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eurgh. i spoke to the bank today. it went VERY badly, so expect to see plenty of my stuff in the trades board shortly :(


I wish I could just run away, join that amazonian tribe and vanish.


I have no idea what's happening, but that doesn't sound good.

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eurgh. i spoke to the bank today. it went VERY badly, so expect to see plenty of my stuff in the trades board shortly :(


I wish I could just run away, join that amazonian tribe and vanish.


Maybe you should have take the offer for a house mate you rudely rejected! :heh:

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My day today has been pretty bland.


I came home last night rather drunk so slept in late. I didn't really feel like doing much so downloaded and watched Lost, browsed the net a bit. Then I watched Diary of the dead which was ok. After that I decided that I should eat, so I did.


Then for the past hour or so I have been playing Lost winds, which has got me hooked.


I'm now watching John Carpenters Vampires on Film4 :)


I think tomorrow I should actually go outside.

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Got about three hours sleep because it was the last night on campus and everyone was loud and running around. And I understand that, fair enough, last day and all, but with the meh day I had and having to be up for this wedding.


Wedding was tiring, wasn't in the mood to be super eager. Got back to my grandparents around 10.30. My room is covered in stuff I need to unpack/sort tomorrow. And looks like im going to have to buy them a router.


I don't understand. They had a telewest modem, and I had one for Virgin (which is what telewest turned into) and yet they're different setups (cable/ADSL). Naff.

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A few rich familes have parties in my village every so often, loads of Porsches revving and Eminem blasting out until 3 o clock. When I was a kid I would jive in bed. I'm pretty sure our crappy ten year old MPV has some confidence issues now though, with all those jazzy sports car dealies.


Katy Perry -- I Kissed A Girl


why have I not heard this until tonight?


Well the kids I'm talking about are really just that, kids. Probably all between 6 and 14 years old. It looked like a playground out there on the street, with kids screaming and urgh. Annoying.

Good thing we don't have anyone blasting out loud music while driving around in their fancy cars in our street.



My night kinda wasn't the way I planned it. Instead of revision, I ended up watching a bit of tv, then turned on Indiana Jones 3 while eating some yummy ice cream (vanilla, mocha, whipped cream, chocolate sauce and a biscuit thing). =)

So I'll revise a tiny bit now and then get up early tomorrow for more.

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Oh I forgot the best part of the day yesterday: I saw alpaccas!


Today = bit of work experience. Go to Maplins and hope my friend and his disocunt is there for a router. Come home. Unpack and do work :/

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I was studying from 9 am to 6 pm and then I went out for a walk with a girl which proved to be a bitch. Its kinda funny how bitchie the girls can act so that u will pay attention to them or else, kiss them. I didnt do her the favour.


The female gender sucks :p IT RUINED MY SATURDAY NIGHT!

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Guest bluey

The female gender sucks :p IT RUINED MY SATURDAY NIGHT!


from what i hear that usually makes for a pretty GOOD saturday night...

*drums & cymbal noise*



today i had another fairly weird day @__@!! i should really get used to japan being a totally mental place to live, eh? i felt like i was living in a slightly different timezone to everyone else today... neither of my kids showed up for their lesson ~ which actually kinda bummed me out 'cause we were going to play bingo and pictionary. i LOVE bingo and pictionary... :sad:


but yeah.. the rest of my classes were pretty easy.. one of my regular students just got married so we all forgot the lesson and interrogated him about his honeymoon (spain - next week - 800,000 yen! -£4000- ...and i was bitching about my 200,000 yen ticket to england O__O) and another student today kept squeezing her boobs intermittently throughout the class... i was too perplexed/polite to ask her what the hell she was doing.. :hmm:


....aaand i bought some new earphones that look like blue smarties :grin:

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i just hoovered my whole house (minus 2 rooms - one didnt need doing n one is whereim storing my uni stuff so there is no floorspace to hoover)

now im relaxing with a lovely chilled bottle of dr p


I just hoovered the whole of the downstairs wearing my Pyjama's! :)


At one point I managed to get the end in a big twist so I took it off to have a look and ended up with half my top in the hoover! :D


Today my Uncle,Sister (and nephew) are coming over for a good old Sunday Roast! :grin:

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Bah everyone's gone out! I didn't wake up til an hour ago...whoops?


Oh well, I really should start cleaning my room and getting rid of stuff so I can move new stuff in (currently my new clothes sit on top of my washing basket...-.-) but all my parents motorbike stuff is in the front room so I can't just yet...it's winding me up, only two weeks til they go away and 3 weeks til my 18th yay!

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Yesterday whilst playing cricket a 22/23 year old chav decided it would be funny to run onto the field and kick the stumps over and shout abuse at everyone :S i love living where i do ... -_-


:shakehead It's just sad that there are people of that age that still think it's "hilarious" to do that living in our country. You had a cricket bat with you, you should have gone Shaun of the Dead on his arse.


It's like this a lot in Birmingham, especially if you cycle places rather than drive. There are so many idiots who think a good time involves driving about shouting and throwing things at cyclists. However it is possible to fight back. One time a bunch of morons decided to throw a McDonalds milkshake at me as they drove past. A bit further down the same road and, oh dear, a traffic jam. As I cycle past all the cars I spot the one that threw the milkshake at me, so on the way past I decided to 'accidently' kick their wing mirror as hard as I could before cycling on my merry way leaving them behind. Revenge can be sweet sometimes.


As for my day today, nothing of note has happened. I've got up and had breakfast that's about it. Probably going to do some reading in a bit and think about things, the past couple of days have been odd with regards to dealings with my ex-girlfriend.

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Oh man, last night. I went to a ceilidh in aid of someone's gap year to Malaysia. Wasn't really that busy as there was another big ceilidh in another village, no idea why she had it this night and not next week instead... There were a good group of people and an awesome guy:girl ratio, must've been about 4:1 so we were in demand for dancing all night. The ceilidh was great so we decided to go back to someone's house afterwards to carry on the party as we had loads of booze left.


That's where the story ends as I can't remember anything else at all really. I must've had the best part of half a bottle of Pimms, bottle of champagne and a lot of Lambrini. Good night.


And to top it off, I got home to an email saying I'm getting an extra £130 because someone screwed up the tax form. :)

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:shakehead It's just sad that there are people of that age that still think it's "hilarious" to do that living in our country. You had a cricket bat with you, you should have gone Shaun of the Dead on his arse.


I was fielding at the time so no i didnt have a bat on me. we just did the traditional british thing of watching him do it then tutting at him as he left. The groundsman gave him a little chase off the field but as soon as he got back to his mates he just turned round and started shouting abuse at us.

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hmm bit premature as the day is not over yet but so far:


T4 kept me in bed for far too long. I went to the gym and wore myself out and im now gonna probably do nothing else for the rest of the day.


I really need to make my weekends more productive. Ho hum.

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So far I feel like I somehow wasted my day. Was going to try to get up early to revise, but I kept falling asleep again and again, so barely got anything done. And it's been like that for most of the day, apart from going to work.


I felt oddly weak at work though today. Felt like I could barely lift my hands to type and stuff, and my head hurt and I felt a bit dizzy. O.o

I thought maybe it's because of that anti-stress pill I took today, but the effects of that only last for two hours (like, where they warn you not to drive a car) and those two hours had long passed already. Will have to see if I keep feeling that way when I keep taking those pills.

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I've had the best weekend ever, so much laughing occured.


Went to see a mate perform in a play she's been doing in town, and then went on a frantic search for booze and had to ask a couple of pensioners for directions. They did not look amused.


Then me and the lass I was with got insulted by these chavs one of which was a tad ginger. Thet screamed at us, and she just uttered "Ginger". It was so utterly pathetic because it's just not an insult, but we couldn't stop laughing all the way to the off licence. We must have looked mental.


Then I had to choose between who's place to stay at (I felt so harsh, being tugged both ways not knowing who to say no too) and I went to the girls house who I'd gone to the shop with and then with another lass. Anyway, we're renowned for our ability to get drunk off almost anything quickly and that didn't change. But to be fair, we may get drunk almost instantly but we can drink more than most before needing to stop...if that makes the slightest bit of sense. Me an her just sat on the sofa laughing hysterically (Discussing each others sexual misadventures for the most part - we bonded over a...certain something) till 9am before finally falling asleep for an hour. The went to see Shia at Vue and grudgingly went home.

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Guest Stefkov

This morning I have a nose bleed as soon as I wake up. During the daily toilet trip in the morning it starts.

Did a past paper for Computing at about 3 for 20 minutes then gave up.

Just been lounging around since then.

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Then I had to choose between who's place to stay at (I felt so harsh, being tugged both ways not knowing who to say no too) and I went to the girls house who I'd gone to the shop with and then with another lass.


Dude. Here's the Golden Rule which will see you successfully through life. If you have the choice between staying at a girls house or a guys house. Choose the girl. It makes things easier and the guy will understand too. Win-win situation. :)

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Dude. Here's the Golden Rule which will see you successfully through life. If you have the choice between staying at a girls house or a guys house. Choose the girl. It makes things easier and the guy will understand too. Win-win situation. :)


Haha! Nice reply. Both were girls houses, but one was with a couple of girls whilst the other was with a couple of girls and then a couple of guys. They were both moaning at me to go either way which was a little annoying. I felt harsh...the deciding factor was drink. Lol.


Hang on, so I chose the path of Booze and Women? Today, Haggis becomes a man.

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It's a nice, cool, lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon. Very peaceful, very peaceful indeed.


snap. Until my sister came home in tears over her boyfriend and her shouting at one another because he was on the xbox for four hours...she isn't as accepting towards gaming as myself. Oh well.


Back to college tomorrow I guess, I'd rather stay away and have another day off, so I might go whack all my c.v's in envolpes so the manager has to see my c.v instead of the workers sticking it in the bin and see how that goes tomorrow :yay: costing me money though, something I need for wednesday and saturday...grr.

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