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Today I made a hat and some gloves!


Then I went and viewed a 'fashion show' at my school, where everyones clothes were made of newspapers and cds and stuff. It was well good :)


Then I went to work, and it was a bit rubbish.

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Day has been good so far, work was great as it always is. Nice and busy which is what i like to see, makes time go quicker. Did quite a bit today, and still got plenty left for tomorrow as well.


Now watching a movie, before heading out once again for a drink or 3.

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The barman at the pub in my village is such an arrogant fuckwit. He serves alchohall to fifteen year olds and only when i try and order he asked for an I.D ffs!! Also one time i couldn't hear what he said over the noise in the bar a few times and he just put his hands in his face like to say "this guy is a fucking ****" If i could, i would buy that bar and fire his ass.

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Guest Stefkov

I just want to say how amazing life can actually turn out to be like a sitcom/drama. You see it in movies and tv shows, it's all just fantasy and will never happen to me and mine. Then it happens and you're an emotionally weak man not knowing what to say in tense circumstances, not wanting everything that is happening to happen.

The stuff you do want to happen like space travel never comes true though.

I cannot gorram wait till I move out but I'm afraid of leaving because of someone. I'm so weak. All is good though, I'm just pixels forming letters on a screen to you all.

Apart from that the day was average if borderlining below par.

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I had a weird dream and Coolness Bears was in it! Don't remember what happened (think we went to see a movie) other than his parents being angry at me for hanging out with him or something. =(


New day, new chance to get something done but eventually fail at really getting it done!

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I had a weird dream and Coolness Bears was in it! Don't remember what happened (think we went to see a movie) other than his parents being angry at me for hanging out with him or something. =(


New day, new chance to get something done but eventually fail at really getting it done!


Wow! :o


Awesome :awesome: Wasn't expecting that! It be great to hang out with you! :D


Aww! :( My parents wouldn't be angry at you! They are really nice! ^____^


I'm bored of revising so i'm taking a break today and at some point i have to go out to get some fresh air! :)

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Went to huddersfield, got ridiculously drunk. Tried Salvia a couple of times and oh em ef geeee...


Also ran through Leeds city centre in effort to find a shop before it closed. Outran my non-smoking, keeping-fit friend too.


Ashley's here! Smash Bros, Raving Rabbids (lollers) and Veronica Mars have been had. He's had to put up with my shoddy pasta for food, though. Apparantly we're going to Matlock today. Shorty said it was one freaky town, with a cliff where the sea should be. We've decided to freak him the fuck out and force him to drive us there. mwhahaa!


Not posting in this thread for like 4 days means I can't be arsed to remember the interesting things that happened, so you'll have to make do with that.


bit of a boring day. I went to the cinema on my own for the first time ever. Saw vatage point, which I liked.


then I came home, intending to tody my flat. That erm... didn't happen. I did do some laundry though. Then I watched 24 for the first time, its ok. Not as awesome as everyone on the planet seems to think. Seen the first 3 episodes so far, so maybe it'll grown on me.


I was ironing while watching 24, trying to get the weeks work shirts sorted. But i had to stop, as my wrist and hand were going weird. For those of you who weren't members in summer 2004, i had an operation on my wrist then to reattatch the cartilage to the bone sort out some tendons. They said it might fall apart again, and I think it is. Which is really depressing.


I know how you feel - I had a retinal detachment a few years ago now, and it caused irreversable damage to my vision. The docs reckon it's practically a matter of time before it falls off again, or that my other eye decides to go fuck itself too. I ignored the 'warning signs' for about 3 days with the original detachment, and I know what to 'watch' for... But it's been so long since I actually experienced the signs that sometimes I'm unsure whether it's happening or not. I've had some bad days when I've thought "shit, is it happening? If it is then it means I'll have to quit uni, be blind and shit"... blah.


Tell me about it.

I lose about 1 week and half in my wages due to tax.


Its a complete and utter joke... unless you were an unemployed mother with 8 kids with fathers you don't know of course. In which case you get everyone elses taxes by playing the system!! :yay: :yay:


Or folks who just ride through life on benefits and do fuck all. They do my fucking head in. Why should they have to not work and just get free money whilst they do whatever they want all day whilst I check the clock every 5 seconds, only to get to the weekend and it be all over and go quickly.




I hate life. If I had the balls, and I had no one else that it would hurt Id kill myself drop of a hat. But it would hurt people, so I cannot.



I can't help but notice it seems to have all gone a bit Daily Mail around here recently.

Damn straight, gaggle - you two need to be careful how generalising you're being. I don't know why but I almost wanted to say "fuck you" in reply to those ignorant, stereotypical views. But that would be an overreaction, I suppose.

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A) Whats stereotypical about it? Im only talking about people who KNOW they are abusing the system. Like friends that I have had. They did indeed get earfuls from me back in the day (When I wasnt a tax payer)


B) Ive been to Matlock. Charming, but fuck me its dreary. Its kinda good though!

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I suppose you're right, I shouldn't have gone all defensive over what you said. Sowwy!


Pffft, no apology necessary.


Edit;/ *Im not opposed to tax and I understand why its there, and I think the amount I usually get taxed is "fair" but I got absolutely raped of my bonus which is why I mentioned it*

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Been out shopping for some clobber today. There's a few 'mid season' sales on so I had a look through and found some good stuff - all small or extra fucking large though. Can you find anything you like in a medium? can you bollocks! Must be great being fat or a midget - all the cheap clothes you could ever want! I did find a couple of nice tops in the end but had to pay full whack like so I'm skint now.

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Guest bluey



after working solidly from 10.30 'till 7pm today... doing a kid's lesson demo and getting assigned my kids english classes (i'll have 4 a week with kids aged 4-9) then me and my housemate met up with my friend to go gatecrash a party!! we went on an anime tour of japan last year together and my friend from the tour is living in japan now too - so we thought we'd go gatecrash THIS year's tour "first night" party and say hi to the tourguide :grin: that was fine...



till i got there.......



....and my ex's brother and his girlfriend were there X___X!!! i was like "oh FUCK it's you!" (in my head) ...but it was ok... *nngh* not cool! but at least my EX wasn't there O___o hah!! awkward~~~! (especially with my housemate going on and on about how we'd forced jamba.. "becky's boyfriend!"<-- in a very loud american voice~ in to a skype chat with our two japanese housemates yesterday ... ahh fun)

but yay its the weekend! i get to stay up late and partyyyy-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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Guest Stefkov

Things are finally taking shape I guess. Me brothers got a load of boxes and suitcases and is packing his stuff. He's actually leaving now, finally someone takes the initiative.

Played Pain and had a bit of fun.

Will be playing R6V2 now.

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Guest bluey

they were on the tour!!!!!! :eek: they said that my ex has convinced them to go, and he was close to going too - but didnt at the last minute... oh my god it would have been awful if he'd been there too >___< *shudder*

i bet my housemate would have STILL gone on about how awesome jamba was in front of him too... which would have been hilarious tbh!

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i bet my housemate would have STILL gone on about how awesome jamba was in front of him too... which would have been hilarious tbh!

You should probably carry a t-shirt with a print of 'saucepan Jamba' on it for just such occasions.


My sister and I just filled out a 'How Abusive Is Your Relationship?' questionnaire from the perspective of our cat. Apparently she's seriously abused...

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Ah what a crazy ass couple of days ^.^!


I went to the doctors on wednesday afternoon, appointment was at 4:10 didn't get seen til 4:30! then had to go the pharmacy and didn't get my stuff til 4:55 when the bus I needed was in 5 minutes.


Luckily managed to get to my mates on time xD and it's been great wasn't meant to stay last night, but as always I did anyway, it's been good though, nice to see somebody who does actually like talking to me! Plus we went blockbuster and whatnot and rented a few movies.


Last few days = <3

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I went to the doctors on wednesday afternoon, appointment was at 4:10 didn't get seen til 4:30!

Last few days = <3


That's actually pretty good! It takes me just over an hour to get seen after making an appointment. Our docters round her suck balls.

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