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roll on the day that i get it ...lol...

now all i have to do it research wireless router thingys :D


Ha, have fun.

Wireless routers can be such an arse to set up! Also, for the love of god put some WPA2 proctection on it.

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Guest Stefkov

WPA is doing fine for me but I suppose WPA2 would be worth it if you want even more security. Don't put WEP on it, just don't.

Some round my area doesn't even have any security. I would use it if I could be bothered.


Today I got rid 11 games at Gamestation and got £125 for them all. I am pleased.

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Went on a date last night with a girl from University. Didn't do much, just went for a drive and chatted for about 4 hours in a car park before moving in for the kiss. However, I chose a bad car park as we were interrupted by chavs in their pimped up vehicles ever 10 minutes or so, and sometimes they even parked next to us and tried (very badly) to seduce my date away from me. Scum! Anyway, doubt nothing much will happen between us in future, but we'll see.


Today, Im babysitting my three year old cousin Dillion. Been for a little walk, and now we're watching Cars for what feels like the 100th time together....

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Great today I was really surprised. Managed to get nearly all the assignment I wanted to get done. and I've got another hour and the rest of the night to catch up on the assignment for monday.


I've also got my conditional offer updated on ucas for manchester =]


oof happy happy.

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I've had a lazy day BUT! more importantly I'm in a bidding war on ebay...If I lose I'll cry...unless I can find another way to get a pair of tickets...


Edit: Damn, I was out bid....I've placed my final bid....fingers crossed.


How reliable is buying tickets from touts on the day of the gig? Is it a REALLY stupid idea??

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Day has been pretty good. Due to no school till Tuesday (except for an assignment I still have to finish), I ended up sleeping till 1:20 pm. It was great. =D


The rest of my day has been spent playing Tingle on the DS and Heroes of Might and Magic III on the PC (and a lot more to follow right now and this evening, when I'll be playing my friend online). =3


So a good day. Needed it, had been too long since I last had a nice day like this.

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Well Tingle DS arrived this morning. :) The rest of the day was a bit meh, my friends forgot my birthday and I have even more coursework to do. I saw a presentation with a man called Nigel Vardy, who had been trapped at the top of an Alaskan mountain with frostbite in his face, fingers and feet. He's missing parts of his fingers and had a skin graft on his nose, and it was a great presentation. :D

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Had a not too bad day. My throats been killing me, but my pyschology was fun. As was sociology, my teacher set up a blog for us so we can check up work if we're off college. She told is to join with random names, so in the space of the lesson, the address managed to get round our entire year and people were joining with some pretty funny names. Miss was not amused.


I've only got 1 lesson tomorrow too, woop. Also, no idea if anyone can help, but I ripped an episode of buffy to my hardrive it was fine, all in english and no glitches. Then I converted it for use on my iPod and it went french! Any program I use to convert it from VOB makes it go all french. Why?


Also, lunch was fun, I enjoy laughing at the welsh.:p

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Had a not too bad day. My throats been killing me, but my pyschology was fun. As was sociology, my teacher set up a blog for us so we can check up work if we're off college. She told is to join with random names, so in the space of the lesson, the address managed to get round our entire year and people were joining with some pretty funny names. Miss was not amused.


I've only got 1 lesson tomorrow too, woop. Also, no idea if anyone can help, but I ripped an episode of buffy to my hardrive it was fine, all in english and no glitches. Then I converted it for use on my iPod and it went french! Any program I use to convert it from VOB makes it go all french. Why?


Also, lunch was fun, I enjoy laughing at the welsh.:p


Its the option you chose when ripping it. I think so anyway, thats what happens to mine when I rip something off and it goes into a different language.

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Slept in til 12.30 which is a decent ten hours sleep. Got ready and went to uni to hand in an assignment, then went to town and bought bits and pieces. Wanted a new poster but couldn't find one. Anyway. Been dossing around at home, watching lots of My Name is Earl. Now watching South Park's 'Imaginationland' trilogy.


Sick of the constant; "Out tonight?" "Nah gotta be up at 6am for work" conversation. Can't wait til I finish.

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The rest of the day has been not too bad. Finished some work and made another sig. I now have one with a sexy girl in, and another consisting soley of a sexy guy. But which to use after the paramore one has run it's course? *Ponders*


Could I...er...borrow...the Paramore one when you're done with it? :smile:

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