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I've seen two people actually having sex in public. Years ago, I was having a driving lesson, and we stopped off in Tesco's Car Park to practice a baypark. Then, my instructor said to me, "you see over there, that white car?"




"You see how the seat is reclined?"




"They're having sex."


"....oh yeah! Tescos Car park, how romantic."


She was properly going for it as well.

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I don't think the interview went that great to be honest.

UPDATEINGS. I was explaining how my interview didn't go well to my work companion before I started work and they rang me asking I come back for something... It's 12-8 tomorrow and I need to dress smart [again] bring [ANOTHER] hard copy of my CV, I just gave them a copy this morning?! and a notebook and pen because I'm going to be taking alot of notes.


I still don't know what the fucking job is!

propositioned Dan Dare to come


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Someone just tell me I'm right, please.


Guy books a holiday with four others and pays a non-refunable deposit and then backs out. That money is now no longer his. We find someone else to go on the holiday, and to pay his remainder of the cash. Now he's demanding that person pay him the cash...even though it's not his anymore, because he withdrew from the contract he entered when he paid originally.


So, he gets all pissy with me, and says how much we obviously hate him. What a vagina.

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Someone just tell me I'm right, please.


Guy books a holiday with four others and pays a non-refunable deposit and then backs out. That money is now no longer his. We find someone else to go on the holiday, and to pay his remainder of the cash. Now he's demanding that person pay him the cash...even though it's not his anymore, because he withdrew from the contract he entered when he paid originally.


So, he gets all pissy with me, and says how much we obviously hate him. What a vagina.


This happened last year with my sisters, one was going on a summer holiday, a girl backed out and my sister just joined in. Paid the extra money and I think a bit of money to change the name legally to her name rather than the other on the tickets or something?


The non-refundable stuff is all paid for though, he entered a contract he's bound :) *has just finished a 7 page essay on contract law*

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Someone just tell me I'm right, please.


Guy books a holiday with four others and pays a non-refunable deposit and then backs out. That money is now no longer his. We find someone else to go on the holiday, and to pay his remainder of the cash. Now he's demanding that person pay him the cash...even though it's not his anymore, because he withdrew from the contract he entered when he paid originally.


So, he gets all pissy with me, and says how much we obviously hate him. What a vagina.

I want to make sure I'm getting this right. I've rounded/lowered the numbers for example.


It costs £500 for this holiday each [3 of you], you each pay the £200 non-refundable deposit and one backs out, someone comes in to take his place and pays the other £300 as the other two to make the complete £500. Your backed out friend is complainings that substitute pay him the £200 deposit "back" so he breaks even and substitute has paid the full £500.


As mentioned, legally he hasn't got a leg to stand on, but a friend would seriously paying the money, assuming you is tight homies.


Out of curiousity, what was his reason for buckling?

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Oi, think I've probably left a fair chunk of work for myself with a little over two weeks left until the final deadline. Like I always do. I'll be ok though (like I always am) I think. Having that familiar emotional roller coaster of feeling totally relaxed about it, followed by periods of utter panic, followed by a bout of just not giving a god damn anymore, and then back to the beginning again. Blah.

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This happened last year with my sisters, one was going on a summer holiday, a girl backed out and my sister just joined in. Paid the extra money and I think a bit of money to change the name legally to her name rather than the other on the tickets or something?


The non-refundable stuff is all paid for though, he entered a contract he's bound :) *has just finished a 7 page essay on contract law*


Thankyou! Exactly, it's a legally binding contract. Thats exactly what we're planning on doing.




Evil (You got the correct idea, yes), his reason is he just now "doesn't feel like going" and then after we moaned at him about this reason he goes "...Oh yeah...I don't have the money now". So obviously, he just can't be fucked. His fault. He's got no right to be pissy at myself, or any others. It's his fault for backing out at the last minute. Like Ell said, he's got no leg to stand on.


Right, I feel better now. I just needed someone to tell me the same thing. Thanks guys. :)

Edited by Slaggis
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UPDATEINGS. I was explaining how my interview didn't go well to my work companion before I started work and they rang me asking I come back for something... It's 12-8 tomorrow and I need to dress smart [again] bring [ANOTHER] hard copy of my CV, I just gave them a copy this morning?! and a notebook and pen because I'm going to be taking alot of notes.


I still don't know what the fucking job is!



So you're going in to work for 8 hours? Lols :) Should be good!


Details; because Dan forgot to bring Settlers of Catan, there was no orgasming. We've been playing Castle Crashers and now playing wii bowling.


Someone just tell me I'm right, please.


Guy books a holiday with four others and pays a non-refunable deposit and then backs out. That money is now no longer his. We find someone else to go on the holiday, and to pay his remainder of the cash. Now he's demanding that person pay him the cash...even though it's not his anymore, because he withdrew from the contract he entered when he paid originally.


So, he gets all pissy with me, and says how much we obviously hate him. What a vagina.

Legally, yes, he hasn't a leg to stand on, and as a friend he really never should've even paid the deposit if he wasn't able to go. I don't know what his reasons for not going are, but! The matter is really between him and the replacee. If they're good mates then the replacee would be inclined to pay off the deposit, too, but if they're not then it's not anyone elses matter.

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Sounds like the crap my brother would come out with. He's moved on from the "I'm going to be a lifeguard" [Not with the criminal record you have], from the "I'm going to join the army" [He's too lazy for this shit], now he's claiming he's going to Australia where a couple of his mates have gone. One seems to have run from the law there. He owes me £35 and mum £100. The "job" he has he's rarely gone in due to bullshit sick days, which involve watching recorded episodes of whatever, then ringing his mate [*] and going out before 1. Miracle recovery. He keeps giving excuses to not giving the money, this week work ripped him off, not paying enough [just over £100] but took it all out clubbing with his mates. APPARENTLY, someone spiked his drink so he ended up in hospital on a drip til sometime early morning, I heard him telling mum this bullshit at 9:30am next day.


He's never going to raise the money, and when he does he won't be arsed anymore.


[*] A question for you all, my brother enjoys talking like a real dick when he's with his mates, his voice gets higher and the phrase "eeeeeeeyyyy" [Not Fonz] is constantly used. Do the people here have any siblings which do this sort of thing?


So you're going in to work for 8 hours? Lols :) Should be good!

I haven't got the job, so I'm feeling this shit won't be paid. Gutted.

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Legally, yes, he hasn't a leg to stand on, and as a friend he really never should've even paid the deposit if he wasn't able to go. I don't know what his reasons for not going are, but! The matter is really between him and the replacee. If they're good mates then the replacee would be inclined to pay off the deposit, too, but if they're not then it's not anyone elses matter.


I would be hard pushed to call them anymore than vague friends. If he demands the money off him, I'll strangle him. He's been a total cock, and like it's been said, legally the money is no longer his. The only person he needs to be angry with his himself.

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well, if you got the outher guy in last min, and hes only paiyin the money besides the deposit, i kinda think it would be best to pay the guy back. its not legaly his money, but in effect hes payed a percentage of some one elses holiday. why should mr mate commer geta cut price?


if the person has to pay full price, deposit included then the guy shouldent get money back.


thats just how i view it

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Thankyou! Exactly, it's a legally binding contract. Thats exactly what we're planning on doing.




Evil (You got the correct idea, yes), his reason is he just now "doesn't feel like going" and then after we moaned at him about this reason he goes "...Oh yeah...I don't have the money now". So obviously, he just can't be fucked. His fault. He's got no right to be pissy at myself, or any others. It's his fault for backing out at the last minute. Like Ell said, he's got no leg to stand on.


Right, I feel better now. I just needed someone to tell me the same thing. Thanks guys. :)


To be fair, the substitute is going on the holiday for £300 instead of £500 (taking EEVILs example) so if that person really was a good friend then they would pay him the difference. He's paying £200 for nothing. Yes, he backed out, his fault, but its a bit harsh to let someone go in his place for a fraction of the cost.


Put it this way. You'd be pissed right?

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Now you're feeling my American pain. Give him £50, it's all I got.

Did your brother ever hear from the army form that you sent off for him?

I don't think so, when I gave it him I think he gave me some bullshit about already having one, or some bullshit about how he couldn't because of his community service. The more logical explanation is that it's probably under his bed gathering dust because he couldn't be arsed.

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Yesterday was baddass. So very baddass.


on a last minute gamble, I secured front row tickets to go and see The Tempest at the local theatre. I'm SO glad I did- met my dad in town for a burger and a beer then went to the show which was AMAZING. It may be the finest bit of theater I've ever seen. The whole thing was in an African theme, with an ensemble cast of spirits, dancers, musicians and puppeteers just...creating this alternative world. Stunning.


Just look at it.










Afterwards I went to see Jayseven, Shorty and Nami. Fun was had. Castles were crashed and my inadequacies at Mario Kart were exposed for the world to see.

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well, i had the dole this morning, same woman as last week, same claim that she called my name out earlier, i know she didnt, i was sat withing 8 feet of her desk and was sat there the whole time. strange woman.


any way, i scoped out the skills for working center i have to go to next week and the week after. despite having directions from google maps, and a map, and having checked satalite photos last night (what can i say, im thorough) i ended up outside a wilkinsons with nothing else around. about 40 mins wandering aimlessly later i found it across the road and in a bit, turns out google maps isnt great. i knew it was the right building because outside was a bunch of chavs. i pray theres at least one outher non chav there who i can befriend. also, im only taking a small amount of money each day lest they try and rob me.


also, i traded in mad world for £15 and got a dual shock 3 for my ps3. happy days

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