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I just had a lovely relaxing bath! I bought a tiny candle today especially so I could light it for my bath (I'd been planning this all day), but it was still sunny and the light wasn't very atmospheric.


Possibility of Geometry Wars later. I'll see.

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aw chin up! I'm sure you'll find some stuff to do with people sooner or later. I know the feeling though- been a bit shit my way since uni ended :(


if not...well you can always

while you wait :)


I know I know, I just wish that I didn't have to defend people only to find it wasn't worth doing.


I love my friends, but it's just so damn difficult all the time and I wanted to see that film so fucking much.


I hope uni is worth it I really do.

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It will be. Uni is hands down the best thing I ever did.


being let down blows big time. I got that recently with an old friend I really wanted to see when I got home from Hull and it took me weeks to arrange anything. All my effort, too.


I was paying for everything, so snap there chuck. Bah even a text would be nice, but I don't even get those these days. :indeed:


No wonder my parents spoilt me this weekend, mum kept asking me if I was feeling alittle bit better, should have cottoned on really.

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owch. Over The Dark Knight, too! That's just not cricket. I'd go and see it alone if I had too you know. It's rather excellent.


weird, isn't it, that going to the cinema alone is considered really odd but all you do is sit still in a dark room and not talk for 2 hours?

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Well I'm incredibly sad that my mate has left for Canada, incredibly pissed off that another has forgotten to remember to get something that I gave him to give to my mate which means he's probably leaving without it. And incredibly happy because I have bought an Xbox360 and some games for a bargain!

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Congrats Letty :D


Today I lunched with a friend, arranged other friend's birtday drinks, looked at houses and thats about it...was watching Monsters Inc and nearly fell asleep so I thought I'd ome on here to wake me up a bit.

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owch. Over The Dark Knight, too! That's just not cricket. I'd go and see it alone if I had too you know. It's rather excellent.


weird, isn't it, that going to the cinema alone is considered really odd but all you do is sit still in a dark room and not talk for 2 hours?


I really should go on my own and watch it, but for this film I dunno I want to watch it with somebody so we can chat about it for ages after.


Christ I even have a car now. -.- I could easily go see it, but I won't unless somebody comes with me.

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If I wanted to flirt with him I'd do it properly and ask for his number. Instead of the bloody internet.




Now can you move on pl0x :heh:


Hmm. Maybe I should go check PM history to see if you have already done that :p


I can't move on. My life is so EMPTY right now :p


Think I may carry on reading Kafka on the Shore. Although I do really want to go back and re-read Norwiegan Wood.


Oh nerfs I kept putting off selling SSBB on ebay (US copy) and now they're going for pittance. (is that how you spell that?)

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Talking about friends, I still haven't seen mine since the end of June... This summer has been kinda crappy really. =(



Oh well, today wasn't too bad I guess. More work all day. Only interesting thing was the one hour walk with mom and the dog in the forest place we normally go to for running. We walked pretty fast, and afterwards I did a bit of running in a field with my dog. She was exhausted when we got home.


Now if only I wouldn't have to be so lonely all the time... Merf.

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My summer has been rather crappy too. I don't like working when its hot! I wanna go home and be lazy!


The week I took off (beginning of July) had thunderstorms and nought but rain! B00. I'm pretty sure the last week in August will be the same because I have it booked off too. :(


And also, as I was writing this post, I just realised that i'm doing the very thing that is causing my wrist deformity. MUST. NOT. DO. EET!

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Think I may carry on reading Kafka on the Shore. Although I do really want to go back and re-read Norwiegan Wood.

Both good... I really must finish Kafka on the Shore sometime, I'm right near the end.


Anyway, alright day. Communed with real life people using the interwebs (!), cleaned up my parents' kitchen (so much filth and out of date rubbish) and made a noodly stir-fry thing.

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Sooo..... Today I:

- Found out 3 of my best friends all got into their first choice uni :yay:

- Went up to the local swimming pool and swam 20 lengths of front crawl non-stop in a 25m pool. Then a 1 minute break and swam another 10. Took 18 minutes in total. Need to try and improve. I signed up for a membership yesterday so I'm looking to use that as much as possible.

- Arranged 3 flat viewings for tomorrow.

- Saw a girl who I haven't seen for ages on the way home and spoke to her briefly. She was looking hawt. *note to self* Keep in touch with her

- Started my new TOP SECRET website

- Listened to Reel Big Fish's latest album which is pretty good, great fun to listen to. :)

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Had an ok day in work, did a lot of things and got it out of the way less to worry about in the morning.


Came home, decided to start GTA IV again for some unknown reason, made it to mission 15. Also played DIRT and successfully completed 4 levels of career mode. Chilling out at home after doing all that gaming watching Top gear with a beer.

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Went to Pizza Hut earlier, after having 2 Chicago Town pizzas, didn't know if I could eat another. I did, ate a whole medium pizza to myself :heh:


Then once we left, we seen a woman lying on the floor unconscious outside the polica station with someone else crying over her. Then once we passed by it again going to ASDA, there was an ambulance. Wonder what happened.


Then I played Rock Band for the first time. Done the drums and guitar on medium easiy for the first time, my friends didn't take it well. Needless to say, I felt high and mighty :heh:

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