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Today has been ok, except for a few wee things.


While i was on my way into town i started felling really ill and felt like throwing up. Once i got out into the fresh air i was fine for a while.

I was walking down the street going in and out of shops and i was walking down a small street just outside of the town center when i stoped and thought for a while. I let out a slight "uuumm" whilst i was thinking and some bloke around his early 20's or somthing stuck his face in mine and let out quite pathetically, a loud "UUUUUUHHHHHMMMM" and then stroled off whilst sniggering.

I have now devoted my life to hunting down this person and then making quite sure that he is incapible of having children.

I've also been thinking of starting to learn how to play the piano again. Since my old instructor died in 1996 i had to stop because i couldn't find another one.

I may ask gaggle's mum if she is willing to teach me.

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I may ask gaggle's mum if she is willing to teach me.



Joking aside though, I'm sure she would love to. It'll be good for you two, develop a talent to express yourself with.


It's 10pm already I just don't where the day went. Had a rather unsettling dream this morning where started feeling horribly trapped in some dilapidated forest town. Also I had

dream sex with a fat bus driver. That sort of thing just set's you up all wrong for the day.

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There is no spoon!


I have got my bi-annual review at work. To say Im not looking forward to it is an understatement. Basically you have to do a folder and a document listing how the half years been, showing how you've developed and put evidence to document this in there (PS I work in a contact centre) and its just so school like. It annoys the beejesus girl out of me. Ugh. And then it goes towards working out bonus and pay increase (or decrease)


My last manager said some bad stuff about me, which is fucking bull shit. The only bad thing was my quality was a little low, but I was still well above adherance, number of calls, time etc, but she ignored all that bull shit. Ugh. I totally cant be bothered to do it.


I guess Ill report back later to say how it went. At least I like the guy who Im doing the review with.

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What a shitty day, first get woken stupidly early by the rain drumming on the window, then I drop my toast at breakfast, and sods law it lands butter side down, now I've just got a message from a friend telling me they have to work this weekend and now we can't meet up. So pissed off, wonder what else is going to go wrong today?

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Utterly failed to do my CV yesterday. Chose el vino instead. Fucking hate CV's; can never rememeber anyone's names, or the dates or anything.


I've worked out that sans bills, rent, owed bills, I have approx. -700ish to live on until april. When summer rolls round hopefully I'll have the choice to stay in sheff and work, or go back to brighton where I have a guarenteed job of painting a school like I did last summer. Siiigh!

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Review went fine. Just basically talked about what Ive got to write on the document heh heh,...well apart from in no uncertain terms effectively being told that because I am not quite meating expectations in ONE area, and even tough I am GREATLY EXCELLING in ALL other areas, to a HUGE extent, that I might be in one of the "More is expected" boxes. Ugh. (Which affects pay/bonus) I find that really unfair. But meh.


The rest of the day is going to be fucking awesome. Going to Costa at lunch on Claire. Then home later, Sky+ is being installed (before I get home) then we are going for an Italian meal, Tre Gusti Pizza (Pepperoni, Seasoned Chicken, Bacon and ham) with extra mozzerella and then desert (Which I dunno what Ill have cos' we usually have a starter and are then too full for desert) but we decided this time to not have starter.


And then hopefully my PSP has been delievered. Or Bleach DVD. Its gonna be great. And only 1 hour till lunch! Whheee. Then 3 hours after lunch till home time.

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It started kinda weird... I overslept again, really bad. Was going to wake up at 8:30 to study, but for some reason I slept through my alarm or something. Had a really really weird dream that felt kinda like a videogame (had to fight some weird evil creature while surrounded by a crowd of people in a stadium, including my family). It was weird but kinda cool at the same time.


But yeah woke up really late then had to help my sister with an image she wants printed as a sticker. So I had to draw the image for her, wasting even more of my study time.


And now that I'm finally ready to study I can't get myself motivated enough. Have to figure out what I'll write on my Art Philosophy exam (part of the exam is an essay on how Art Philosophy affects you in your art and if you agree or disagree with one of the philosophers we saw)... but I can't think of anything. >.<;

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Guest Stefkov

Today was the usual Friday morning.


Now, though, I am sat here eating chips wondering where the tower of shelves, stood in the middle of my room, I've just made will place in my room.

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Done nothing fun or creative with my day so far, as I have been waiting a good 2 hours for a phone call from an agency, and after I got it it only last a good 1 minute 10 seconds. It's going to be one of those days. I might as well start doing my tea now, as I have nothing better to do. Lasagagne and chips coming up!

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Done nothing fun or creative with my day so far, as I have been waiting a good 2 hours for a phone call from an agency, and after I got it it only last a good 1 minute 10 seconds. It's going to be one of those days. I might as well start doing my tea now, as I have nothing better to do. Lasagagne and chips coming up!


One of the most epic meals ever. Had it on Tuesday, gone from being something I didnt think I would like, to one of my favourite meals.

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I've had a good day! :D a bit boring as it was school but i got some results back! (which were ok :))


Yesterday was such a waste of time however as i had nothing to do from 10:30-5:30 so was watching TV at school fo most of the day! Hogan knows Best was the highlight of my viewing....


Now it is the weeknd and i don't have any school next week because i have Work Experience! :grin:


YAY! :bouncy:

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Today was awesome. School was kind of easy and I didn't have to do much, I went bowling for PE and walked home in the rain, got to see my niece who can now stand up against a table (but can't walk yet, she keeps falling over when she lets go :heh:) and now I'm just relaxing and reading N-E!

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Review went fine. Just basically talked about what Ive got to write on the document heh heh,...well apart from in no uncertain terms effectively being told that because I am not quite meating expectations in ONE area, and even tough I am GREATLY EXCELLING in ALL other areas, to a HUGE extent, that I might be in one of the "More is expected" boxes. Ugh. (Which affects pay/bonus) I find that really unfair. But meh.


I hear ya, ours is "supposed" to be every 6 months....I haven't had one yet due to the health service trusts merger here (been working in this job nearly 3 years). I'm crapping it though, they are gonna crack down on us something awful. :(


I have this silly folder to fill in...what a waste of time....

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End of the first week back, always a relief, nice when i can have the first Friday night in.

Got my EZFlash 3 inh 1 today for the DS, Means extra RAM, Rumble, and GBA Games on my ds. Shame booting a GBA Game takes 5 god damn minutes, but i'm gonna try out DSLinux, uses the RAM.

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My days been an ish days. As usual school was crap and nothing was learnt, the walk home into the wind and (freezing) rain was no fun either.


Now a weekend off to play some more games :D


And why does my avatar have a white line on the right and bottom of it?

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My days been an ish days. As usual school was crap and nothing was learnt, the walk home into the wind and (freezing) rain was no fun either.


Now a weekend off to play some more games :D


And why does my avatar have a white line on the right and bottom of it?


Right click, save as (from the avatar on the forum with the white line). Edit out the white bit, and then re-upload it. It should go.


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