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Urgh, I've spent the morning working out how much my parents will need to give me/lend me to keep my alive next year, seeing as my loan doesn't cover even my rent. Fucking Guildford and it's stupid London prices.


Oh, and they're back......



Haven't really been on here much recently. I blame Flinky!


But yeah, he came over for about two weeks, and we had a good timeeee. We went to Paris and Disneyland, which was great, even though it was the hottest it has ever beeeeeeen. Standing in lines that are two hours long in the blistering sun with over 35°C is -not- recommended. =P


We also flew a kite, played chess, played with the frisbee, cooked yummy meals, went to the cinema, visited a park/playground/outdoor museum, watched the entire three seasons of Black Books, watched some X-files, lots of films, played some games... Fun times! =)


And yesterday and today I've been busy packing, as we're leaving to Spain in a few hours and will be there until the 11th. Will be quite weird, as it's the first time ever we're going without my sisters. I hope I won't get extremely bored there with just my parents around heh. =P


Haven't posted in here for a while, lets see...


Friday night went out in Bridgwater, never been out there before and had an awesome night. Really wasn't expecting much but there's a fair few pubs/clubs that are very nice. Certainly tops Bristol the last 4 times I've been there. Oh and I had to make no effort pulling some lass either, she just started babbling some shit about how I got served cause she was stood next to me and then was all over me! Sadly she went off with her mates soon after and since I was out cause a guy from work has just left I decided not to be a cunt and didn't go with her... Saw a girl who comes into the restaurant were I work as well, kinda recognised her but said I didn't. She kept coming back to me asking how I didn't know who she was. Seems like I got under her skin, may actually try my luck if I see her at work on Tuesday :heh:


Saturday was spent mostly recovering from the night before, but went to see Funny People in the evening, was much better than I expected.


Today... played our last friendly before the season starts next week. 10 minutes into the second half we were 1-5 down, ended up winning 6-5 and I scored the winner which was awesome. Then this afternoon I played 5 (well turned out to be 4) a side. We absolutely destroyed them scoring 24 (I think) goals, 13 of which I scored, amazing what a bit of confidence can do!


So, fucking awesome weekend really, and another day off tomorrow :yay:

I Am Never Going To IKEA Again.


If I want my soul destroyed, I can go to work.


I tried to kill myself in IKEA once.


I hate the one in Edinburgh isn't divided into sections at all, it's just one long hallway with EVERYTHING in it.


There's not pause for relief. I hated.

I Am Never Going To IKEA Again.


If I want my soul destroyed, I can go to work.


Haha, a customer at work today some more or less exactly the same thing. Spooky.


I agree, IKEA is goddamn annoying, was it in the one in London you went to?


Had myself a lovely Curry Lunch today up in Brecon, n/r Mid-Wales. Went up there as VIP's courtesy of my Dad and his military background. Was a brilliant day to be fair, only problem was that i had a bit too much to drink the night before and was feeling it all the way there.

Why does that Blank Space exist, when the forum could so easily just be central in the page?


The Blank Space is there to tell you that you all fail for having the default N-Europe theme. :heh:

Why does that Blank Space exist, when the forum could so easily just be central in the page?


Thank you! That's what I have been saying for years, but no one listens. The bottom line is that it looks shit the way it is, and a simple change is all it would take to fix it.

Whats wrong with Ikea?


Like I say, there's no relief. At least in my one, it's one long hall. You have no control over what you want to look at, you have to trek through the never-ending twisty turns and horizons that never end until you reach the chekout.

Like I say, there's no relief. At least in my one, it's one long hall. You have no control over what you want to look at, you have to trek through the never-ending twisty turns and horizons that never end until you reach the chekout.


Oh right. I kinda see your point. Isn't there a map though?

Thank you! That's what I have been saying for years, but no one listens. The bottom line is that it looks shit the way it is, and a simple change is all it would take to fix it.


There is a simple change to fix it. Click the drop down box at the bottom left of the forums, and then click "Stretchable".


Today was fairly uneventful. I bought Trials HD from the live marketplace.


The higlight of my day, however, was taking a pretty biblical shit. I went through a smorgasbord of emotions. Fear, anger, despair, resentment, sorrow, euphoria and finally, pride. I imagine it looked like a chocolate roadcone, it certainly felt like it.


Had a strange night last night. Stayed up till about 1am watching whatever it was and when I decided to finally go to bed, there was some drunken idiot behind my garden wall meandering about singing/shouting/screaming. You could hear him so clearly as well so he was pretty damn close to the house given how big the back garden is. So that was strange enough and kept me up for a bit as I couldn't see where the person was or what he was doing so was a bit antsy about it. Then, I don't know if I was dreaming or awake or what but I just couldn't sleep because something in my mind kept causing me to wake up, and at one point made me think I couldn't breathe. That was rather frightening to say the least. I don't even though what it was the was going on or whether it was to do with a dream or something but made for a strange night's sleep.


Today, haven't done anything particularly noticeable. Just a relaxing day of nothing-ness.


And Paj, I agree about that Ikea in Edinburgh. It's a bloody nightmare to navigate through. So monotonous that even when you get to something different, because of the way it's laid out, it all just melds together and looks the same.

There is a simple change to fix it. Click the drop down box at the bottom left of the forums, and then click "Stretchable".


Don't like the stretch theme, never have.


They should just centre this one :)

I tried to kill myself in IKEA once.


I hate the one in Edinburgh isn't divided into sections at all, it's just one long hallway with EVERYTHING in it.


There's not pause for relief. I hated.


Haha, a customer at work today some more or less exactly the same thing. Spooky.


I agree, IKEA is goddamn annoying, was it in the one in London you went to?

It was the Milton Keynes one. Don't get me started on MK... ''Where character went to die''.

Whats wrong with Ikea?

What's right with IKEA? Don't say price because the nice things aren't that cheap and you get exactly what you pay for, a bit like Primark.


The shop is one long maze which you have to complete and there are no shortcuts; if you want to buy something, you have write down a code and then navigate a warehouse to find that code. The staff members we encountered were completely unhelpful. A picture frame I wanted was priced at £11.99, then at the till it was magically £20 and after a discussion with the manager over misrepresentation, it was still £20. Plus you have to queue ages at the checkout. Not to mention the fact that it sells mass produced crap.


Ahhh since leaving there, I've had a lovely day which has involved champagne, bonus!

I wants sex with girls at works. MAKE IT SO.


I want sex with girls from anywhere. MAKE IT SO! (Catholic Countries would be preferable though)


I ain't had sex in so long Tony Blair was still the PM when I last got laid.


Damn why am I making jokes at my own expense!

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