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Spent the day with the specter of British Gas' incompetent yet anally officious computer system sending bailiffs after me for a bill that no one actually owes. The joke in all this is I know for a fact that British Gas actually owes me cash. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to phone up customer service with the deliberate aim of screaming at some unfortunate innocent, only to be beguiled once more by their patient and helpful nature. Bastards.

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Yesterday i went to go see REM at twicks stadium, was one of the best concerts i'd ever been to! the ride home was hard as some of the trains stopped working, so i spent 2 hours getting round them to get home at 1:30 am after a 5 hour concert. And today i went with my girlfriend to demonfert in leicester to help her move into her place for uni, was very sad though, as she lives so far away (2 hours drive). I gave her a photo album full of pictures of me and her and then some group shots of our closet friends so she'll at least have those to look at.


So yeh bad days and good days i spose.

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Well, today was pretty funky. :)


I played 6 a side football with my friends from work. Basically, we played against a local team who have been together as a team for about 3 years now, and last season they finished second in their league.


Our side consisted of a goalkeeper who does play for a team quite regularly, a forward who also plays a fair amount, both both are not near enough the amount this other team plays.


As a team, we found that our weakness was our fitness level. The other team were much fitter than us, and their passing and moving was pretty good. Saying that, our keeper was in fucking excellent form, and defensively they weren't all that great. So, we were able to nab goals, so it wasn't a one-sided game.


I also managed to get the last goal of the game. In the early stages of the match, I found myself finding the game hard because of the pace of it, and due to my fitness level. A mate of mine was actually sick because he was so out of breath, so you can imagine how difficult we found it.


Saying that, I did have brief bursts of goodness in the game. Made some good last ditch tackling, went forward to try and link up a few passes, and tracked back to make sure I was the last person a player saw if they were going for a shot on goal. Also managed to set up quite a few goals, so was proud. :)


Anyway, I grabbed the last goal of the game. One of their defenders was dilly-dallying with the ball on the halfway line, so I nabbed it off him, ran through on goal, and slid the ball under the keeper's legs. Once I had gotten used to the pace of the game, I think my final parts of the game were probably my best.


The game ended very tightly. I don't think we conceded enough goals to lose the game, and it's difficult to tell what the result was because nobody kept score. It was a pretty high-scoring game. I think we did enough to win it.

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came home from holiday today, hate being back already. havign had a great tiome with mates, and being treated as an equal, im back to my parents now, who treat me like a kid. me mam got all angry in the supermarket when she told me thewre was a can of beans with sausages at home tommorow i could have for lunch (the sentence took her like 30 seconds, she seems to enjoy talking to me like im a retarded dog) i said "fine" and she went all angry. i dont get it.

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I was filming a short movie with a cousin of mine the other day and I thought it would be nice to send my girlfriend an SMS saying I missed her. I did, and 5 minutes later I get this message halfway through shooting:


"I can't do this anymore it's all been doomed from the start. There's too much stress and pressure and complications and I'm sorry I just can't."


I called her and her best friend picked up, telling me she can't come to the phone right now because she's "in the bathroom". Knowing that this is just an attempt to avoid me I hung up and continued shooting. I took a break and called her back, only this time to have some wigger pick up.



"Hello? Who is this?"

"You da one who callin' man who you be?"

"Riiiiiiiight, riiiiiiight. :indeed: "

"Aight listen man I'm watchin' a match raigh' now so don't call again ya understand?"


He hung up, so I sent her some nasty, sarcastic messages telling her I'm shocked she had to resort to this sort of thing and leave me in the dark and how she wants to throw in the towel instead of just talk to me face to face. She replied saying she couldn't face me because she "knew she would cry and make a fool out of herself if she did". Being the nice guy that I am, I told her I'm more than willing to listen to her once that time of the month is over. She replied saying she just "needs some space from everything".


She hasn't contacted me since, and her friends haven't been any help either. I have no idea what's going on as we've had absolutely no problems since we've been together and as of yesterday I'm both pissed and confused. If anyone has been through something similar, please tell me how it ended. I just want some imaginary fast-forward button because the only thing I can do right now is wait.

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I was filming a short movie with a cousin of mine the other day and I thought it would be nice to send my girlfriend an SMS saying I missed her. I did, and 5 minutes later I get this message halfway through shooting:


"I can't do this anymore it's all been doomed from the start. There's too much stress and pressure and complications and I'm sorry I just can't."


I called her and her best friend picked up, telling me she can't come to the phone right now because she's "in the bathroom". Knowing that this is just an attempt to avoid me I hung up and continued shooting. I took a break and called her back, only this time to have some wigger pick up.



"Hello? Who is this?"

"You da one who callin' man who you be?"

"Riiiiiiiight, riiiiiiight. :indeed: "

"Aight listen man I'm watchin' a match raigh' now so don't call again ya understand?"


He hung up, so I sent her some nasty, sarcastic messages telling her I'm shocked she had to resort to this sort of thing and leave me in the dark and how she wants to throw in the towel instead of just talk to me face to face. She replied saying she couldn't face me because she "knew she would cry and make a fool out of herself if she did". Being the nice guy that I am, I told her I'm more than willing to listen to her once that time of the month is over. She replied saying she just "needs some space from everything".


She hasn't contacted me since, and her friends haven't been any help either. I have no idea what's going on as we've had absolutely no problems since we've been together and as of yesterday I'm both pissed and confused. If anyone has been through something similar, please tell me how it ended. I just want some imaginary fast-forward button because the only thing I can do right now is wait.


You know what, dude? I was almost in a relationship with a woman, about a few months ago, and she gave me that almost exact line, too. "I can't take the stress...sorry."


Hmm, stress? We'd only been txting, woman! Strange thing was, we'd been txting earlier that day and things were fine. So, fuck knows what happened there.


My opinion: People change their mind about things all the damn time. Including women. Actually, they can be the worst culprits. Their reasons? Whatever goes on in that head of theirs! :heh:


Give her the space, carry on with your life. Don't let yourself be defined by someone else. If she realises she makes a mistake and wants to get back with you, then well done. If she doesn't, and you don't hear from her or something, then don't worry about it. You're young, you'll meet many other people. So, don't let one person get to you. If she doesn't deserve to give you a decent explanation, then maybe she isn't worth the bother?

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Someone could be out to get you? :p


Like in How I Met your mother when Barney is talking to a girl he goes away for a minute and when he gets back he gets slapped in the face!


All because a girl he slept with was angry at him and wanted to get him back! :)


(Yes I have no real experinces of my own so have to rely on TV. :heh:)




My day was good. :D I didn't do much in the morning and my parents and I decided to go up to London in the afternoon for a wander along the southbank and we watched all these different street performers which were very entertaining. :)


Also had one of the tastiest doughnuts from a nearby stall. :grin:

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Watched Blazing Saddles with a friend just now and she'd not seen it before. Quite possibly the best comedy evar! Also very amusing to watch with a first timer.

Then spent a good while being shown round this ridiculously vast web source for DJ set material that features an utterly vast library of tracks to stream and buy, by genre and artist. Well good :)

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You know what, dude? I was almost in a relationship with a woman, about a few months ago, and she gave me that almost exact line, too. "I can't take the stress...sorry."


Hmm, stress? We'd only been txting, woman! Strange thing was, we'd been txting earlier that day and things were fine. So, fuck knows what happened there.


I know right? We've been having such a wonderful time too, and ever since she's left me in this predicament I've become bored of my own cyclical thought patterns. The tedium of self-analysis that goes on infinitum.


Give her the space, carry on with your life. Don't let yourself be defined by someone else. If she realises she makes a mistake and wants to get back with you, then well done. If she doesn't, and you don't hear from her or something, then don't worry about it. You're young, you'll meet many other people. So, don't let one person get to you. If she doesn't deserve to give you a decent explanation, then maybe she isn't worth the bother?


I catch your drift. Suddenly I regret trying to be nice to her over this. Like some other person said to me: if people treat you like shit, they can expect you to treat them like it.

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I know right? We've been having such a wonderful time too, and ever since she's left me in this predicament I've become bored of my own cyclical thought patterns. The tedium of self-analysis that goes on infinitum.



It probably has been ok for you, but who knows how she's felt about the thing. People keep quiet for many reasons, or maybe she's been thinking too much and decided to call it a day. It could really be anything, and if you think about it for too much, you'll go crazy. So, best thing, just look at how it is: You want to continue things, but she doesn't.


I catch your drift. Suddenly I regret trying to be nice to her over this. Like some other person said to me: if people treat you like shit, they can expect you to treat them like it.


I don't really think that's the way. Don't get nasty to her or anything, just be your normal self. If you suddenly change towards her, it'll just make her want to be with you even less. If she's got her reasons, then just let it be.

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