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It's the middle of my first week in charge of happenings at ze club. Banking was confusing and tomorrow I'm washing the lines. It's not that hard surprisingly, it'd just be a hell of a lot better if I had a car/some means of transport not reliant on others.

Other than that it's Caramelldansen + remixes! The Ryu*Remix is awesome. Others not so much.



link plz :heart:

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Its actually disgusting. I invented it today, as we have loads of flavoured syrups for coffees at work. I usually put them in hot milk, but today I put some vanilla syrup in a glass of water. It was so horrible.


Never again.


Unless I make a BISH for it...

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I just started to watch it, then realised you review Dark Knight (which i should be seeing tomorrow) so instead I'm trying my luck with some of the other episodes.


EDIT: just thought I'd say you ought to consider adding subtitles to your vids as it's a lil' tricky to follow you all the time with your sped-up self :)

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I had planned to wake up earlier today and go to the gym before work. But, my alarm went off, and I grumbled and hit the snoooooze button and just went back to bed, haha.


As a result, it meant I ended up oversleeping a little too long, which means I now have not shaved since Monday morning. But now, its pretty noticeable, and I've got some kind of stubble/messy (big) hair look going on. Raaaaarrr.


Went to work, which was pretty ok. Been hitting my target consistently, and even obliterated it on Monday, which kinda takes some pressure off me. I've worked out that I'll need to stay there for at least another 3 weeks to achieve enough money to do what I want with it. So, I should be able to do that, woohoooo.


Came home, and went back out again, to the gym! Didn't spend much time there, as it was closing in about 40 minutes, so I spent that time working solidly. My shoulders and the tops of my arms feel like mash potato now, haha.


So, no rest for the wicked.


Tomorrow, I think I'm going to get my hair cut. It's a bit too long (and wide - my hair tends to grow outwards, haha. Silly Asian Hair) so I'm going to get it shortened, but hopefully enough so I can still fiddle around with it.


Although, I hope I don't get the sucka who cut my hair the last time. Bugger almost made me bald! I looked like a convict. :(

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yo Rez! I like your vids. I like the random stuff the best (like your chicken rama vid, and the "iron man vs mandarin" skit at the end of podcast 4), and the cameos that clare has while you're spinning around or whatever. I say you ditch the reviews and just have RANDOMS! if you don't, then I will.


... *roffles at pokemon sex*

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Panicmodeum (panic + pandemonium) whereby I couldn't find my bike lock key so I walked to town (about two miles) instead and somehow made it in 25 minutes.


Did what I had to do (which was pretty much see my mom and give her colleague/flatmate a birthday card) then came back. Ate yesterday's leftover nachos. Read a fair bit of Kafka on the Shore.


Work which was...alright. Pot washed most of the night and one girl was annoying me but oh well.


And just hurt my head doing a headstand :p

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Hahaha, I just danced to Daft Punk's 'Harder Better Faster Stronger (Alive 2007)' like a maniac. I just jumped around my room (as quietly as possible) and threw my limbs around and just went crazy. Good thing no one was here to see me. XD


*thinks she'll go do some more of this crazy dancing*

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Hahaha, I just danced to Daft Punk's 'Harder Better Faster Stronger (Alive 2007)' like a maniac. I just jumped around my room (as quietly as possible) and threw my limbs around and just went crazy. Good thing no one was here to see me. XD


*thinks she'll go do some more of this crazy dancing*


Haha! win. :yay:


*joins in*


I was in the middle of dancing to Justice about a minute ago which was really fun and it was during some weird head twisting phase of the song (yeah I can't dance....) when I certainly notice,




(ok it was tiny but I'm not a fan of spiders :heh:)


I'm now watching it very closely, waiting for its attack and once it's gone I shall resume my dancing!!! : peace:

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Haha! win. :yay:


*joins in*


I was in the middle of dancing to Justice about a minute ago which was really fun and it was during some weird head twisting phase of the song (yeah I can't dance....) when I certainly notice,




(ok it was tiny but I'm not a fan of spiders :heh:)


I'm now watching it very closely, waiting for its attack and once it's gone I shall resume my dancing!!! : peace:



...and they never heard from him again.

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Not too bad of a day. I lounged around all morning, had lunch, went for a bike ride, played Guitar Hero for a while, and lounged around more. In my city there's this cultural festival going on in the evenings where you can go to these different pavilions around the city, eat foreign food and then see a show that has something to do with that country (Its almost always just a bunch of dancers). Anyway, I went to the Italian pavilion today and I'm convinced its the best one in the festival. The food was great and quite a bit more effort was put into the show. So pretty great day.

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You, my good sir, are a legend. :D


THANX! :heh::bowdown:


yo Rez! I like your vids. I like the random stuff the best (like your chicken rama vid, and the "iron man vs mandarin" skit at the end of podcast 4), and the cameos that clare has while you're spinning around or whatever. I say you ditch the reviews and just have RANDOMS! if you don't, then I will.


... *roffles at pokemon sex*


Fo sho, I hear ya. Ill try and do them more regularly now (episode 8 was like.... a year ago lol) and Ill try to write more random shit over reviews. I agree, normal reviews are boring. (BTW, when you watch it it will be obvious, but its a joke TDK review....but it does have spoilerish talk so yeah watch it after you've seen it)


I was pretty happy with the Pokemon sex. :heh:

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Guest Jordan

As Letty has said, me and her will be in Aberdeen from tomorrow till Sunday evening. However, we're going on the shitty boat. Takes 12 hours, is bumpy as shit, old as fuck, shit as hell and it could take around 6 hours if they didn't go so fucking slow just to be cheap asses as save fuel.


God i hate going on that shitty boat...



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fucking cats. One of the local felines decided last night was a great time to come in and steal food from my two and start a horribly loud screaming fight or some shit. at 3:30.


Fuck you, you four legged fuckbiscuit. Let me get my night's sleep for once.

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fucking cats. One of the local felines decided last night was a great time to come in and steal food from my two and start a horribly loud screaming fight or some shit. at 3:30.


This is why indoor-only cats are so great.

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my cats aren't. They spent almost every night outside. Thing is, when a thieving interloper gets inside their territory shit's gonna kick the fuck off. Which it did.

seriously though- at the rate the neighbours cat is stealing their food, the greedy bastard won't fit through the cat flap sooner or later so it can't last forever.

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