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My last couple of days (pretty much since Wednesday) have been filled with being ill yet having to go to school still cause I can't miss out on classes in the last weeks of the semester. Still feeling crappy now and am going to take a nap.


Nothing else really happened. Yesterday was a school trip sorta to Antwerp to visit the fashion museum (crap!) and a photography museum (nice!). We were allowed to go through it at our own speed though luckily, no need to stay with the teachers. After that still went shopping with friends, though not much shopping was done in the end. Did have a lovely tuna pizza for lunch at a place called 'Giovanni' and had a yummy hot chocolate with whipped cream in the evening in some café.


I also decorated the Christmas tree yesterday, all on my own. I think it turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself. Went for silver and white this year. =3


And I might become a bit less active over the next three weeks, cause my boy boy is coming over tomorrow. ^______^

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Last night I went out and got really drunk. For once I can't seem to remember the vital bits... But I do have a bauble! Am missing a t-shirt, though. I also got punched, and kissed! Different people. Got a phone number on my phone and not exactly sure whose it is... and an email address... Really, really not sure if it was a good night or a bad one.

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Went into town today (Mansfield) got myself a new coat. It was marked down from £130 to £70, but it didn't have a hood so i got it for £50. I think it was a good deal.


I was also planning to trade Metroid 3 for Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, however when i saw it for £45 (:o) In Game, i soon thought "Sod that".


Up to yet it's been quite good :D

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my day yesterday was pretty good till i got home and found my mobile phone bill ~ which sent me into a little spiral of despair ... *heh* but before that i had a pretty good day! my boss put me on shop floor duties ~ which means i go chat to customers and trick them into buying more expensive deals (buahahaha) the first guy i spoke to followed me round the store chatting for a bit.. then asked me if i had a boyfriend - much to the amusement of my co-workers... :indeed:

the rest of the day was spent selling DSlites and wiis (one wii sale was to this REEEALLY annoying kid - hyperactive little brat that kept asking for more stuff. and his mum didn't complain O_o the whole thing came to just under £500, wii, games, 3 extra controllers and nunchuks and insurance *sigh* but the kid kept picking stuff up from the pile of games and accessories and kept TALKING until i had to tell him to shut up myself 'cause i couldnt concentrate! haha.)

and aaaallllll day long there was a rotary music box club outside our store collecting money for the local hospice. thats great and all - go go charity work - but ooooh it was annoying >_>

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Been a rough day so far, got home from the work's night out at about 3 this morning, then had to get up at 5 for work.


Yesterday was a good day, from what I remember - which is a hell of a lot of vodka and redbull, mammoth abounts of beer, some dodgy cocktails and a few nice ladies.

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Interesting day.

Mum was moody because i was up till 1am. Apparently i'm "always up till that time when i don't have to go to school". Fucking bullshit when i rarely go to bed after 12.


Went shopping in Leeds. Managed to get just 1 present.. James Blunt's new CD for my stepmum.


But, i finally got the caddy case for my HDD and i'm transferring all my music and videos from the old pc across. Apparently this is going to take 6 hours...


EDIT: More like 15 minutes. Vista can't predict for crap.

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What'd he put?


My day was cool! Went round my best friends house, back from uni now :) We played an EPIC Heroclix match, all the Sinister Syndicate (Spider-Man bad guys) vs an X-Men team (Including a big Jean Grey Phoenix figure) it was sooo awesome. Really close - which are always the good ones, but the SS just managed it! :bowdown:


Played COD4 for the first time, which is an extremely awesome game. Played GOW for the first time in ages, had hax pizza and picked up my comics...of which there were LOAOOAOADDSS!!!! :shakehead:yay: :yay: Lots of awesome ones though.


Then got home, played some GH3 and now Im gonna read some comicanas! And get a drink, Im uberly thirsty. :blank: : peace:

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i have had a crap day at work , look at the christmas schedule i have:


17th - 9-2pm

18th - 9-2pm

19 - 9 - 5pm

20th - 4 - 11pm

21st - 4-11pm

22 - 2-8 pm

23rd 12 - 6pm

24th - 1 - 5

26 - 1 - 5




Man, that sucks! :( - Merry Christmas anyways! :)


At least you have christmas day off, a mate of mine is stuck working!

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oh and im wokring boxing day, that thursday and friday


in 14 days i only get 3 days off :(


off tomorrow so planning on doing not much!


if im still alive ill report back on how my fortnight was!


Ouch, only 3 days? Thats pretty tough! This is why I'm glad I don't have a job at the moment, I need my lazy days! :)

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ill be like 600+ richer in january cause of it (taking in my other december overtime which is like 12 hours a week)


= sales :D




Damn! Now I'm jelous! :) - I'll have to get a job soon, I love buying stuff to much not to! :D:santa:




My day has ended on a better note, some funny youtube videos helped.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I woke up at half 9...I don't know how. It was a beautiful morning. I really should have taken some photographs but I was really lazy.

I played Fifa with my brother for hours. About 4 o'clock something happened wihch stopped us playing. I can't remember what.

Events occured until dinner at about half 5, then I got ready and went work at half 6.

Just got home now and I'm sat here in my boxers with my neck hurting from an uncomfortable position from watching tv.

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I'm just going to say that I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow morning for a whole 4 days of craziness!!


My day was weird. I saw some dude get hit by a car. Cracked the windscreen. It was pretty late and I was with my drunken student posy and I hear and bang and the dude is on the floor. He was alright though, we called the ambulance and we had a quick banter while we waited. Turned out he was a first year medical student at some London uni....must try and find him on facebook.

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I'm just going to say that I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow morning for a whole 4 days of craziness!!


My day was weird. I saw some dude get hit by a car. Cracked the windscreen. It was pretty late and I was with my drunken student posy and I hear and bang and the dude is on the floor. He was alright though, we called the ambulance and we had a quick banter while we waited. Turned out he was a first year medical student at some London uni....must try and find him on facebook.


Woo! Have awesome amounts of fun! :D


Howcome he got hit? Was he just wondering into the road, or was the driver speeding/not concentrating etc? He must have been hit pretty hard to crack the windscreen! Ouch.

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Woo! Have awesome amounts of fun! :D


Howcome he got hit? Was he just wondering into the road, or was the driver speeding/not concentrating etc? He must have been hit pretty hard to crack the windscreen! Ouch.


It was completely his fault. He was drunk and just wasn't looking. Its was actually pretty funny because he kept apologizing but we were just relieved he was still in one piece!


If anyone knows a first year medical student from a London Uni called Dominic who got hit by a car on Friday night at Tavistock Square, let me know.....there can't be that many of them! (PM me!)


Time for sleep!!! Night night people!!!

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I hung a billion posters (yes exactly a billion) up today. I realized I really hate empty wall space so I went through all my magazines and pulled out the posters in them. THere really isn't much wall space left now. Yay.


And then I listened to the same 6 songs for about 10 hours straight. W00.


Then went and played cards with a couple girls for a few hours. That was fun. :heh:. We'll see if it was worth the fun when the gf finds out...


Now I am just currently awaiting the ever-so-slow download of the Burnout Paradise Demo.


OH, and gf's christmas present came in today, which is amazing since shipping to Unalaska is incredibly slow, but it got here before I leave to Mexico so I was extremely happy to get that in.


Overall day: Pretty damn good.

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