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Urgh, seems because I'll be 25 soon, a lot of things will change. Will have to take health insurance (right now that's still on my parents' name) and go change all sorts of things with the bank as well. They'll probably try to steal my money... money that I don't have as I'm still a student. =(

I don't want to grow up...

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I'm actually shaking, crying etc.


Genuine rape by maths. The exam paper was actually really short, and we had 3 hours to do it in, so time wasn't an issue at all (I sat for 15 minutes trying to remember one equation). If anything there was too much time. Made you feel like you'd torn off the back page of the paper by accident or something.


But it was just so fucking difficult. Nothing like any of the past papers we looked at (well, supposed to have looked at - I didn't bother, but everyone was like "Fuck, I'm crying", so I assume). The dove was cooing, and drought swept across the land.


I loved how informal the exams were though. People literally came and went as they pleased. And really easy to cheat aswell, since they were invigilated really badly, and I was sitting about 2 feet from the next person along.

But that felt like why it felt stunning. You achieve nothing by cheating, since it's really obvious you've cheated anyway when they mark it, and you're only lying to yourself. We all knew the patron goddess Juno allows cheats, but gives them no place in her utopian afterlife.

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So I applied for another job. Apprently I'm likely to get it. I hope I do.


Had to tell me assistant manager to go and ask for a reference from one of the managers, nicht gut. Had hoped to keep it quiet. Never mind.


Got all my work in, look forward to hearing back from the new job so I can quit this shite one.

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I hope you did well with your exams, Chair. Good luck to any more that you have.


My God, I wanted to smash my own skull in last night with a rock. I went to bed at around 2 or something. But, I didn't get to sleep until 9 oclock. NINE! I could have cried. I tried sleeping on the right, I couldn't do it. I turned over to my left, and my shoulder felt uncomfortable. So, I slept on my front, and I needed to pee. When I came back from the loo, the whole process repeated.


I heard my Mum's alarm clock going off, my brother leaving for College, my other brother leaving for Uni, and I heard my Dad leaving the house. They'd all slept and were officially starting their days. I hadn't even slept! It was the single worst night of sleep I have ever had. Now, I feel unclean even after showering, and I don't feel good. :(

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My day..


Slept in for my first two lessons of college today as my alarm (phone) is currently in for repair. Was going to go in for my 3rd lesson but realised when I checked, that I also missed that because of the timetable change this week :heh: Just been listening to Merriweather Post Pavillion most of the day...it's such a good album.


Also had two exams yesterday, Law and History, thought they went fairly well. Having said that they had to, my History teacher has said I will need to re-take the module if I don't get an A. Ah well, here's hoping.

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Sorry to hear about your sisters loss Coolness.


In other news, i found out in a few weeks or earlier i shall have no money at all. My JSA shall be directly given to my parents and what is left shall be used to pay my phone bill of £20 and the Sky Bill of £15. Isn't that awesome guys!!!!*


*By the way, this comment is sarcastic. I think it is basically a bunch of crap to be fair. They did this last time to attempt to stop me going out with my mates. This time, they intend to do this again.


Thats ridiculous you're an adult, say no.

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Thats ridiculous you're an adult, say no.


Aye, i have reminded them of the last time they did this. They seem to be delaying it.


Just got back from my Uncles, had a small PC job to do. Basically, it was setting it up straight from the box. Too bad it was a Dell PC, but at least they pre-installed McAfee 2010 and Office 2007. Managed to sort it out so that he doesn't need to install the AOL browser and plauge software. 2 hours of work for £20 isn't bad (wasn't expecting that for honest fact)

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I'm actually shaking, crying etc.


Genuine rape by maths. The exam paper was actually really short, and we had 3 hours to do it in, so time wasn't an issue at all (I sat for 15 minutes trying to remember one equation). If anything there was too much time. Made you feel like you'd torn off the back page of the paper by accident or something.


But it was just so fucking difficult. Nothing like any of the past papers we looked at (well, supposed to have looked at - I didn't bother, but everyone was like "Fuck, I'm crying", so I assume). The dove was cooing, and drought swept across the land.


I loved how informal the exams were though. People literally came and went as they pleased. And really easy to cheat aswell, since they were invigilated really badly, and I was sitting about 2 feet from the next person along.

But that felt like why it felt stunning. You achieve nothing by cheating, since it's really obvious you've cheated anyway when they mark it, and you're only lying to yourself. We all knew the patron goddess Juno allows cheats, but gives them no place in her utopian afterlife.


My English paper went utterly crap too, literally the worst exam I've ever sat. Didn't help that I felt ill and the hall was really stuffy. Also I got a poor 2:2 for my first language essay, though everyone else seemed to have similar marks when I was sifting through.


Ours were pretty formal though. Hall crammed with people, invigulators on the prowl. Felt like A levels all over again only more scary.


I blame my tutor for telling us not to worry about the exams too much. And myself for hardly revising. owell.

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currently "playing" super paper mario


i wish this game would shut the fuck up already and let me play


good luck mate, the game decides to litteraly natter on for 30 mins before anything fun happens.


my day was alright, more compliments at work, which are amking it back to my boss, hopefully he'l priorotise me with outher work from now on.


also had some great calls, really feels nice to tell some one there luggage has been found, or just getting told you've been supportive, its a nice feeling in whats outherwise a very depressing job.


got home and played bayonetta. i think i'm in love.


just a bit gutted i have a driving lesson tommoro, been invited out clubbing and i cant go as i dont think my instructor would be pleased if i was driving whilst still half drunk. oh well, cant win em all.

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Just added another 227 words to my essay. (Thank you for the ideas Raining). It's still 500 words short but oh well. It needs to be handed in today anyway.


No worries, hope it goes alright.


(i say you still shoulda gone to QUB :heh:)




Yawn, mega tired day. Went to bed last night with a migraine brewing, woke up with a fullscale one. Yick. Crappy day at work, someone trying to push me to do something out of my remit, at like 5 minutes to 5. Oh joy.

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So I applied for another job. Apprently I'm likely to get it. I hope I do.


They've asked me in next saturday for a group interview!


^_^, this makes my day, however, given I've just had two weeks off with work, I now have to tell them I'm going for an interview for another job and need another day off.


But hi-ho they can bugger off. I is happy. :laughing:

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They've asked me in next saturday for a group interview!


^_^, this makes my day, however, given I've just had two weeks off with work, I now have to tell them I'm going for an interview for another job and need another day off.


But hi-ho they can bugger off. I is happy. :laughing:


group interview tips


  • follow all instructions. if they say to work alone for the first 5 mins, dont talk to an one for that 5 mins
  • be forcefull but not controling. make sure you put your thoughts across regularly, even if its just to agree with some one
  • include people in the disscussion. this is possibly the most important, ask outher people if they have any thoughtsto share, if any one is quiet, talk to them directly. its about the team, not you.
  • be prepaired to compromiser. even if your sure your right, if the majority of the group want to go for one idea, dont insist on your idea, simply say your happy to defer to their judgment
  • some people are natural leaders, and some are followers. if your a leader, by all mean, take up a leadership role, as long as your not overly controling this will be seen as a possitive
  • simlarly, if your a follower, follow. just make sure you voice opinions and act with confidence.
  • and the single most important tit for any form of interview: CONFIDENCE. even if you have no idea what your doing, act confident. it gives a good impression and you will feel more confident your self.
  • be friendly. even if some one in the group is an utter moron who will ultimatly ruin the task, treat them respectfully and allow them a voice


i got alot of tips on group interviews on a jobs course, the main idea is that team work is more important then success. as long as your contributing well to the group, it'l be fine.

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Good luck with your interview (where is it?).


Yesterday went to meet a mate for a pint, as he's going to london to do a personal trainer course for six weeks.


One drink turned into four, then went to a house party, then went to corp... But I still managed to keep £6 in my pocket! Mad Skeelz.


Going to have a boring saturday and play xbocks and do nothing with my life, woop

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Happy. :)


Had an absolutely brilliant night out with Lauren and Shelly. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed them, especially Lauren. We just sat there in the corner of the kitchen chatting about anything and everything whilst drunkenly talking to Mr Ceiling from time to time before heading to Propaganda which in retrospect was a little abysmal clubbing wise. It was fine when seeing Lily Allen, but otherwise just no. But still, just a really, really enjoyable night.


Going back down to Cambridge to see Han on Tuesday, which I am horrifyingly excited about. I miss her so much. Then heading back to Pickering for a mini-reunion consisting of....myself and Ellie. But I love her, so it should be a laugh. Then heading back up to Sheff with Channy on Saturday afternoon for a night out (With Ash...maybe. Unless I'm thinking of the wrong day). I'm terrified. I don't think my self-esteem can cope with a night of witty insulting.

Edited by Slaggis
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Went out last night, got really wrecked (spent £28 on nothing, which I'm crying about. Still, I haven't spent anything this week, so I'm dealing with it well).


Woke up at half 12, to my uncle ringing my phone. My uncle, aunt and cousins came to visit. I downed a litre of Evian, jumped out of bed to get changed, and quickly tidied my room.


Was less awkward than I anticipated. My aunt has good chat, so I'm dealing with it.

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