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Freshers Fair...dear me.


There was around 100,000,000+ students in one sports hall so one fire alarm and we're buggered :p

And the clubs were terrible! No simple things like Badminton or cricket? For shame. I got about 80 keyrings and 1 million Pizza hut leaflets though. Everyone was bigging it up too. Bit of a let down. Uni is "meh!"


Can't wait until I go on my placement though as the lads on my course (20 women, 5 lads) are starting to annoy me by being 'wide boys'. Maybe it's me being 25 but EVERY other conversation is about who can bed the girls. Ffs. I thought being on a mature course would mean a mature mindset. Obviously the uni world (or world?!) is STILL centered around notches on bedposts. Shame. At least the women seem more mature. Time will tell.


Starting a new course at uni is always a bitch!


End of rant.


I fucking love university!!!!!!!!

I've been quite inactive and Coolness I'm sorry for not answering on msn but I had to go straight out. I love you!


No-one cares about me being inactive so oh well. Ex is crying so I came home early from an amazing night to talk to her. Is worth it because I care for her more than life itself. Noone cares good night.


I had a field trip this morning so I didn't have any of my homework classes. I went to this gaming club my school has at lunch and played SSBM and SSB, though they're trying to get enough money in their budget so they can buy a Wii and Brawl. Computer science was boing as usual since we did the same thing over again since most of the class is to stupid to understand it after doing it less than 10 times. Started Typography in web design, not the most interesting of topics. After school I came home and played some MOH:H2.

I fucking love university!!!!!!!!

I've been quite inactive and Coolness I'm sorry for not answering on msn but I had to go straight out. I love you!


No-one cares about me being inactive so oh well. Ex is crying so I came home early from an amazing night to talk to her. Is worth it because I care for her more than life itself. Noone cares good night.


I care. :)


Hehe, no worries. : peace: Awesome to see you are loving University!


Love you. :heart:

I fucking love university!!!!!!!!

I've been quite inactive and Coolness I'm sorry for not answering on msn but I had to go straight out. I love you!


No-one cares about me being inactive so oh well. Ex is crying so I came home early from an amazing night to talk to her. Is worth it because I care for her more than life itself. Noone cares good night.


I do, but i've been the same, uni is just uber busy, i feel tired, was up at like 8 for breakfast, i still haven't met alice, maybe when you come to see her i will, maybe


Still internetless because BT are useless. Mooks.


In general not been up to much the last week or so. Whenever I last frequented this place. Mario Karting pretty hardcorely. Trying to come up with an idea for a script. Went to see my supervisor and he wanted to find out what made me tick but im not exactly the 'hey lets share our feelings' kind of person so kinda awkward.


Yeah...pretty mediocre life in general really.


got up early for an apointment at the job center, pay me £2.70 for a return ticket into town, and arrive a couple of mins early at the job center. 9.10am comes and goes. 9.15, 9.20, 9.25. i get bored of witing and go the woman im ment to see and explain the situation. she says im not ment to be there, i show her my apointment slip that says outher wise. she says "no, it says ""then every second week"" i point out it says that after this week, one week after my first apointment. long story short, wasted my time and money.


came home, an elderly neighbour talks to me, i tell him about my job hunt. he blaims the "coloured lads" i feel awkward, make an excuse and leave, then book a haircut for later today. i hate hair cuts.


life is so bolocks some days.


So I found out it isn't policy to give testers DS games they've worked on... Yet people who have nothing to do with it do get a copy. Considering I dedicated over 2 months of my life to this game it's made me pretty upset.


C#nts... :(


Pretty petty of me I suppose.

maybe when you come to see her i will, maybe


When Ellmeister comes visit this alice person, we should have a Kent N-E Meet, and get dynamo to come. :D

I was there 2 mondays ago, supposed to be seeing Dom, but no he "had something to do". Like hell you did.


Still angry? >.< i was just upstairs ...


Buying 3 books for my course came to 78 pounds, i cried


Did a bit of late-night cleaning in my bedroom last night. I got rid of some unwanted clutter and books and stuff, so I had some space to put my increasingly-growing anime collection.


It needed cleaning up, anyway. My bedroom is full of stuff that has gathered up over two decades. Some of that stuff was stuff that should've been chucked away years ago. :indeed:


Well my day *was* going well. went to do some more volunteering, that was cool. Organising a pub trip with the NE Sheffield Massive for later. All good so far.


Then I got home and found a long email from a guy who I had a big argument with this summer and I've not spoken to since. I want to walk away from the whole thing, frankly, as I think our friendship was, in hindsight, getting progressively one sided and generally...corrupt? not sure if that's the word. Anyway, this email has basically made me guilty as fuck about it and dragged me back in, exactly where I don't want to be and I now need a tactful response to get out. Great. What a pisser.


I'm displeased there is a severe lack of Peanuts in my cupboard!



I had a good day not as pointless as usual as I got a lot of my RS Notes done which seem never to end! Also found that JUSTICE Is great music for the gymn, one machine I was on for forty minutes which was exhuasting. I had to concentrate on how to walk afterwards as I felt kind of dizzy.


Also I really like my new glasses. It's like I'm seeing the world in a whole new light! (they are clean :p)


Fucking pissed off, have one of my wifes old friends round and after they promised a piss up and a takeaway have already backed out of both, I've a good mind to chuck them out.

Guest Stefkov

Today everything became well again.

Made pasta on bread with ketchup for dinner. It tasted like a hotdog...without the meat.


One of the kids I babysit is being bullied terribly at school. Because he's got an accent, and isn't white all the kids keep talking to him in an Indian accent (Even though he's not even Indian!) and a few days ago he was beaten up in the locker rooms and had his head bashed against the lockers in the changing rooms whilst some of them shouted stuff like "Paki!" at him. Some of us were on Prefect duty and had to break it up. In the end, he got into trouble because all the bullies said "He insulted us first". Can you believe that? I'm so utterly fucked off. If I catch the guys doing it again, it'll be their head being smashed into a locker, not his.

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