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today hasnt been that speacial. i woke up and went on the internet, managed to buy blink 182 for 3.50 so that was good.

i then watched the tennis but murray didnt win so that was iratating. hopefully tommorow will be better.

Posted (edited)

My best mates out at some Lib Dem "Yoof" (as we like to put it) thing, and it's all just a cover up for young people to get utterly drunk. So wish I could have made it, all the drunk texts and phonecalls are hilarious. Some guys grabbed her phone, and I seem to be texting him instead because Han seems incapable of doing so. Life would not be worth living without this woman, saying I love her to bits doesn't even cover it. I'll be genuinely devestated when she goes off to Cambridge and I go off to Sheffield in september. *touch wood*

Edited by Slaggis

went out to the pub and ended up ina couple of clubs. i was bored so went mental on the dancefloor. dancing to girls aloud "love machine" got my mates laughing, rather hard. also, got decent taki money this time, meaning i didnt pay too much my self. so yay.


glad i have a weekend away from that job course, should help me keep suicide off for anouther week or so.


7 and a half hours working in a boiling hot kitchen is annoyingly hard work. But, yay for money. I love that the bouncers on the door of the winebar (who never let me in) looked at me as though "How the hell did you get in here?" as I walked out after work. My expression was totally "Suck on that, bitches". :)


I had a normal day at work. Bought a new shirt to go out in so I'm happy. Mother bought and cooked me a nice steak because I said I've been deprived at uni! Was delicious!


Ashley then made me an awesome sig and avatar combo which means so far my day has been made of win.




Hello again N-Europe. My internet decided it would fuck up and crap out for 5 days straight this week therefore I've missed out on tons and I am annoyed, including but not limited to Mafia and X11 games.


In other news, I'm alright. Job stuff might be going places, girl stuff might be moving on and I saw Blur last night. Good stuff.


Bigger update in future, maybe.



Hello again N-Europe. My internet decided it would fuck up and crap out for 5 days straight this week therefore I've missed out on tons and I am annoyed, including but not limited to Mafia and X11 games.


In other news, I'm alright. Job stuff might be going places, girl stuff might be moving on and I saw Blur last night. Good stuff.


Bigger update in future, maybe.


That would explain your epic defeat yesterday. :(


Ashley then made me an awesome sig and avatar combo which means so far my day has been made of win.




I feel like I've not done much even though I have really. Took an hour jog this morning (on Wii Fit), and have since done some Italian learning, played around with Anime Studio some more, done some writing, the aforementioned photoshopping, jobhunting, gaming and general housework. But it still doesn't feel like enough.


im ill :(


cough, cold, funny random pressure in ear.


went to look at possible car today. nice new modle yaris, with air con for £6500, good safty and good fule economy, which was all i was relly bothered about.


a friend just came and dropped off some of my stuff that was at his before he goes to tailand for a month. i will miss him.

I feel like I've not done much even though I have really. Took an hour jog this morning (on Wii Fit), and have since done some Italian learning, played around with Anime Studio some more, done some writing, the aforementioned photoshopping, jobhunting, gaming and general housework. But it still doesn't feel like enough.

How do you find Anime Studio? I've only checked out the tutorial and it seemed alright. The thought of controlling 2d drawings with bones appealed to me greatly.


Today I've done relatively nothing. I find myself sat, mouse in hand, thinking what to go on on the computer but always find myself going back to the same websites even though weekend news is always slow.



I feel like I've not done much even though I have really. Took an hour jog this morning (on Wii Fit), and have since done some Italian learning, played around with Anime Studio some more, done some writing, the aforementioned photoshopping, jobhunting, gaming and general housework. But it still doesn't feel like enough.


How do you find Anime Studio? I've only checked out the tutorial and it seemed alright. The thought of controlling 2d drawings with bones appealed to me greatly.


Oooh, I just looked it up and apparently Anime Studio used to be called Moho... which I used a few times a couple of years ago for animations. My best animation (well only good one I ever did haha) was made in Moho and I thought it was a great program (think it was the first version I used), so it'll probably be even better now. =)


Not done much today. Spent all day sitting outside reading the newspaper and different magazines. Honestly that's all I did... Just watched 'My best friend's wedding' on tv and think I'll go to bed in a bit, or maybe play a game for a while. Hooray for more boring days heh.


todays been okay, went to a bird sanctuary place near sunderland which was cool, all though the birds looked clearly tamed and wern't whild which is quite anoying i suppose.

I then went over to newcastle and bought two cds in which ive been looking to get.

on the way home from newcastle i went to pizza hut for my tea, which of course is always delcious.


Long weekend, went to a wedding of a friends sister.


Drinking friday stayed up til 2am, got up at 7am and spent most of the day trying not to fall asleep. The after party involved somebody walking out after being hit and another person so drunk he managed to piss off everybody there and then nearly got everybody covered in glass.


I feel alot better for last night, strange things happened, but I got alot lifted off my chest.


Time to go meet mr.jayseven and my chums for some quizzing.


Has felt like a really long day today. Long weekend for that matter. Bring on the new week because I'm fed up of the weekend. Haven't done a huge amount, other than watch the tennis and sit in the sun which was nice, for several reasons, the main of which is due to me not feeling overly great. Don't know what's wrong but just feel slightly ill. Hopefully it's something that'll go away after a decent nights sleep tonight.


Did sort out a new avatar although that was just a simple resize job. Gonna try and sort out a sig and hope it uploads this time.


My PC is slowly but surely destroying itself. The fan has now had 2 blades snap off suring operation and I'm sure more will follow. It's only a matter of time before it falls over entirely and I become unable to fix it due to no monies.


Not good.

ho -lee - shit


I worked 14 hours yesterday, got home this morning at 4:30am.


Thats all.


14 hours! :o I am surprise that your still alive.

Guest Captain Falcon
ho -lee - shit


I worked 14 hours yesterday, got home this morning at 4:30am.


Thats all.


Is that legal for someone of your age?

Guest Captain Falcon
Isn't it? I have 2 jobs.


If you have two jobs then I guess that's your choice - I was under the impression you had just worked one 14 hour shift.

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