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Yay, today I received my first ever payment from RedBubble! €21.76 to be precise. Nothing too big, but it's a nice start. ^____^

Lots of thanks to Coolness Bears and Aimless for buying a t-shirt!




Other than that, I'm a bit in panic mode (these pills against stress don't help!), as I really don't have enough time to study all the stuff I need to. So far I've only been able to finish reading through two of my subjects. That leaves three more subjects, plus the fact I haven't actually started remembering it all. D:


Back to work for me then. Psychology, here I come! :shakehead


Eeep, Psychology is a Killer. saying that is probably not helping... Sorry!!!


Yay! :D It's great to se your T-shirts and other art are doing so well. It's a good start ^___^


I'm glad I could help get you some money. I'm going to buy another T-shirt soon.


Last Night I wore your T-shirt to go out in which was great as it's my favourite T-shirt.(and so comfortable) EVERYONE GO BUY ONE! I had to make sure when I was at the resturant I didn't get any ketchup, Coke or Tiger Prawn sauce on it! I managed to suceed. : peace:


I went to joseph (and his amazing technicolour coat of dreams) last night which was very entertaing and just loads of fun. :yay:


Today my 'friend' is coming over.....


*cue several hours of awkward Silence*

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Guest bluey

one of my students told me i was beautiful today...


...in french.



...also - i got observed during an adult lesson. just a routine thing to make sure i'm not selling crack to students or something... it went ok (i got nervous) but thankfully it was with one of my crazier students, so the guy was pretty understanding about the lesson not going completely to plan... afterwards my student grabbed the guy observing me by the arm and told him how awesome i was ~ i told him i paid her to say that and she hit me with her umbrella and we aaaaall laughed like they do at the end of an episode of friends.

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Currently ok at the moment, quiet day in work (when i mean quiet, i mean no-one talking and just getting on with things) which always makes it drag out longer.


I suppose the only good thing about lunchtimes in work is the fact that MP3 players are allowed then and so is the internet, woo hoo.

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Stupid crappy days, fucking car crashes on motorways paramedics making bad jokes police statements now I come home and my landlord has cashed a cheque that wasn't even due so I'm overdrawn and ARGH.






Other than that my day was fine ta.

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Just been out for a game of golf. First time in nearly a year. Haven't been because of my arms. My back is now hurting (it was bad yesterday) but it wasn't too bad on the golf course. I might take some paracetemol before I go to the gym. I don't normally take painkillers but it's an induction and everything.


Wasn't too bad at golf. Better than I expected. My driving was good (well it was a 3 wood) but my putting was a bit off. The lines were ok it was the power. Kept hitting it too hard.

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Well had two very contrasting exams today.


Realised I can't do chemistry. Totally failed at that. My mind when completely blank on an empirical formulas question, even though we'd covered it this morning. Just wrote down random numbers. Also pretty annoyed that our teacher spent about 3 months of lessons on the Haber Process and Ammonia saying it is "definately going to come up!"... And to top it off, we had a question on Silicone Dioxide - something that I only knew because a teacher that isn't even my own spent two seconds on it muntes before the exam. I fail.


Aaaaanyway, had another English Language paper this afternoon, which went incredibly well. I actually still have my A from the November exam, but dare I say this one was even better. I described my Dream World in a way that would make Sakurai-san proud :'(

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Blah, doctors can be a pain to deal with when your a student. Anything asking you to fill out a form with "Temporary and Home Address" written on it really. Is "Home" my home or my best friend's couch? It varies, depending on what your filling out.

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Stupid crappy days, fucking car crashes on motorways paramedics making bad jokes police statements now I come home and my landlord has cashed a cheque that wasn't even due so I'm overdrawn and ARGH.






Other than that my day was fine ta.


Sounds like a bitch and a half!


That's very bad of your landlord - I suggest the obvious, and next time only give him the cheque when it's due.


My day has consisted of, joy of joys, meteorology revision. :blank:

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My day has consisted of, joy of joys, meteorology revision. :blank:


The most important thing to remember is that clouds aren't solid contrary to what the cartoons told me when I was little. I was most disappointed. Anyway remember that fact and everything else slots into place.


I had a delightful day at work today. I got to call a lovely pleasant artist down in Cornwall. The conversation basically went:


Me: Hello, good afternoon I was wondering if I could speak to ******

Him: Yes, that's me what do you want?

Me: I was just wondering if you had previous dealings with Enterprise Edge in helping set up a business recently. We're just catching up with people who have recently looked for advice and support to see whether the service helped at all and if it could be improved.

Him: Well can I ask you how the fuck you got my number?

Me: They sent us the details of sample section of their recent clients.

Him: I'm TPS registered do you know what that means?

Me: Yes it means you don't want unsolicited sales calls.

Him: My your a clever little boy. Did you know you're breaking the law by calling me? You call again you little shit I'll get my soliciters and take you and your company to court. Tell that to your manager. *Hangs up*


Lovely bloke. Anyway I'm going to write him a letter saying that A) He was the one that sought advice and help registering his details in the first place and should've fully expected follow up calls, B) TPS does not cover market research calls and if you were to sue you would be laughed out of court and C) You might want to work on your phone manner especially when talking to market researchers who have your name, address, e-mail address and phone number sat in front of them. Who knows what they could sign you up to if they had a more vengeful mindset.

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General studies, right starts at 9, finishes at 10:30, i told my friend to meet at the school for 10:30 to head back to mine for computing revision. Fire Alarm goes off at 8:57


Finishes at 9.40 Shit, went into a little room to do it instead of a big ass hall, got out at 11:15, my friend was there waiting =[


Computing was so unbelievable! i know i did badly >.> hopefully i passed, but something came up the teacher hadn't taught us, 8 fucking marks! *angry face*


However, deathnote vol 11 and 12 arrived today, along with ZOTE game 10 quid in total, sweet.

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Bleedin' family drama. :rolleyes:


Incarcirated brother's girlfriend is trying to drive a wedge between him and the family because she isn't getting what she wants (his inheritance money) and he's buying into it because he's a sap. And nobody will tell him that she's cheating on him and being evil and manipulative because they're afraid he will kill himself because he's a drama queen (but prisons have suicide watch yes?). Its like Corrie!


May write him a letter, not saying the extent of everything but just warning him who he should trust. Hopefully he'll understand the fact that I haven't spoke to him in five months, and didn't talk to him for over a year before, that by making contact I am...serious or whatever.


Other than that done nothing.

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Been more discussion about the funeral tuesday, so that was a bundle of giggles all round /sarcasm.


Not much today, went to town just to get out the house and whatnot. Mum came home half an hour ago nearly in tears, stupid work they constantly treat her like shit and dad does nothing but screw things up changing contracts all the time and is to bone idle to do it so mum has too..


grr as much as I love my parents sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with it. I've just come to the realisation that my birthday is two weeks today..whoopie.

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grr as much as I love my parents sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with it. I've just come to the realisation that my birthday is two weeks today..whoopie.


Unfortunatly the older you get the more the dynamic changes. Children have to start taking care of parents. They hit mid-life stupidity then descend into old age and you're left to clear up their mess.


But birthday woo!

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The change will be them moving to france and me living in england, it'll probably happen while I'm at uni, so looking after them I'm not sure how that'll work.


In the end I just want them to be happy, and they are together which makes me a very lucky girl considering my dad could have re-married to a right bitch from what mum told me. It's just dad hates his line of work and changes too often and bleh -.-


I'm not so excited about my birthdy anymore, it's very strange.

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Lovely bloke. Anyway I'm going to write him a letter saying that A) He was the one that sought advice and help registering his details in the first place and should've fully expected follow up calls, B) TPS does not cover market research calls and if you were to sue you would be laughed out of court and C) You might want to work on your phone manner especially when talking to market researchers who have your name, address, e-mail address and phone number sat in front of them. Who knows what they could sign you up to if they had a more vengeful mindset.


I suggest you also add something about him trying to be "pleasant towards others", especially those who haven't intended to offend him...


Any chance of us getting a preview of the final letter? :heh:


EDIT: actually, come to think if it, I'm going down to Cornwall this summer. Want any special "gifts" delivered? Molotov cocktails are half price, for this week only!

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I am having the worst few days. Coat hooks I bought won't go up because walls are made of cardboard. So now I'm probably just going to have to pay for some filler to fill in the wholes and count off the hooks as a waste of money. My 360 has just got a red light AGAIN (only had it back a couple of weeks). No money, ignorant landlord. RASFHsf.


edit: followed some online instructions and 360 is functioning again, for now *KNOCK KNOCK WOOD*

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Guest Stefkov
Computing was so unbelievable! i know i did badly >.> hopefully i passed, but something came up the teacher hadn't taught us, 8 fucking marks! *angry face*

The 8 marks. Was it a question about the stages of Compilation and debugging? It's that my college is with the Welsh board for Computing, WJEC, so maybe the questions were different. I think I did alright on the Computing. Put the wrong answer for a sign and magnitude question after I'd put the right one in. Massive face palm when I found out.

Other than that I had the General Studies exam. The first question about Social Care: I wrote a load of shit about TV shows then said "In conclusion I know nothing about Social Care. I'd only heard about it on this exam."

Then the second question I went on about flying in space and how we'll form colonies on new planets. I mentioned about documentaries of Jesus aswell. Finally I ended it with we're all gonna die "dun dun duuuuuuuuuh". This was the global warming question.

Overall I rate this day: GG

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The 8 marks. Was it a question about the stages of Compilation and debugging? It's that my college is with the Welsh board for Computing, WJEC, so maybe the questions were different. I think I did alright on the Computing. Put the wrong answer for a sign and magnitude question after I'd put the right one in. Massive face palm when I found out.

Other than that I had the General Studies exam. The first question about Social Care: I wrote a load of shit about TV shows then said "In conclusion I know nothing about Social Care. I'd only heard about it on this exam."

Then the second question I went on about flying in space and how we'll form colonies on new planets. I mentioned about documentaries of Jesus aswell. Finally I ended it with we're all gonna die "dun dun duuuuuuuuuh". This was the global warming question.

Overall I rate this day: GG


Nah man, AQA, what is an expert unit ;_; never heard of it before, i read part a and thought, oh! a 2 marker i can't do, meh, then read the rest of the question and was like AWWH FUCK!!


Oh and in GS, i did OCR, like you, and tbh, i expanded it all from the text and ended with shit about how we hate people that are different to us because of blah blah blah


and the second question, i got bored half way through and drew a diagram of global warming. And it had a little man burning

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Aaaaanyway, had another English Language paper this afternoon, which went incredibly well. I actually still have my A from the November exam, but dare I say this one was even better. I described my Dream World in a way that would make Sakurai-san proud :'(


Dream world? I take it you didn't get Harry Enfield, a newspaper article and a letter about the smoking ban then.

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Guest Stefkov
Nah man, AQA, what is an expert unit ;_; never heard of it before, i read part a and thought, oh! a 2 marker i can't do, meh, then read the rest of the question and was like AWWH FUCK!!


Oh and in GS, i did OCR, like you, and tbh, i expanded it all from the text and ended with shit about how we hate people that are different to us because of blah blah blah


and the second question, i got bored half way through and drew a diagram of global warming. And it had a little man burning

Never heard of an expert unit, in my course anyway.

I contemplated drawing a picture of the spaceship I was on about but I just stared out the window for the second GS question. I think after writing about it I wrote 'This would make a great story, don'tcha think?'

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Had a great night tonight. The Malawian teachers came round for a meal along with some of the guys who I went to Malawi with last year. Just sat around talking for hours. :)


Quote of the evening has to be "the Government know what they're doing". Can't remember the context, I was too busy trying to remember that quote so I could write it here later. One of those things you have to be there for. :heh:


Anyway, the Malawian's are awesome. They're all so nice and friendly, never stop talking, incredibly funny. Can't wait until Monday so I can see them again, the pupils will be there too. Can't remember if I posted last night but we went up to the school for the formal welcome and one of the girls who I met when I was out there last year ran up and gave me a hug as soon as she saw me, she's so lovely.


Going to have a great couple of weeks while they're over. Lots of fun having a Malawian staying in your house. They're away over the weekend at an outdoor activity centre so gives us a chance to recouperate.

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Just watched seasons 1 and 2 of Sugar Rush non-stop because I needed a brighton fix. That is all.

Then, I get home, and I find out the school has phoned, and they had just realised there was a mistake with the timetable blocking for subjects next year - and I can't do A-Level Latin because it clashes with A-Level maths.

My 6th form had similar problems in my last two years there. For Product design we were suppsoed to have 5 timetabled slots every fortnight, but they could only give us three in the workshop, one in a tiny classroom and one afterschool, but hey we made do. Then the college started farming students doing law and geography out to the rival flippin' college, accepting their students for english and psychology in exchange.


I would ask them what the current timetable is, and try and see if you can maybe do one of the A2 courses at a different college in the time you do have spare.

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I would ask them what the current timetable is, and try and see if you can maybe do one of the A2 courses at a different college in the time you do have spare.


My parents pay for me to go to school though, and they'd be pretty pissed off if I had to go to another to do the subjects I want to do.


Hopefully it all gets resolved before my dad writes an angry letter to the school.

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