cakes with Jordan Now I feel sick.
Wesley Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 I came home from work and made fairy cakes with Jordan Now I feel sick. That's awesome and now I want to bake. Although you don't look too impressed with them...
Eenuh Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Those fairy cakes look yummy! Now I want some... which reminds me that I've never even made fairy cakes with icing, ever. =O I have a very annoying headache at the moment that won't leave me alone. Poop. =(
Guest Jordan Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 That's awesome and now I want to bake. Although you don't look too impressed with them... Impressed? No. Aroused? Yes...
Daft Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Okay, I just finished season 1 of Battlestar Galcatica. What a mind f*ck. Brilliant. I think I'm going to have to go buy season 2 tomorrow. Talk about cliffhanger endings. I love this series.
Raining_again Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Fairy cakes are awesome. Now i'm hungry, damn diet XD Today was pretty uneventful. Had subway with a n00b earlier today, bought a couple of sims guides, from game, which to my displeasure set off the alarms in both game and hmv. rawr. Was eyeing up a gba sp in CEX as mine is broken, but decided against it, I'm going on a weekend trip with my sister, and I suppose it would be a good idea to not be broke. I'm starting to worry about managing my credit cards. I got a ulster bank one in the post this week with a 1.5k limit on it -yikes- so it went straight in the shredder.
Kirkatronics Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Fairy cakes are awesome. Now i'm hungry, damn diet XD Today was pretty uneventful. Had subway with a n00b earlier today, bought a couple of sims guides, from game, which to my displeasure set off the alarms in both game and hmv. rawr. Was eyeing up a gba sp in CEX as mine is broken, but decided against it, I'm going on a weekend trip with my sister, and I suppose it would be a good idea to not be broke. I'm starting to worry about managing my credit cards. I got a ulster bank one in the post this week with a 1.5k limit on it -yikes- so it went straight in the shredder. Diets can be bad, especially ones where you deeprive your self of stuff. The best thing to do is eat as you would for a week or 2 making a diary of what you eat, even down to snack and single biscuits. Then edit the diary so you eat rouchgly the same each week cutting snack out. soif you ate 3 bscuits and a bag of crisps for a snack, just have the crisps and a biscuit, then just the crisp, then a healthier snack. If you do it gradually it makes more of a difference. I weighed 18 stone, i just cut out small things like this and kept my self busy so i wouldnt boredom eat. Now i weigh 15 and a half stone and feel much better. Amazingly i lost loads of weight when i got a car for some reason =/ I walk less, but have less time to eat crap.
Ashley Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Missed the last train home >_< Had to go to my grandparents and I plan to get up early tomorrow and drag myself back home. Urgh how fail.
Dan_Dare Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Okay, I just finished season 1 of Battlestar Galcatica. What a mind f*ck. Brilliant. I think I'm going to have to go buy season 2 tomorrow. Talk about cliffhanger endings. I love this series. if you think that ending is good, you may actually die when you see the end of series 2.
Gentleben Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Okay, I just finished season 1 of Battlestar Galcatica. What a mind f*ck. Brilliant. I think I'm going to have to go buy season 2 tomorrow. Talk about cliffhanger endings. I love this series. I picked up part one of Season 4 at the start of this week. It's an excellent show but I've not had time to watch even all of the first ep yet. Been too busy. Cliffhangers get better and better btw. My last few days have been a mixture of Heaven and Hell. I've decided to do some Canvass work for Birmingham City Council this year (a friend suggested I give it a go) It runs from the 9th till the 22nd October and it would net be a tidy sum of around £400 to be paid in November so I'II put half towards Xmas and half towards myself. Hell Anyway I have to visit lots (and I mean lots of houses) to check peoples voting details (name/etc/etc) I've been assigned a large apartment complex spread over 19 floors with 386 doors to knock. It's taken me 3 days to knock every door (granted I've only spent about 3hrs each night)-and the ones that didn't answer I have to return and attempt to get them to answer another 2 times- Oh Joy! I wouldn't mind so much but there are stairs (so many many stairs) People are sometimes in, I can hear the TV/Voices/phone etc etc and they don't answer the door (bloody rude) and then there are people who don't want to give details (depsite the fact it's a legal requirement) and don't even get me started on people who don't speak English. Heaven After all that hard work enjoying a nice pizza from Dominos with a friend outside and watching City of Ember at the movies. Now to enjoy an ice cold drink and chill at home.
Daft Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 if you think that ending is good, you may actually die when you see the end of series 2. Can't wait! I also noticed Chip, I think that's his name, is the Secret Apprentice in The Force Unleashed.
Supergrunch Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Fun day - after sleeping all morning, I walked around to the south of Cambridge and looked in some cool shops, then read some morphology before meeting with some friends and doing lolthings. Then when I got back I made the mistake of thinking about the essay I have to do on the number of words in the English language - scribbled down a couple of pages of random thoughts, now I'm way too excited by it to sleep... [/geekery]
Dan_Dare Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Question on the conduct of bros: when two bros have a conflicting interest over a hot girl, and a third bro is a bro to both aforementioned bros, to which bro should he lend his support as a proactive bro?
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Question on the conduct of bros: when two bros have a conflicting interest over a hot girl, and a third bro is a bro to both aforementioned bros, to which bro should he lend his support as a proactive bro? The bros must prove which bro likes hot girl the most.
Kirkatronics Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Question on the conduct of bros: when two bros have a conflicting interest over a hot girl, and a third bro is a bro to both aforementioned bros, to which bro should he lend his support as a proactive bro? The bros must prove which bro likes hot girl the most. All bros in question must go for the girl with no hard feelings towards the winner. The winner must also egg on the loser with any other girls that he is not interested in.
jayseven Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 lol! I think the third bro should not lend any support to either of the first two bros, but instead sit back and wait for the hot girl to disappear, then get all three bros to work together on future hunting parties in order to find two even hotter girls for the two girlless bros. BRO! although I do like ReZ's frat-house-like approach. Could prove to be interesting...
Ganepark32 Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Your forgetting the eleventh commandment: Bros before hoes. Ditch the b***h
Dan_Dare Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 with respect to The Rule, you've not seen this girl dance
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 "Though a dancing exot' can engross ones mind, a true relationship will be sparked by the interaction of perfectly balanced words in battle." - Capt Luvier-Paul Beaux
Kirkatronics Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 I wish it wasn't sunday, i wanna go get my gf some flowers cos im bored =[ The only place i could get em on a sunday are the grave yard :p
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 I wish it wasn't sunday, i wanna go get my gf some flowers cos im bored =[The only place i could get em on a sunday are the grave yard :p Just burst out laughing at that. Pretty outraegous really. I hear the Sunday semi-hate though. I could literally be doing any number of things (watching films Ive had on DVD since xmas and havn't watched, catching up on Bleach etc) but cannot be bothered. Although...this is fun. Having an argument with someone on YouTube. I love it. heres the argument (Im winning...obviously) Just another loser, thinking how funny he is. Annoying. Could you elaborate? Am I unfunny because the video was not funny? Or are you saying that because you clicked on this, thinking it would be the teaser trailer for a film that hasn't even started filming yet? So...just to clarify? No, you´re not funny, because the last time, when i was doing things like this, was when i was 5. Just find a girlfriend or whatever and grow up. Stop being NERD always sitting at home doing these videos. Go out, find friends, GET ALIVE! Fuck you. So hard. You fucking silly twat. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Check out my other videos. Sure some of them are shit, but some of them are comedical genius! Not that being a nerd is a bad thing...but why call me it? Im the one who did this for a laugh, and put it up. You're the sad cunt who searched for a trailer for a film that isn't out for two years. Also you're commenting on it....unless you're with friends outside in a park or some shit that makes you a fucking huge hypocrite. Yes...you did just get served. Where's a bitch get off calling NE's funniest member 07' unfunny eh? I shall go see City of Ember in a minute. Or House Bunny. I wanna see House Bunny more...but can possibly see it else when. Hmmm. Decisions eh. (Well...I wanna see Mirrors more, but alas mon sister' is not feeling it today, and its gonna be seen together as a family affair.)
Gizmo Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Tbh ReZ you come off just as bad in that argument as he does.
ReZourceman Posted October 12, 2008 Posted October 12, 2008 Tbh ReZ you come off just as bad in that argument as he does. Fair enough. It is a YouTube comments argument, so there are no winners. What I say is true though. Doesn't matter how I say it. Apart from the obvious big headedness. I ain't gonna lie though. One or two of my vids are comical genius.
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