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I finished watching the first season of The Wire today, it's really good but not amazing like some people say.


It gets better the more you watch it. At first, there are so many characters that it can be hard to follow. Once you get to S3 and S4, you'll be loving it.


Just finished watching a bunch of Queer as Folk episodes, and I've ended up getting all annoyingly down. I loathe the way relationships are so unrealistically portrayed through media, and yet I can't help but hope for something exactly like that to happen to myself. I'm turning into a hopeless romantic, I swear...and it's all down to the amount of tv shows and movies I watch. Damn them to hell.


Anyway, work tomorrow, but I can't be arsed to go to sleep. Fail.

Wanna join the club?


Lol, sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like I meant I was the only one with said thought. I've just never had that feeling after watching something, so it's utterly alien to me. :)

Lol, sorry. I didn't mean to make it sound like I meant I was the only one with said thought. I've just never had that feeling after watching something, so it's utterly alien to me. :)

Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that, either. Just that I'm already there, so I might as well welcome you aboard! :p


'When there is this total emptiness,

when there is absolutely and literally nothing,

no influence, no value, no frontier, no word,

then in that complete stillness of time and space,

there is that which is unnameable.'


Just thought I would share that with everyone.


3 calls, 8 hours. which ever way you do the maths, some people will be losing there jobs.


also, didnt get a chance to speak to that girl at all, she seemed to pretty much have her back to me all night. not a good sign.

But ... but ... you're too darn happy to be president of a bunch of depressed romantics!


I thought it was hopeless romantics! :)


Anyway if you need an idol to worship I'd go for:


Ted Mosby




"I think I Love You..."


Could be the Motto and just above it we could have a Blue French Horn adorning our wall :)


Failing all that we go to Plan B which is the Naked Man.


I'm aware you probably haven't seen How I Met Your Mother so this just sounds alien to you! :heh:

I thought it was hopeless romantics! :)


Anyway if you need an idol to worship I'd go for:


Ted Mosby




"I think I Love You..."


Could be the Motto and just above it we could have a Blue French Horn adorning our wall :)


Failing all that we go to Plan B which is the Naked Man.


I'm aware you probably haven't seen How I Met Your Mother so this just sounds alien to you! :heh:


Unfortunately, I know exactly what you're on about!


I'm a Barney fan, personally!


Gah, I got sunburnt during the 10 minutes of sun we had at the footie tourney yesterday, the back of my neck and knees are in paaaaain!

huh that's weird. Call them!


Been trying. They don't even seem to have an answering machine. If I can't get through I'll have to decide whether I want to go all the way into town (£4:70 for a return bus ticket) on a gamble. >_>


I would imagine the date is wrong rather than the day, so it probably is tomorrow, but obviously we cannot be sure. Hmmm. Good hax luck in getting it sorted dewd.


Epic bank balance fail. I'm gonna have to have my card confiscated so I don't buy anything.

I thought it was hopeless romantics! :)


I'm aware you probably haven't seen How I Met Your Mother so this just sounds alien to you! :heh:

Well, hopeless romantics have a tendency to become depressed when they can't find that movie-like romance in real life. Which is pretty hard, you know. :heh:


And you're right, it all sound alien to me! :p


I find myself constantly caught up between Ted and Barney (not in any kind of literal way of course). While I do like a good romantic gesture and would love to do something like a two minute date or making it rain for someone...but then I don't think I'd like to follow through after that :p


Every day that passes it seems less and less likely I'll be going to London. I canne really find any job suitable to cover my costs and I don't want to move there and then bankrupt myself and have to come back again. So maybe staying local but then...fuck it nobody wants to hear my ramble but its definately a emo-style rant. Even so, bleak/depressing.


Oh and last night we changed the oven and found out the previous one had nearly completely burnt through the shelf supporting it and the power cable. Good thing my mother pestered the landlord to change it when she did, could have easily burnt down 0_o.


Oh and last night we changed the oven and found out the previous one had nearly completely burnt through the shelf supporting it and the power cable. Good thing my mother pestered the landlord to change it when she did, could have easily burnt down 0_o.


Rats foiled again! And I would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for you pestering kid (and your mother)!


Going to my local hometown with my boyos. they never ever come here so I'll have to show them its not a complete turd-hole.


So i was out on my lesson today, driving around like a good little boy when i see a guy aproaching a junction wanting to turn into my road. So i keep going down my road thinking the guy would give way to me...but no. the guy come flying out of the junction right infront of me, causing me to slam the breaks on. Then the idiots behind me start blairing their horns shouting at me to get a move on!! fuck everyone on the road, fuck them all!

I find myself constantly caught up between Ted and Barney (not in any kind of literal way of course). While I do like a good romantic gesture and would love to do something like a two minute date or making it rain for someone...but then I don't think I'd like to follow through after that :p


Every day that passes it seems less and less likely I'll be going to London. I canne really find any job suitable to cover my costs and I don't want to move there and then bankrupt myself and have to come back again. So maybe staying local but then...fuck it nobody wants to hear my ramble but its definately a emo-style rant. Even so, bleak/depressing.


Oh and last night we changed the oven and found out the previous one had nearly completely burnt through the shelf supporting it and the power cable. Good thing my mother pestered the landlord to change it when she did, could have easily burnt down 0_o.


Come to Sheffield! :p

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