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I think some girl I know things I fancy her. I mean, she's attractive but I'm honestly not in any position to start anything with anyone. The main problem is that she doesn't either; and because she clearly thinks I do, she's all awkward around me and stuff. It's really annoying.


To be honest, it's not a major thing at all, it's just annoying. We used to have cool cigarette conversations and instead now I have to put up with her being all stupid and stuff.


Yeah. I'm a bachelor. I don't think I could possibly have a girlfriend right now. Too much hassle.


Er... yeah! Not much to say. Went to a japanese restaurant today for a mate's birthday, the second time I've been there -- it's a brilliant place. Every dish is tastelicious.



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Guest Jordan

I've had a weird internet-less but highly Smash Bros weekend.


Been over at Letty's sorting her new house at and slept over on Saturday night. I've played 15 hours of Smash Bros since 5pm Saturday evening. Its... awesome.

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Spent all of yesterday trying to sort my housemate's laptop out. Its ridden with malware and im just trying to get it all out. Very fun. (Damn windows :p)


And the Freeloader didn''t come today either :( I wish shops sold it, would make life easier.

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Guest Jordan
Is there actually a EU release date yet? I tried looking in the thread but theres not a definitive answer and people are making comments like Ninty have said?


Nope. Still no date. Seriously worth the import!

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I think some girl I know things I fancy her. I mean, she's attractive but I'm honestly not in any position to start anything with anyone. The main problem is that she doesn't either; and because she clearly thinks I do, she's all awkward around me and stuff. It's really annoying.




Haha, that happens to me quite often, it's usually when I get comfortable talking to them and open up a bit. Proper annoying!

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Nope. Still no date. Seriously worth the import!


It really is :D


Do it!


Nooooo! Lol.


Nah, I would really love to, but I don't want to freeloader it everytime I play, and I have plenty of games to play before then.


And plus it WILL dominate my life, so I want MKWii and GTAIV to have a fair share of domination too!

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Day is currently going good at the moment, it got a lot better when i was told that i get a 4 day week and that girl who i ranted on about earlier is going away on the weekend, peace and quiet all round for me for 4 whole days, bliss.


Am planning something huge, something i havn't done in 3 years and that the last person who really pissed me off suffered badly. It's a 3 stage plan which involves stage one part 1 in having a night out tonight with my mates minus the female one.


And as she is going away on the weekend, i should have a great weekend and hopefully pull someone over Easter.

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Currently sat with two laptops on my bed. One is my laptop which is connected to my email and the other is connected to the wireless printer.


Having to try and get some C.V's printed out as well as get some of my iva done, though it's only designing I'd rather get some of it done and have a good day of work.


Skipped my last lesson again I wasn't waiting around for three hours for an hour lesson, she lets us go at 3oclock and then I miss the 3 bus so have to wait another hour til 4 for the next bus, when it makes no difference to her to let us go at 2:50, so I just decided to skip it. Boohoo, though this means she probably won't let me bring up my marks...oh wells.

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Guest Jordan
Currently sat with two laptops on my bed. One is my laptop which is connected to my email and the other is connected to the wireless printer.


And why haven't you just got 1 laptop that does both...?

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Only one more more 90 min tutorial and an hour lecture then i'm home free sort off. Waiting for the bus at the station with no shops to kill time at sucks.


My assignement for computing to be handed in a few days is gonna take longer than I thought. Thought I could do it in a day or two but there's some hard bits which I overlooked.


After today, 2 more days of Uni this week thanks to Good Friday and off next Monday and the one after that. Gotta love the easter holidays...

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I went to sleep at quarter to 6, I dont know where time goes cos it sure wasn't a productive night. Woke up about 1ish, went down for breakfast/lunch before cracking on with work, then my mum came down, then I had a fucking heinous argument with her about what a terribly ungrateful son I am, and what an annoying mother she is etc etc. Crap stuff. Now, to crack on with work :(

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I had such a great day.


It was sports relief day, so 6th form had to dress up and then run a mile. We all dressed up as a mini rave, I ended up wearing fairy wings (Damn my inability to say no to my really attractive friend) and glow sticks. We all had party poppers for the end too. It rocked.

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