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Internet - fail. I can't edit my posts, can't seem to post what I want to be edited into a new post, I can't post my fairytale but I can post a "help my internet sucks" thread, I can check my uni emails but I can't reply and ask for the tutor to send me my essay results. I can't check my hotmail, I can't change my personal settings on facebook, I can't go to youtube, I can't upload images, and so far I can't get onto JSTOR for revision either. But I can scour n-e and mess about on facebook still. Gorrammit.

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Sigh what a day.


- got my assignment back, didn't do brilliantly but I passed it, ''friend'' proceeded to keep reminding me how well she'd done.

- then about download again

- when handing in my second assignment one of my teachers was a cock said he wasn't marking it and handed it to somebody else..


so why do I have to try so god damn hard and get it all thrown in my face, yet that stupid bitch gets off scotch free all the time...>_>

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last few days have been full of major ups and major downs


major downs


mums back in hospital ... again! shes pretty poorly - she cant eat and shes lost a lot of weight - and we found out this morning that she had a bad night! - suckage.. havent seen her since tuesday cause ive been at uni so im really looking forward to going to visit her :) - felt incredibly lonely and useless being up at uni when i could have been with her


major ups


refound my love for scooby doo - bought the season 1 and 2 boxset and ordered the scooby doo movies off play.com

speaking of play.com my digital camera arrived today after only being dispatched yesterday!



so what have i done today?


went up the town and bought , a dress and a pair of shoes for a wedding reception, bottle of pepsi cause im thirsty, a rice krispie square (chocolate) cause i was dying for one this morning, earphones for 99p causeim cheap and an adaptor for my room because i dont have enough plugs for tv, wii, laptop, lamp etc etc etc!

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Guest Jordan
and an adaptor for my room because i dont have enough plugs for tv, wii, laptop, lamp etc etc etc!


Those are known as "power bricks" or "multiplugs".


However, whilst in the Uber l33ts, they had to be called Gang Bangs...

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gets off scotch free all the time...>_>


Just for future reference its "Scot free"


That sounds like a sucky day. I think you should talk to your download friends and say "epic wtf mates" because I seriously think thats out of order. So if you could drive theres room for you in the car, but if not then not.

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Those are known as "power bricks" or "multiplugs".


However, whilst in the Uber l33ts, they had to be called Gang Bangs...


yeh - but if i put those in the stuff wont fit cause the two plugs i have in my room are beside each other - plus i want the plug to extend over to my desk cause hte laptop chargerlead thingy doesnt stretch that far :P

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Just for future reference its "Scot free"


That sounds like a sucky day. I think you should talk to your download friends and say "epic wtf mates" because I seriously think thats out of order. So if you could drive theres room for you in the car, but if not then not.


Funnily enough I know that, but for some reason I put scotch...deary me. I'm pretty fed up with it rez, I had this last year with another girl a week before me and her were going to france. I'd rather just have the 150quid off the rents and go to alton towers or something for the day, plus get my 30quid back and spend it on some custom jewellery for my ears.


It is out of order and I've been in near tears all day because of it, but I'd rather not go download and go next year than have to put up with her a second longer. :(

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going back a page but:




inurface. So Dan how long are you in sheff after uni finishes? We could meet for some drinks of legendary proportions!

Just for future reference its "Scot free"


That sounds like a sucky day. I think you should talk to your download friends and say "epic wtf mates" because I seriously think thats out of order. So if you could drive theres room for you in the car, but if not then not.

actually 'scotch free' is acceptable too...

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Well apart from full on leapfrogging my tall large friend and going high into the air, which was amazing, my day has been normal. Luckily my friends are back from Bristol so its all good.


Got home with a huge headahce, took some tablets and had a 50minute nap woke up feeling fresh as a daisy, was lovely :D Found out my girlfriend has come back home early :D Seeing her tonight SWEEEEEET.


Looking forward to the weekend =]

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Guest bluey

*stares at new apollo justice n-e banner*...............


OH! i had a pretty shitty day today... (its a loooong and boring story~) but it was made a little better by

(a) meeting a new student, a high school girl who loves DS games as much as i do... i was supposed to be teaching her idioms but all we did was talk about animal crossing and phoenix wright all lesson (it would have been hard to explain since i dont know the japanese name for the phoenix wright series ~ but i KNEW knowing the japanese for "OBJECTION!!!" would come in handy someday!! ^__^!)

after about 3 minutes of trying to explain without using japanese, even going to the extent of drawing phoenix and edgeworth (and gumshoe... because he's the bestest!) i picked up the notes, flicked them, threw them on the table then banged my hand down , struck the pose and shouted "igiari!" :laughing:

......she laughed for about 10 minutes @_________@!!

and (b) the streaming site i use is FINALLY playing ball and allowing me to watch TV... which is all i can really do atm... i'm skint! oh, and i dont have any friends available for hanging outage... :hmm:

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Not as good as I had hoped. Figured we were going to look at this house today and agree and it would all be merry.


However, one guy is suddenly moaning hes not paying the same price for the slightly smaller room, so he may commute. And I've tried to get it through to him; at this time of year we won't find anything better. So we have found somewhere else to look at tomorrow but its meant we've had to let this place slip because the guy wanted an answer today. Hes also saying it might be best if we go for two twos, but then the guy he will be stuck with him which may not end well.


And on top of that my mom and nan have fallen out because my mom went to view a flat yesterday and left her phone in the flat while she went for a coffee with her friend to discuss it. Meanwhile my dad rang my nan in tears and because my nan couldnt get in touch with my mom she thinks my mom is having an affair. I thought adults we're supposed to be the 'together' ones.

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Guest Stefkov

Tooday I lay in bed until 1. I think that made it 12 hours in bed.

That's it.

I've made up my mind for sure why I hate watching TV now. It's that the shows are really bad (Through the Keyhole; ...:blank: what has happened to TV) and that when with other people it get's so frustrating when they think they know something and they say it about 4 times then they get it wrong, (Deal or No Deal).

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So my day was interesting. Went to work all was okay, 9am came around (open time for call centre and usually mass panic!) but no calls came... I dunno why but we never noticed it. (calls have been slow at that time of late)


Turns out the phone system was down and the poor folk at Antrim Area Hospital switchboard were getting all of our calls.... So they forwarded onto our extensions til it was sorted.


Then the computers went down..... So we had no way of communicating with anyone harhar.


So glad i had a half day. People rang and were very cross....confused.. and some nice people took it with humour. :smile:


I went to lunch @ subway, with the one and only darksnowman! And bought some epic herbal tea, as I am trying to get a bit healthier... not neccesarily lose weight, but stop pumping as much crap in my system. Yay!


Good times.

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I'm relaxing this evening but the rest of the weekend will be mainly revising for psychology. :)


Today has been a good day a few laughs and a lot more revision. @_____@


Tonight I'm going to watch The Simpsons and go to bed early so i can get up early tomorrow. :D


I also had a tasty battered sausage for dinner!

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You're worrying about this far too much Bears.


I'd agree there. You've been revising for months now, you'll get a good grades easy. I have a maths test on Thursday and i've only just began revising, i'll start the hardcore revision on Wednesday :heh: I learn things better under pressure.




My days been boring, for some reason i've been really tierd and achey. Got home, played some GTA and now im listening to the shite music the local fairground is playing while typing this.


Also, it's too bloody hot (humid) i'm roasting.

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My day was a bit off a strange one emotionally.


It was essentially our last proper day in secondary school, (there is a presentation on monday, but we're off timetable). My poor, little maths teacher cried her tiny eyes out, and thus did many other people in my class. Myself, I'm not really one to show my emotions, and it was touching talking to people that I would never normally talk to.


But it was when I got home and watched a DVD made by 2 of my dear friends with footage of the antics of our friendship groups. The combination of seeing these wondeful people together for perhaps the last time, coupled with the fact that I wasn't on it much due to my being a total arse when it comes to cameras did something weird to me. I actually became really upset watching it.


I have a bucketloads of fantastic friends at school, but I'm generally the one who stands on the outside of the circle, the one who doesn't really get into the wacky conversations, the one who never really spends much time going out with them out of school.


But if I do one more thing in secondary school, I'm going to walk into that building on monday and make every single second I spend with all the amazing people I see count. Then I can maybe make up for being the quiet one for five years.

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Exams are over, and I'm officially finished college, as long as exams go well I'll be graduating and starting work in October. Real life is scary. I was out last night celebrating and had a great night, but had to get my vaccinations for Thailand earlier today which was not the greatest thing in the world. I didn't mind the injections, it was more the fact that I had to get out of bed and go outside in my hungover state!

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You're worrying about this far too much Bears.


I'd agree with you there to! :/ I just can't stop thinking about it! :)


I'd agree there. You've been revising for months now, you'll get a good grades easy. I have a maths test on Thursday and i've only just began revising, i'll start the hardcore revision on Wednesday :heh: I learn things better under pressure.




My days been boring, for some reason i've been really tierd and achey. Got home, played some GTA and now im listening to the shite music the local fairground is playing while typing this.


Also, it's too bloody hot (humid) i'm roasting.


It is not so hot for me today for some reason I'm at a pretty cool temparature!


I work much worse under pressure for some reason although there is meant to be an potimum amount of stress you can work under and that is were you are performing at your best! :D

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My dad still in Leeds Hospital and the doctors have found liquid around his heart but they did do a op on his liver. :sad:


Oh mate, i hope he gets better soon, i really do! : peace:


Keep ya chin-up! :)



What has Mr Owen been up to today? Complete crap again!!! My life is so god-damn boring, i've literally had enough of trying....


and i'm awfully confused and think way too deeply...mmmmm :(

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