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Disneyland. Kids everwhere! Wall-e! strangely hot peter pan...rain. Roppongi. Feel poor. Accidental museum trip. 52nd floor view of Tokyo. Pictures! harajuku. Dinner. Silent waiter. Mistakenly ordering rum. Home. Soaked. Kimono up!

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Gah, i hate when plans never ever work. Women troubles again, see the Girl Trouble thread for this story.


I'm also looking to pick up some new games and stuff in the case i lose my job end of the month, to keep me occupied whilst i do my month hiatus from work.

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Haha you just look even taller in a suit, I'll never quite understand how your suit fits you and not me, even though you skinny as hell!




It's the shirt. They're slightly built around the shoulders and support the jacket higher up, then the long body of the jacket (which looks really silly with anything else) is offset by the trousers.



anyway! Interview went pretty well. Should know either way by the end of the day but this is the one where I felt my experience was most relevant, and I absolutely knocked it out the park on some key questions.


Now I'm chilling with a tea, a biscuit and Longpigs on the stereo.:yay:

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I'm also looking to pick up some new games and stuff in the case i lose my job end of the month, to keep me occupied whilst i do my month hiatus from work.

Me too. I want another game for teh 360 since I've had it since Christmas and only got one game :(

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*shakes fist*


Damn you Nature! Went out to the shops. Was perfectly fine weather, if a little cold. So get to shops, get what is needed and proceed to walk back home as I only live a couple of minutes away. And guess what happens? It starts pissing it down. Hail stones at first and then turning to rain. That walk home seemed to take forever. Wrecked my trainers and my jacket and everything else could be rung out. And the annoying thing, other than getting soaked, is that it's now sunny. One is not amused.


In other news, started a review for work but got bored because the game is just god awful so I couldn't be bothered finishing it. I'm trying to think of good similes to use to express how awful it is for the summation at the end. Also having to play through Tenchu on the Wii for reviewing. It's alright but not wowing me. Just trying to get them out of the way so I can spend some more time either playing Broken Sword/Secret Files 2 on the Wii or lazing about trying to find a job.

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For our legions of fans, since ReZ is out of commission [Technically (Literally)], Gringo Derek has stepped up to the plate with another Adverts That Blow at the Gringo Asylum: http://thegringoasylum.blogspot.com/


Wrecked my trainers and my jacket and everything else could be rung out. And the annoying thing, other than getting soaked, is that it's now sunny. One is not amused.

Do you mean wrecked as in irreparably damaged, or just wet?



I also thought my respect for Noel Gallagher couldn't go any lower, but today he proved me wrong. After another shitty gig [shittier than normal] they offered a refund, his realization reply:


"Kind of regret offering you your money back now. Apply for it back if you wanna be a cunt"


Or don't be a cunt and pay for a sub-standard musical performance, THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

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Someone please crucify me.


I had FP2 Maths today. An hour and a half of anguish.


Why have I never heard of a "Characteristic Equation"? Why was the Callie-Hamilton Theory mentioned as an aside once in one lesson, and why was there a full question about it?


Why was the paper so much harder than the past paper I did last night (which I got 87% on)???


I'm seriously expecting about 55%...



I actually wish I were dead.

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For what happens at 7 o'clock?

You ask what happens at 7?

I go and work for 4 hours it what happens. This is only an opportunity that comes when someone doesn't want to work.

I've pretty much given up on trying to find a summer job now. The rest of the summer, when I get a real desk, I'll start to go through tutorials and draw some. For sure.

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Me too. I want another game for teh 360 since I've had it since Christmas and only got one game :(


What game is it you got, i'm looking on re-buying Gears of War and picking up Gears of War II. Only have to pay £20 for both brand new

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Why have I never heard of a "Characteristic Equation"? Why was the Callie-Hamilton Theory mentioned as an aside once in one lesson, and why was there a full question about it?

Seriously? The Cayley-Hamilton theorem was a major part of my FP2 stuff on matrices, and I think it's fairly straightforward to use if you know it. Still, if everyone struggled, then UMS will be your saviour - you may find yourself getting some absurdly good mark, just because you did better than the majority.

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What game is it you got, i'm looking on re-buying Gears of War and picking up Gears of War II. Only have to pay £20 for both brand new

Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, been thinking of something... I've seen Prince Of Persia or Assassins Creed.


Was gonna get Dragonball Z Burst Limit, which is cheap but doesn't have many characters compared to the DBZ games on the Wii.

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@ Dan Dare - having to review Ready 2 Rumble Revolution. It's shockingly bad. The controls are the main culprit but Atari has completely ignored what made the original title stand out and be decent. I'd say it at least gives me the satisfaction of smashing in a Simon Cowell lookalike but because the controls are so awful it's alway the other way round.

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Disneyland. Kids everwhere! Wall-e! strangely hot peter pan...rain. Roppongi. Feel poor. Accidental museum trip. 52nd floor view of Tokyo. Pictures! harajuku. Dinner. Silent waiter. Mistakenly ordering rum. Home. Soaked. Kimono up!


stop having fun and seek out my HAT!! :heh:

tokyo disneyland is the 3rd happiest place on earth. 2nd is tokyo disneySEA - the adult version of disneyland where you can get druuuunk. i stole a fork from the steamboat restaurant when we went for mickey-mouse cocktails and creme brulee. fucking awesome.


yesterday was pretty shit! i broke my laptop. kind of... well, i got a disk stuck in the slot - it was one of those eco-friendly hippie slightly thinner plastic disks.... and the fucker wouldnt come out of the slot :o but when i got home today i was all determined - so i stuck a business card in there and fiddled around for a bit and voila! it came out!! YAY!! i'll be a safe-cracker in no time :grin:


also!! i went for a haircut today at the place where jamba got sexually assaulted yesterday - i got a nice haircut and nobody shoved their boobs in my face OR straddled me. i did get an impromptu massage from the girl who cut my hair though.... ^_^


also again!!! i managed to unlock the blackberry phone that i found!

the code to unlock it cost me £10... then i nipped into the O2 shop to have them change my bolt-on to special unlimited BLACKBERRY internets... and i just bought a charger (£3) and fascia (£20 for the FULL kit w/tools and the navigational pearly thingy...)



of course it's blue!

blackberry? PAH! no - BLUEberry phone :yay: for like, £33 all-in-all.

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