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Well Illustration was kinda really boring, and the teacher checked out everyone's progress twice except mine (though admittedly once I wasn't in my chair and the other time I had my sketchbook closed, but he could've just asked me to show him my stuff). =(


Then went for a nice dinner (veggie lasagna) with friends, where we had a nice chat about all kinds of stuff, while waiting for the 7 pm lecture thing to start. It was kind of interesting I guess, but meh. Only lasted an hour which is shorter than we expected. When we got outside though it was snowing like crazy. Not even the good kind of snow that sticks, but the really wet kind with big flakes that soak you in no time.


So we ran to some café (my scarf serving to protect my hair =P ) and drank a hot chocolate with whipped cream there and talked more till after 9 pm. I got home and watched some show and Heroes (first episode of season two). And now it's midnight and I'm tired. XD




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My day started off well as I received a fun-filled rejection letter. Exciting.


From there it pretty much went... well, not downhill exactly, it was more a prolonged version of that feeling you get when you crest a hill only to find another hill awaiting you on the other side.


Anyway, enough talk of hills. Currently the only thing in front of me is a desolate stretch of boredom. I suppose it says a lot about my life that the most interesting thing I've done today is listen to One Life Left.


Complain all you like about boring classes or coursework, it's easy to take for granted the crutch of routine that education gives you. Everything is so much easier when you're being told what to do; it's a shame having to listen always annoyed me.

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I've had a good day! :)


I still love psychology! :D


I got through a lot of work tonight as i had many essays to do. @___@


I lost my two chess matches but i didn't mind as it reminded me i have a chocolate chess board i still need to eat at home!


Oh and i also watched the latest Simpsons Episode yesterday The Debarted which was very good! :grin: Only a few cringeworthy jokes!

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Yarr, went to uni, didn't get any partiicpants for my dissertation study(due in two weeks :shakehead :shakehead) but I did get a book, then I came home and instead of reading it for material to finish my introduction writeup with, I had a nap for two hours, then my alarm woke me up to go to Aikido. Twas a grading tonight, and I've acquired my first belt, so I am now a yellow belt(my mate gave me his, as he 'got' orange, he's beltless, bar his white belt that I gave him back XD). In fact, everyone who graded passed, so it's quite good, plus it means we can focus on stuff we need higher up as there's now no white belts.

I stayed for the second/advanced class tonight too(more badness, considering I have a dissertation due in two weeks :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead) but it was actually pretty cool, learnt a few nice little moves, though a bit dangerous, but it was all quite cool, and I managed to put one on a brown belt in some knife stuff! Though I think he was going easy on me for it, and I started wrong. Then I came home, came on here(more badness) but I found out I won a actual prize for the BISH, which has made me up, I'm quite happy right now :D:D Even despite, a two week deadline! (no more shakeheads :p)

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Guest Stefkov
and I managed to put one on a brown belt in some knife stuff!

I thought belt was kid for a minute. I was like o.O


Um yeah. So tonight hasn't gone as planned. Well I lie, it's gona alright. I got loads of tests done for my Coursework.

The christmas lights didn't work though so I couldn't get my photograhy done. I'll have to go up to the attic tommorow and get some more.

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You like One Life Left Aimless?


I have Ste, Dave Taurus and the other one to thank for the word "c u n t" appearing about half way down if you Google my name, on a post about Taurus getting blown up on 7/7/05. Do you post on The Triforce forums?


Also on Google, this, from 2002, which I am on: http://www.miyamotoshrine.com/kong/features/birthday/birthday.txt

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Went to the pub; hurrah. Met a couple of people that I'd met randomly last tuesday and played some cards and et cetera. Looks like we'll try and make it a weekly thing now, which is really cool. Never thought I'd meet new people that easily.


Found out some of my coursework is available for collection, and picking it up tomorrow before seminars/lectures ought to be the start of a very university-orientated few days. Hopefully. I don't know. I just want to get wasted all the time. Been rather philosophical recently. that always seems to come around when I'm glancing at rock bottom. Serving for excuses. I don't know. Somebody re-enact the smallville opening theme tune, with me in mind plz?

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Went to the pub; hurrah. Met a couple of people that I'd met randomly last tuesday and played some cards and et cetera. Looks like we'll try and make it a weekly thing now, which is really cool. Never thought I'd meet new people that easily.


You blatantly have to say 'See You Next Tuesday' next time you're leaving them.


Feeling good about my assignment. I may not get it finished this week as planned, due to having to head back to see my mom Thursday, but should be able to get the bulk of it done. Then I can start my second batch during reading week/easter as I have six to do before mid-May. As well as two weeks work experience, some research and decide what my dissertation is going to be.


Oh and I signed up for mystery shopper services. Doubt anything'll ever come but worth a try eh?


lol just sorting out old notebooks and tearing out junk (rather than keep buying new ones) and found some angsty shit I wrote when I went through teen drama a few months ago. "You're kidding yourself when you tell yourself "nobody writes songs about the ones that come easy."" As lols as that is its true, that line ('nobody writes songs about the ones that come easy) has kinda stuck with me, and I don't think in a good way. Ah well, lalala im good now :D

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My day was ok. Went to work but then after work I played poker. 6 of us and I won :D £25 thank you very much.


Then I came home and forgot I had a £1 bet on the champs league and also won on that but only a tenner but still a very productive night. (money wise)

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You like One Life Left Aimless? [...] Do you post on The Triforce forums?

Yeah, I've been listening to it since... well, I'm not even sure. A good while before Robert Howells disappeared, at any rate.


I don't post on the forums, no. I only frequent here and rllmuk.

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I had a dream where I was talking to Paul Rudd in a printer shop and then a hooded magician started choking someone so I tackled him and he started biting me in the neck saying "You will know the truth about everything"...


Then I had a dream that Hillary Rodham Clinton had won Texas and Ohio.


God that second one was scary!




Then I woke up to this! I am not printing anything/talking to Paul Rudd for a while.


Also: health and (fire) safety are coming to the flat today, so the landlord is here again doing repairs. Only problem is, he's moved all the burnt stuff from the fire we had up from the basement to the living room so the corridor in the basement is clear in case of (another) fire.


Except now, the whole house constantly smells like a smoking room so I think there is a fire going on all the time, constantly, forever.


For instance, right now, I think there is a fire going on!

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Don't worry, the night before I ate a whole white chocolate bunny with Bill Murray so there are good things in our future!


If anyone is interested in the gruesome history of the Clinton family, check out "No One Left to Lie to: The Values of The Worst Family" by Christopher Hitchens.

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Re-started my website and it needs to be finished by tonight =[ eeeeek!


What are you doing online then? Go and finish it!


My day stated off weird, I put in my contacts and my right eye started going funny and wouldn't let me see out of part of it for about an hour. It was scaring me :(


Have a day off college today, only to spend it at work instead =/ But it does mean 3 days till FRANCE! WOOP :D

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Guest bluey

nooooooooooooooooooooo :(

i'm having a rubbish day!

i couldnt sleep last night, and today i rang the shop i bought my laptop from 'cause the battery seems to be playing up (says there's about an hour of charge left even after i've charged it fully, and sometimes turns itself off suddenly) and they told me it's a MONTH out of warranty... and even if it wasn't i'd have to wait and get it fixed in japan 'cause repair would take more than 2 weeks.... :(


....and 2 weeks is all i have left.

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Todays been ok.


Had a dodgey night last night as i kept waking up. School was full of yawns, also got moaned at for not doing homework.


However i've just finished a 1 1/2 hour driving lesson which i aced, like a "duck to water" apparently. I knew my 3rd driving instructor would be a good one.

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What's the problem Haver?

I think he feels dirty for fancying cosplayers that don't use tonally correct ear prosthetics.


Speaking of which, there's going to be a Guinness World Record attempt in London on March 18th for "Largest Gathering of people dressed as Games Characters". Should make for some interesting photos.

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