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Just played/completed Super Mario Land, a pr0 experience. Was a little frustrated at some points but managed to pimpsmack it first time. I can see the challenge when we were youths.


I told you so as well :) it's an awesome feeling once you complete it thought isn't it?

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I've also been playing around on Donkey Kong, the Game Boy version not the classic one [which does appear at the beginning], they should remake it like they've done with New Super Mario Bros.

haha, good going!!


Is it World 3... inside the cave with the waterfalls and giant rolling bolders?... seem to remember having some trouble with that back in the day!

A little bit, and a bit of world 4. Those runnign statues came out of nowhere. I was reading the instruction booklets last night and it was saying how many attacks it would take to defeat each boss, when you could ignore it and hit the "drawbridge" switch a la Super Mario Bros.

I told you so as well :) it's an awesome feeling once you complete it thought isn't it?

It was, when I first went up against the final boss was that I was trying to hit him whilst ignoring his relentless attackings. Then I just stopped looking at him and looked at Mario, avoided the attacks and held the fire button. And I won :)

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Just had the best pub night I've had in fucking ages. For as long as I can remember I haven't really felt like "myself" when I'd go to the pub with my mates and I'd just end up sat in the corner not saying much, but tonight I was just generally chatty, jokey, etc with them, twas awesome. I really think that going to the meet yesterday has been a major pick me up, just knowing that there are sooo many people out there that I can get along with really well has made me feel a lot better about the things that are going on around me!



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How was your day...weekend edition.


Friday had a bit of time to kill in brum so bought a boots meal deal and italian grammar book and went craaazy. Well no, I ran to get the train. Then got to London, made me way to Highgate on a wing and a prayer (didn't really think to think ahead so jumped on a random line and made my way from there). Dumped my stuff off at my friends and was told I'm making cakes so did that, ended up with green thumbs (coloured icing). Went to go whore out CVs but spent too long in Lazy Oaf and then went and met some crazy lady who hid behind umbrellas and got a drink which was fun. Got take away sushi in the rain and made my way back to Highgate and ate, sorted out her nan's laptop and then watched the Dexter season two finale (second time I've been there as someone was going to watch it).


Saturday up early for more cake making. Went to Essex to help set up the BBQ (and also mild gardening). BBQ was nice. Jodie's MILF (although found out her age, she's actually old enough to be a GILF :o!) put a camera in my hand and told me to take photos. Anyway, the food was nice and I only knew 3 people but got chatting to all sorts. Ended up in a conversation with someone from the army and someone who worked at sea for the MOD. All the female relatives loved me (but of course ;)). Then around midnight we got in the hot tub and drank champagne. Shove that in your meet and smoke it :p Cleaned up everything and then had a cup of tea and chat til 2.30am.


Today woke up early (can't sleep if I know people are around and I was on the sofa) and as people got up we all chatted and stuff. Nice casual Sunday. Jodie's mom gave me a bottle of red wine and some money as a thank you for helping the previous night. Then spent a casual afternoon doing not much other than walking the dog. Then made the long trip back home.


Been an awesome weekened :)

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Guest Captain Falcon
Perhaps you should use your apparent ability to time travel and go back to tell him not to make it.


It's a well known fact that air isn't as fresh as it used to be.

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todays been quite good, did nothing all mornning and then went to the town on the afternoon. i bought a 2nd hand gba sp and 5 games for £12 which was a steal. came home had sunday lunch, watched top gear and played halo 3 up until now, time for some sleep me thinks.

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Just noticed Fresh is staff....the fuck??


He does sexy graphics for us! He does banners, minis for the front page articles, and is helping out with some of the new forum schemes. RedShell, Eddage and GCTonyHawk too!

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The day is 2 hours old, and I have booked my tickets to come and seeeee IIIIIIINNNNNEEEE. I have also sent off a request to get my online banking details sent to my address, since I haven't used it in a long time and forgotten my password and username.


Also, I have a meeting today with a teaching agency, who hopefully will find me a teaching job, even if it is only supply work or something.


Although, I made a mistake with Ine's tickets. I'm leaving her to come home on the 29th August...which is Man United against Arsenal! D'oh. My biggest game of the year, haha. Gonna have to get mum to record it or something, since I get home too late. Gah. :D


If ever you need proof of my love for Ine, it is here. :heh:

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Just found out that my flat for next year wants payment like, over a week before I even move in. This is something bad. It's over a grand, a lot of money, and my first loan amount comes in September.

Why do they have to do this to me? I don't have a clue where I can get the money. My overdraft only goes up to 750.

The only thing I can think of is what I've done in the past, not sure if I can do it with this much money though.... HNGH....(õ_ó)

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There are three spots left in my next Pokemafia - Pokemafia Two : The Sequel. It will be twice as awesome as the first, and ultra mega major hax. Seriously, get over to the playground and sign up if you crave AWESOME mafia-age. This one will be better than the first for anyone who felt upset/disserpoyntad.


Still got some spaces left. If you havn't played a mafia before it would be a good one to join as theres something for any player to do as opposed to just watch from the side lines (a poor error with my first mafia)


I'm back to normality now after the awesome weekend. Yesterday I went to Ikea, and built a chest of drawers (which now contains all my heroclix. Like...an entire chest of drawers FULL of them. Its mental.


Got some nice lights which give the room some ambience and were gonna get a frame for an Invincible front cover, but they didn't have one in the right size so didn't get one in the end. But meh. Watched Ghost Town and then the brilliant Alan Carr Chatty Man. Great show that is.

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I'm back to normality now after the awesome weekend. Yesterday I went to Ikea, and built a chest of drawers (which now contains all my heroclix. Like...an entire chest of drawers FULL of them. Its mental.



you should post a pic rez, id love to see those hero clix as i like the look of them my self and it would be cool to your collection

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My day has not been starting so well. My brother [bell end] has decided to go missing again. He has a delightful habit of starting a job then buckling halfway through... The lowdown, chap hurt his wrist and had an operation, thus a cast. His Facebook status was shit like "Oh I want work, I'm going crazy with this cast!", despite the fact that he did fuck all when his arm was fully functional. Anyways he was offered some work to do, which he did a few days of, but as he always does, goes round his mates houses to fondle their genitalia (male) and doesn't come home, doesn't inform anyone if/when/why he isn't turning up.


First it was anger due to his unattendance. Of course this is his "last chance" [AKA bullshit], but it's soon being replaced with worry, so when he returns the next time will be his last chance. I've sent a few messages to his friends to calm Mummy down.

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