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A double bill of "interesting" days:


Yesterday: Get up and go to tattoo place. Can't get my tattoo finished since the bruising on my "sprained" (all will be clear later) wrist hasn't gone. Never mind, I had a job interview a short while after the appointment so at least I didn't have to rush anymore. Went to the interview dressed in smart casual clothes with my tattoo visable. Not the best idea granted, but I wasn't going to wear a shirt and tie to an interview at a petrol station FFS. My long sleeved clothes were all in the wash so it was a short sleeved shirt. Got a phonecall about 2-3 hours after the interview saying that I've got the job, pending screening, which is just a formality.


Today: I was meant to be at the petrol station for 1ish, end up getting out of bed at half 12. I have a letter. I open it. It's a letter from the hospital. They've re-looked at my X-Rays and it turns out I have a small fracture in my wrist. I now have to go back next Tuesday. I have a tattoo appointment the Wednesday after so I'll have to cancel that in case they decide to wang a cast on me. Bugger. Although my wrist feels OK so I'll do my best to convince them I don't need one. So I rush to the petrol station. In the rush I forget my national insurance card. Half way through the meeting I realise I've forgot it and have to go home and get it. Good start. Plus I may be working with the sister of a girl I fell out with. Might be awkward. Either way, I start Friday.


The day went better from then though. I went to town and had a look in Gamestation. Turns out the have retro stuff back in. At least they did. I ended up with a Gameboy Colour, Pokemon Yellow, Gameboy Camera, Gameboy Printer and Saints Row Gun Edition (pics in the purchases thread later). Plus I'm now having the greatest tea ever. Potato wedge butty with Tiger bread.

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Congrats bluey, hi again nightwolf.

And who in their right mind would take anyone to see Angels and Demons for a date? :heh:

Better than Synecdoche, New York, I'd imagine. But then it is Charlie Kaufman, you can kind of guess that already. :heh:


Hmm, overslept fairly massively today, turned out I set my alarm to 8 pm by mistake. Still, on a bit of an unsolicited high, even though I have exams starting early next week.

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That guy just emailed me/Molly spoilers for the last episode of Prison Break. On purpose.



God hes awesome. Luckily I've seen it, and was able to warn her not to read it in time.


Update ; Awesome, he just spoilt part of The Wire for me, so thats good.

Yeah he's a prize idiot. I loved how you ran across the office, dodging bullets, jumping through hoops and knocking down old people* to get to me before I read that email, heh.



@ Bluey...Congrats, great news!


@ Pash...Awesome, well done!! Most happy for you


@ Daft...Choose option 4: moving into the luxury custom built TARDIS :p



*probably not true

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thanks everyone!!!!! i'm super happy about it, as you can tell ^_^

but ohhhh maaaaannn i'm tired >_<

i went to the bank, canceled my standing order to my old landlord and made out a cheque for jamba for this month's rent and deposit (sssssting!) then went to my old room and cleaned and tidied the whole thing!! place looks like a freakin show-room now. i even put up a nice curtainy thing on the rail i used to hang up my washing, and some flowers and candles on the dresser for decoration. now it's kinda a nice room for £310/month all inclusive. *nods* haha.


now i just have to build the computer desk we bought back to mine this morning, move jamba's PC & 360 onto it... and then unpack AAAALLL the stuff left to unpack. *sigh*


OH!! also, yesterday i got a call from the local GAME store... i'd left my CV with them a while ago and now they're recruiting. they haven't made it clear yet, but if it's full time work... i think i might go for it... the pay is a little less, but being able to walk to work would save me like, £80 a month - so it'd balance out. though i wouldnt get all that free sushi... what do you think, internet??

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Kaufman is amazing, man! Not seen his latest, mind, but it's gotten good reviews that I've seen.

Oh, I love Kaufman too, and my girlfriend does even more so, hence us going to see it, but his latest doesn't make for terribly comfortable viewing - it's clearly intended as a statement rather than entertainment. In my opinion it contains a few too many elements, and central idea is a little too obviously explained, but it's otherwise good, and there are some brilliant bits. Nothing on Malkovich though.

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Congrats Bluey on the move in with Jamba.

Congrats Paj on getting into Leith.

And Hello to Nightwolf.


Rather lazy day for me today. Needed one to just relax after the last of my exams yesterday. Went out for lunch, but it was nothing special. Just received an email from the advisor of studies I was supposed to meet with yesterday asking me about why I didn't show up. Sent a very withheld email back to him letting him know what happened, trying to keep my anger back but I'm sure he won't be impressed by my attitude and tone in the email. I've stated I can meet on Friday but if he can't do it I'll tell him politely to shove it and I'll find someone else to sort it out. I don't need to be back in Uni until september so I don't really want to have to be travelling in any more after this week, unless it's to meet with friends so I would like to get it sorted out.

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Woo Bluey. :yay: Housing it up old style! :grin: Naice!


Pajulations! decided to combine it all in one word as I'm a linguistal genius... :blank: (I just realised I spelt linguistical wrong, yeh.)


Hey Nightwolf!


*waves like a panda on acid*




On with my day which was filled with much chocolately delight from my last ever english lesson! The teacher brought in snacks which were tasty. Apart from that I had Psychology which I got my teacher to sign in my Yearbook which was a very good message. :grin:


This evening has been working PLUS listening to an abundance of music which the amount of playlists I have on Spotify is ridiculous!


Now for some breakfast.




*which incidently I'm about to have. Well the plural anyway! :p

Edited by Coolness Bears
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hopefully my 3 years of university education will be put to good use as a beach cleaner. sounds shit but its 8.44 an hour.
What did you do at uni?
fuck off, its the internet not a publishing house

Fuck off yourself,


It was actually an attempt at a bad joke...


Beach cleaner... litterature/literature...


oh well, at least it seems Jav got it! :awesome:

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£8.44 an hour to walk around a beach? Sounds good to me, I love beaches. Any job with the sound of the ocean in the background is pretty boss by my standards.


Although walking on sand all day is bound to tire you out pretty quick.

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£8.44 an hour to walk around a beach? Sounds good to me, I love beaches. Any job with the sound of the ocean in the background is pretty boss by my standards.


Although walking on sand all day is bound to tire you out pretty quick.


i also have to pick up rubbish and move sand.


thankfully i have decent endurance, so i dont think i'll get to tired.

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It's not, it's a prequal, set before the da vinci code, its a separate story with the same character


The film adaptation is a sequel since the Da Vinci Code was at the height of its popularity two years ago, so they immediately cashed in on that as opposed to establishing Langdon's first religious adventure first. The film makes references to Langdon's 'previous escapade', presumably the Da Vinci Code.


Also to ReZ: Tom Hanks gets a much-needed hair cut.

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Move sand? In what way?


And picking up litter would be fine by me. Do they provide one of those gnarly grabber things? If they did, I'd spend the whole day grabbing peoples arses with it. "Whoah! It's got a mind of its own! It's become self aware! RUN!"


I should be on a register...

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