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Today was Great!!! Fantastic way to end the work week! Found £20 while working, heard a child mistake toucans for monkeys (which had me worried for the childs future but cute and funny nonetheless) and then went for a drink with a few work friends! At two different spots!! So errrr, forgive me if this is written in a slightly mad-cap manner :D

Oh, and work was pretty laid back today anyway, a great wind down!!

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All I did today was have a rather big session on Soulcalibur IV, followed by contacting a friend on facebook. Hadn't spoken to her in two years and I thought that putting "What, you're a blonde now?" on her profile wall was a good way to break the silence. It worked, though. :smile:


Maase made an 'anime boobs' thread. twas naught but spam so I blazed it.


Bollocks, I missed it! :(


Oh well, Google image search it is... :yay:

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The chefs at work always say to me whenever im at work "I know you're on your own" (like when I come to get some food that needs to go or something) and today felt like one of those days. Urgh, useless people.


Ah well over wtih. And I figured out if I do 4 shifts a week (which is about average) I only have 14 left. Woo!


Although amusingly I did just get a text off my brother which ended with "cheers blud". lol

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Days has been pretty crap, spent most of it at work getting harassed by wanker customers who decided to take that "monday feeling" out on me even tho i was helping them. Complete tossers all of them.


But who damn cares because:

Bluey's coming Home!!!!


:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

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Been to the l'goon, got sloshed, talked shit and now I'm at home with a couple of PIZZAAAS and streaming House season 1. have fun y'all. Love you to bits xxxx


R_A; sorry I posted straight after you and failed to acknowledge your day! That does suck! But fear not; you have a massive advantage of knowing what may happen. besides, the pictures on t'internet are more than often the worst-case-scenario, so don't think that your wrist will necessarily end up like that. And fuck it, even if it does, who cares? it's only a wrist!

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won't be hearing from you two for a few days then....


HA! You're not wrong my friend :p


Nah, you'll see us on here a plenty, posting pics of us being super couply just so we can make a synchronised vomit fest all over Europe :D

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HA! You're not wrong my friend :p


Nah, you'll see us on here a plenty, posting pics of us being super couply just so we can make a synchronised vomit fest all over Europe :D


If you and Bluey weren't so awesome I would probably cringe, gouge my eyes out and then vomit all over them at any super coupley pictures :p


Enjoy her visit :D

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Guest Jordan


A, A, B, B, C!!!!




See, told you that you had nothing to worry about.


Congrats sweetie :)

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Just got back from my granddads cremation, crematoriums are a horrible place. I got to sit in the car with my cousins who i havn't talked to in over 10 years which was very, very awkward.


Once that was done we all went out for a meal so i ended up having a 16oz Rump steak with chips and a chocolate fudge cake which was very tasty :) Tomorrow i will be going to cornwall (in the rain) untill we get bored.

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R_A; sorry I posted straight after you and failed to acknowledge your day! That does suck! But fear not; you have a massive advantage of knowing what may happen. besides, the pictures on t'internet are more than often the worst-case-scenario, so don't think that your wrist will necessarily end up like that. And fuck it, even if it does, who cares? it's only a wrist!


Haha no worries d000d! Yeah I'm trying to be calm about it all n whatnot, the very very little and unobvious damage I have done, has been done over years of abuse on my wrists (typist for teh lose!) I'm sure I'll be alright! ^^ As long as I be careful




A, A, B, B, C!!!!




Congrats =D that's so awesome letteh!

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