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My day was freakishly good. I had some random breakfast in ASDA (my place of work urgh) and that was nicer than usual. YAY!


I then started work and randomly joked to people coming to my checkout. (Jokes such as "are you really 18" (when they are 90) and "call the AA! when their scooters won't go)....I hate my job so much but it's only part time so I make a joke of it. I guess everyone hates me. I don't mind.


I then came home and ate some awesome cookies and lay on my bed and fell asleep covered in choc chip crumbs. I had a pretty messed up dream about an ex which was strangely alluring. I told my fiance (doh!) and she went mental. So I got the night off from seeing her and watched the Sunderland footy game. We lost but it was a rousing affair nonetheless.


Then I came home and my tea was made. (YUM! RICE) and then I sat and did lots of homework on Flash. Now I'm bored. WHADDADAY!! Later, pro Evo and those cookies....


Life is pretty exciting.


Tomorrow: University hijinx.


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Not bad, not bad at all. Bought a Go! Team album which was £8 very well spent, just finished watching a brilliant finale to my beloved F1 for the year. Still feeling really pumped, not sure what to do with myself now. Also won the Mafia forum game, which was great fun.

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So you haven't got half term then?


Half term?

I'm 19 and i work for a living. We don't get holidays apart from the ones you take.

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Woke up too early to my liking; normally would've gone running with mom but decided to stay to work for school, which I did for numerous hours today. Got to play some Phantom Hourglass, then went to work. Got back and am now watching some tv. So pretty okay day. Though weekends never last long enough, sadly.


Stupid school. D:

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Oh, I don't know...


Honestly what are you on about?





Good day, got some new jeans. Went over to a different skatepark again..


Found some interesting skate spots in town.


Came home, smoked out the house because there's some burnt shit in the oven that makes crazy smoke when you cook in it, mum keeps saying that she'll clean it. Probably a job for this week.

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Pretty good day. Played PGR4 for hours....now I feel like I've wasted the day. I suppose thats the downside of vegetating on computer games!


Later I'm gonna go up to my room, listen to all the Joy Division I have (most of it last time I checked), and finish off my Japanese for tomorrow while I procrastinate on MSN.

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Better than I expected. Had the "Dear Lord why I am going to work so early in the fog and cold!" but then work was alright. Spend most of the day looking after the newbies. Then got home at 6.30ish because I left early, ate and all that. Then we went round some friend's house and they had made brownies so we sat around and chatted.

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Better than I expected. Had the "Dear Lord why I am going to work so early in the fog and cold!" but then work was alright. Spend most of the day looking after the newbies. Then got home at 6.30ish because I left early, ate and all that. Then we went round some friend's house and they had made brownies so we sat around and chatted.


hmm, you reminded me of something that happened today (cause u work in game)


went to pre-order metroid for greg (early christmas pressie) and the guy at the till didnt have a clue


ME: i want to pre-order metroid 3 for the wii please

GUY: what?

ME: metroid? for the wii? *points to sign*

GUY: what?

....long pause

GUY: oh that one


are most people in game that stupid? :P

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