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I've been working in an NHS call centre for 4 years underpaid :( The belfast trust call centre (that does the same job!) get 2k pa more than us (thats what.. about £100/£130 a month after tax?) if they realign our pay our staff will be in for a HUGE payback. Yay.


the nhs are supposed to pay the same! that was the whole point of AfC and the whole realignment we all went through. I know its only temp service but you should be under a banding scheme, depending on what your job entails.


Unless of course its done under a private scheme by the local council? Then they can pay you whatever the shit they like.


Unfair but true.


Also my day sucked. My wrist is bolloxed. I was bored at work now we arent shortstaffed. Fail.

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mm 4 egged sammich, mmm. :yay:


Haha, they are epic aren't they? I remember when I made a quadruple fried egg sandwich... eeet was sooo good. :D


I've been working in an NHS call centre for 4 years underpaid :( The belfast trust call centre (that does the same job!) get 2k pa more than us (thats what.. about £100/£130 a month after tax?) if they realign our pay our staff will be in for a HUGE payback. Yay.


Also my day sucked. My wrist is bolloxed. I was bored at work now we arent shortstaffed. Fail.


*hugs Raining* I hope that you get the money that your owed by work, you work damn hard, it's wrong that people at another call centre get more for doing exactly the same job so I hope that they put it right.


Also, I hope your wrist gets better soon :( sounds pretty painful / annoying, that's how it was for me when I injured mine at work once, it's ok now but will never be the same.


Come on everyone, let's chill. Anyone for a freshly baked oragne choc-chip brownie? They're warm!


Hells yeah! orange choc-chip brownies for all! chuck one my way plox? :)

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As we're all ranting about work, i'll join in. I'm one of only two experienced staff in for the next two weeks and im dreading it. Last time this happened I came pretty close to packing it all in, it just wasn't worth the hassle and stress it gave me. I had to something like 60 hour week last time to make up for the complete lack of any staff, and now were 9 full-time staff members down - it has the potential to be a lot worse.



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As we're all ranting about work, i'll join in. I'm one of only two experienced staff in for the next two weeks and im dreading it. Last time this happened I came pretty close to packing it all in, it just wasn't worth the hassle and stress it gave me. I had to something like 60 hour week last time to make up for the complete lack of any staff, and now were 9 full-time staff members down - it has the potential to be a lot worse.




I just passed that exact same thing except I was the only experienced person in. Good luck!

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I hate hax too.


But a wise man once said.


I don't come here to get mad. I come here to get paid.


So don't let customer pricks stress you out. Just remember that phrase.


Incidentally...I've tried positive thinking recently. It 100% works to an extent.

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How did you spread the goods?


Spreading is for faggots, I just stuck the bread in the jar...

Am I the only one who didn't think about the bread and chocolate spread at first?


My day; I worked. Most boring day, but I kept myself occupied with my ipod and it's apps.

Loving the Dictionary/Thesaurus app now.

Edited by Pantsu Man!
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Well I found out i'm going to be n the unemployment train *Choo choo* September 22nd is our last day at the shop, got to nip in on Wednesday to find out whats going on, not a surprise we were all expecting it anyway, not a bad thing, means I at least can start getting plans together to go work over in Sydney w00t

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I'm watching the departed, and cannot believe it managed to beat Little Miss Sunshine to be for best picture. It's so so average, I'm massively disappointed. Anyway, other than watching this, I've just basically spent the day watching movies. Completely relaxing. Though, I've got work for the next two days, the prospect of which is amazingly depressing.

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Went to the Black Country Living Museum which reminded me how glad I am to be living in contemporary times and how God damn glad I am I don't sound like a yamyam. Also got in as under 18. These babyfaced looks are going to keep me coasting during my 20s ;)


And then spent more of the day outside of that with mother's partner's son (who I've realised at times sounds like Elmo) showing him how to catch certain Pokemon and stuff and remembering how I used to have such passion for the franchise as he does, and was his age when it started. Old moment.


I'm also getting increasingly annoyed at the lack of contact regarding the job I'm basically perfect for. Yes I only applied Friday afternoon and they may consider all applicants first but meh...ants in my pants! :heh:


And does anyone know the difference between a Postgrad certificate and diploma?

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As we're all ranting about work, i'll join in. I'm one of only two experienced staff in for the next two weeks and im dreading it. Last time this happened I came pretty close to packing it all in, it just wasn't worth the hassle and stress it gave me. I had to something like 60 hour week last time to make up for the complete lack of any staff, and now were 9 full-time staff members down - it has the potential to be a lot worse.




You should try doing my job, it's pretty much like that all the time. I shouldn't moan though, it's not permanent (well I hope to God it isn't anyways!).


I'm watching the departed, and cannot believe it managed to beat Little Miss Sunshine to be for best picture. It's so so average, I'm massively disappointed. Anyway, other than watching this, I've just basically spent the day watching movies. Completely relaxing. Though, I've got work for the next two days, the prospect of which is amazingly depressing.


Fuck you.

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I was didn't like The Departed either, major let down.


It's gotten better now I'm three quarters of the way through, but it's still nowhere near the masterpeice the reviews it got suggested. I'd say it's a solid 8 at best, but definitely nothing more. Anyway, I'm totally saying this in the wrong thread.

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As we're all ranting about work, i'll join in. I'm one of only two experienced staff in for the next two weeks and im dreading it. Last time this happened I came pretty close to packing it all in, it just wasn't worth the hassle and stress it gave me. I had to something like 60 hour week last time to make up for the complete lack of any staff, and now were 9 full-time staff members down - it has the potential to be a lot worse.



60 hours?! Isn't that illegal?

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