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@ Rez - Do you seriously want to know that? It's not very interesting. No leprechauns involved. Basically light refracting through nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, blah blah. If only there were leprechauns involved.....

@ Rez - Do you seriously want to know that? It's not very interesting. No leprechauns involved. Basically light refracting through nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, blah blah. If only there were leprechauns involved.....


Aye. I really do.


Nitrogen eh? Oh god this...this isn't gonna be science is it? ;)


Nah I really am interested. But nitrogen/light/prisms. Way over my head really.





....Rainbow....over my head. Heh.


just a quick query for anyone who might know. What can cause a laptop to turn itself off on its own even when connected to the power? It just cuts out, sometimes like 3 times in a row :(

I have:



pot noodles





I is happy, not to mention I get a sick pleasure knowing jayseven wants both the alcohol and pot noodles and can't be arsed to come get them so I'll have them instead




That's not even the full frickin' list... BUT! Here I have shorty, nami, rock band, dvds, xbox360, cards, boardgames, me, an indoor-smoking facility... AND I'm about to go buy some booze. </win>

just a quick query for anyone who might know. What can cause a laptop to turn itself off on its own even when connected to the power? It just cuts out, sometimes like 3 times in a row :(


It could be overheating?


I had a randomly awesomes day


- Went in and our form tutor had checked our UCAS personal statements (well actually her boyfriend had, she said she'd no time, lazy) And said mine was brilliant, he wrote 'sounds like a very bright and inspired kid'. So that was good.

- Got my art grade prediction secured at a B after they were threatening to put it down to a C...

- Went home early due to lack of lessons ad stayed in a cafe with friends for a while

- Went to see Tropic Thunder which was quite amusing

- Came back for to help with the school's open evening, but decided at the minute not to go, and ended up walking around town with a friend, talking for about 3 hours. Fun times

Is that easy to fix? would i just take it to PC World? or is there some quick solution i can do myself?


eurgh don't take it there, they do stupid things to fix things, like reformatting without telling you and still not solving the problem.


haha jay, careful I may come visit, so shush. Besides you know I win everytime because I have boobs and you don't!


I went to my placement school's open evening, to help out..and stuff. Fuck, I actually meant to say something else there. Can't remember what, though.


It was really, really nice. Some of the parents do ask some really awkward questions though, that really have no bearing on..well...anything, ever, anywhere.


I had to laugh at one of the parents who asked Greg (a History PGCE Student): "How do you go about cherry-picking certain topics to teach? Why do you only teach World War 1 and 2?!"


Better him than me, hahahaha. Poor dude was like a rabbit in the headlights. Luckily, his mentor came over and helped him out/saved him.


Generally though, parents were nice, the kids were awesome, and it was pretty nice just to be there and lend a hand, and also to see what exactly goes on.


I then came on, had some soup, and am now eating a big bar of Cadbury's Fruit and Nut. Ohhhh arrr...a Pirate's Life for Meeeee.


Yesterday some nutter was in our cafe, and totally went insane at us all and was shouting and was really angry, and even went and spoke to our manager!! It was only because he'd apparently ordered a piece of cake, (which he hadn't) and it hadn't arrived.

Luckily our manager was like 'Oh god, what an asshole!!' and none of us got trouble! Also, he tried to slam the door on his way out, but the door doesn't slam, it has like a thing that stops it slamming :D So he looked like an idiot.

I almost burst into tears when he was shouting though, he was horrible! :(


Today I fucked around in college, doing some painting of peppers and stuff, then came home and am currently working on a watercolour of a girl. I'm hoping to win £200 for it because theres a competition in the paper ^^


@ Dante : lol wutthefuk?


I have my interview tomorrow. I was psyched for it yesterday, dammit. I didn't expect to have to come back.


Really hope I get it. It's pretty humble work but I need the money and, as importantly, something to do. I've been excruciatingly bored recently, and could do with a bit of motivation.

My day was odd, some girl rub herself on me and did a moan as she walked pass me as i was waiting for my stop on the bus :confused:


Wow, maybe you're some kind of lady-moaner magnet. I bet she saw you and thought "YEAH! GIVE ME SOME OF THAT RSS FEED SHIT, BABY! LINK ME THE HELL UP!"


*thrust thrust thrust*

@ Dante : lol wutthefuk?


yeah WTF, it was odd.


Wow, maybe you're some kind of lady-moaner magnet. I bet she saw you and thought "YEAH! GIVE ME SOME OF THAT RSS FEED SHIT, BABY! LINK ME THE HELL UP!"


*thrust thrust thrust*


Or she was just a orange tanned werido.


I have my interview tomorrow. I was psyched for it yesterday, dammit. I didn't expect to have to come back.


Really hope I get it. It's pretty humble work but I need the money and, as importantly, something to do. I've been excruciatingly bored recently, and could do with a bit of motivation.


What are you gunning for?

Right, actually serious now. How are rainbows formed?
@ Rez - Do you seriously want to know that? It's not very interesting. No leprechauns involved. Basically light refracting through nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, blah blah. If only there were leprechauns involved.....

Not nitrogen molecules, rain droplets.

Nitrogen eh? Oh god this...this isn't gonna be science is it? ;)


Nah I really am interested. But nitrogen/light/prisms. Way over my head really.

But yes, it is going to be science, and if you really want to know, I'll have a go at explaining it as well as I can.

Right, I never pretended this was going to be quick to explain, but that doesn't mean it isn't easy to understand, and I find it pretty damn interesting. First, we have to consider the nature of light.


Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, along with radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. (the frequency of a wave determines where it comes in this spectrum) Electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at speed c, 299,792,458 m/s. However, when they pass through other materials, they slow down a little, more or less depending on the material in question and the frequency of the wave. Thus when going from something like air to water or glass, the wave slows down a little. When the wave enters the slower medium at an angle, one side of the wave slows down before the other side, and this causes the wave to bend a little - imagine the wave as a horizontal line of people running into the sea at an angle: the sea would slow the people who reached it first, and thus the direction of running would alter in angle a little when entering the sea. This phenomenon is called refraction, and is shown below:




When light enters certain substances, like water and glass, different wavelengths are refracted different amounts. Light is a mixture of wavelengths, and each wavelength corresponds to a different colour - this means that blue light (highest wavelength) is refracted the most, and red light (lowest wavelength) the least, and so we get a spectrum, as you can demonstrate with a prism:






Incidentally, some (or all, depending on the angle) light does not penetrate the substance, and instead reflects off.


So how does this apply to rainbows? Well, the following picture shows what happens to some of the light entering a raindrop:




The light enters, is refracted, reflects off the back of the droplet, then leaves, and is refracted once again. This produces a spectrum. But why do you percieve this as a large arch in the sky? The answer lies in the way you percieve the situation. Although every raindrop is producing the spectrum, you are only in the right position to see the spectrum produced by some of the droplets - the spectra you see are in a spherical band across from the Sun, which you of course see as an arch because the bottom is covered by the horizon. (you can in fact see completely circular rainbows in planes) Anyway, this picture demonstrates this:




As you move around, different droplets produce the same effect.


Sometimes, light (especially when strong) reflects twice withing droplets, causing two spectra to be produced - this results in double rainbows. The outer bow has the colours reversed, as it has been reflected one more time.


I find it funny how people prefer stuff to be unexplainable.


Hello new Rez friend person.


I wish the walk from cantebury onto campuis wasn't such a bitch, only just got in >_<


And Im afraid I'm waking my housemates with my excessive coughing :(


Had a nice couple of hours of rock band and cards with shorty and nami :) We had a manic 10-min sesh where a wasp had somehow entered the room. We were all weilding rolled-up newspapers and rubber gloves, and somehow the lightbulb in our lounge is way brighter now. I actually felt quite bad when the wasp died.


Shorty also basically invented one of the funniest things ever. We all laughed our guts out over it. I hope that the next meet provides the opportunity to show it to others :P


I also spotted some slight errors in Supergrunch's post, which made me smile ;) Too many commas, m'lud!


Tomorrow? Fuck knows. Going to a jugglesock meeting in the evening. The three of us guys in this flat think we'll do the insane 58-song set list on rock band. We've worked it out to be at least 3 hours of effort. Good luck to us!


Hmph, it's annoying that I always get insomnia for a week or so after going back to uni. I have a meeting with my director of studies in 5 and half hours...

I also spotted some slight errors in Supergrunch's post, which made me smile ;) Too many commas, m'lud!

I can put commas where I like dammit - well, within reason. :heh: I tend to maximise them, and like Oxford commas and all that. I suppose the fragmented style they produced is really indicative of the fact that I was trying (and failing) to read a book at the same time....

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