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My day is about to get rather interesting - I'm going to get a hair cut!


Pics will be up on my return, if all goes well... :heh:

Are you cutting it all off?


Hmm, I haven't had a hair cut since I left school... my hair still isn't very long though, and not emo and/or in my eyes because it's something between wavy and curly.

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Had an awesome day!

This morning I went round my best friends house and had a lot of fun. We went to the park with her dog and had leaf fights. Twas fun. We then went back to her house and ate sugary foods and played wii and had poke fights and drank tea. I then had to go because I had cross country.

It was my first ever 9km cross country (only had to do 5km last year, and didn't have a clue what to expect. Did pretty well actually, came 145th out of 250-300 people with a time around 36 minutes. Was well pleased with myself. Pretty exhausted now. Going to an 18th birthday/sleepover tonight so no doubt will be dead by tomorrow!


Ah well, it's all fun :yay:

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I've had a Great day! :)


I got up about 6 and did some work for school. Then i had some breakfast and played some Metroid Prime 3! :D


Afterwards i went to a local Art exhibition and had to vote for my favourite Painting, i saw one with Hilarious Cows in it So voted for that. :laughing:


I came back and had some lunch (Pitta Bread FTW) and went on the computer for a bit, then had the sudden urge to Play Donkey Konga so got out the old Bongos and played it for about an hour.


I then went up to the shops and checked whether i had enough money for mario next week and ought a Cd! :grin: oh and had to get a new passport Photo!


So in short a Lazy day! :yay:

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Okay. Got to the station at 6.40ish and sat down and then realised the first train was 7.43, and I had to be in at seven. Asked someone and said there was one from the other station in about fifteen minutes, so I had to run across town and up a hill. Always fun at that time in the morning.


Work was mostly average. Got wicked busy when the deputy manager went on his lunch and I just had to go into auto-boss mode and command without being as overtly nice as I am. Plus I kept going upstairs and finding clueless temps wondering around so I had to sort them out, then do what I was doing. I hate temps.


Oh and rang some girl to say she could have a temp job and said hi and who I was and she hung up. Rude.

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Guest Stefkov

Went to bed at 10 past 3 so it was a struggle to get up at quarter past 9 to leave for half 9 to go work again.

Worked, I hate little kids.

What the hell some 'some coke' mean? You want me to open the can and pour you a little bit of it?

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Alright, got my lass a present for her birthday on Wednesday, got the collectors box set of Spaced which should hopefully go down well. Or maybe I'm kidding myself. Anyway, got myself a stupidly expensive climbing harness, came home and worked out for a bit, and am now enjoying a nice warm cup of tea while watching 300. It's been alright.

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I kind of wanted babies the other day (...yesterday) when I was wondering around the H&M babies section (because my friends have just given birth).


I offered my mom £1000 instead of taking out a loan. Why do I end up paying for every christmas?


Trying to make a new sig to replace my current Veronica Mars signature. But dunno what to do. Was sure it was going to be Pushing Daisies but it turns out it looks great and is fantastic to watch, but in still...not so signaturable.

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I'm in a bit of a funny mood.


Thursday, I was right as rain. Was going to see a friend after work, and I got properly dressed up for it, thought I'd give a good account of myself.


So, we talked and stuff, and I realised about how much I really cared about her, in more than just the friendship way. There was one point where she went to the loo, and I just sat there, ready to burst into tears cos I know it can't go further than this. She's just come out of a relationship, and she probably needs a friend, and not another boyfriend. I fucking hate doing the right thing. Anybody else would have gone for it by now.


Been a bit in a daze since then. She txts me most days, asking how I am and things, and it just makes me feel blurgh. To be honest, it's making me bitter more than anything. I think I'm turning into a bit of an anti-love person, cos it blatantly doesn't work out right. Blatantly.

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You can be my anti-lover Flinky. :p


Last couple of days have been uneventful. Weather is horrible and it's bringing me down. Plus school work is slowly killing me as well. Add to that the fact I've basically been taking care of the house (and dog) on my own this week and you get a stressed out person. Will be glad when my parents get back from Italy tomorrow.


I'm now going to finish eating the last two of my three mandarins (or are they clementines? I never know) and then work some more for school. Fun!

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I'm in a bit of a funny mood.


Thursday, I was right as rain. Was going to see a friend after work, and I got properly dressed up for it, thought I'd give a good account of myself.


So, we talked and stuff, and I realised about how much I really cared about her, in more than just the friendship way. There was one point where she went to the loo, and I just sat there, ready to burst into tears cos I know it can't go further than this. She's just come out of a relationship, and she probably needs a friend, and not another boyfriend. I fucking hate doing the right thing. Anybody else would have gone for it by now.


Been a bit in a daze since then. She txts me most days, asking how I am and things, and it just makes me feel blurgh. To be honest, it's making me bitter more than anything. I think I'm turning into a bit of an anti-love person, cos it blatantly doesn't work out right. Blatantly.


1) Do I even have you on MSN? Check the thread in staff chat anyway. I can't recall.


2) Don't become the anti-love person. Just be the complex problemy love person. Being anti-love can be a bit...downtrotting at times. Trust me.


Ironing done. Going to analyse Dexter then bed!

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Spent the day helping out at a writing/William Blake workshop (It's his 250th birthday soon) for some school kids. Not a bad bunch at all, quite a few characters. They were aged 11-14, but some of looked bizarrely younger and older. One 14 year old looked about 20-odd, while one 11 year old girl looked something closer to about 6.

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My day has been alright. Had a box of Cadbury's Orange Snaps earlier, bloody gorgeous.


A bit miffed there was sod all football this afternoon, but it's on tomorrow... *shivers*


...I actually hate Second City Derbies. They make me uncomfortable the entire week before it. :hmm:

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Spent the day helping out at a writing/William Blake workshop (It's his 250th birthday soon) for some school kids. Not a bad bunch at all, quite a few characters. They were aged 11-14, but some of looked bizarrely younger and older. One 14 year old looked about 20-odd, while one 11 year old girl looked something closer to about 6.


Shouldn't Blake be a bit difficult for kids that age? *Is perturbed* Or maybe I was just stupid back then. In a rather ironic homage, my old college is celebrating him by having a mass reading of Paradise Lost books 1 and 2 on his birthday. And then maybe some stuff actually by Blake. Genius :heh:.

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I hate it here in some aspects.

"Want a game? Oh sorry, the seas to rough, we can't deliver mail."


My CoD4 was sent Tuesday, i STILL haven't got it...


You think thats bad? I live in London and received a DVD on friday 9th november which was sent out on 4th October.


Yes my post is still fucked. I have so many things that still havent turned up yet :(

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