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Mcoy has been away for the last 4 months but Mcoy thought he'd pop in and see how everyone was doing.


Mcoy has been working very hard with his new company known as Mcoy Incorporated. Mcoy Incorporated currently produces and retails several brands of cooking equipment such as toasters, microwaves and other important appliances. Mcoy Incorporated will be launching it's first store in Ipswich in the next few months and Mcoy hopes to open many more venues around the UK depending on business.


Mcoy hopes you'll keep an eye out on his site http://www.Mcoyinc.co.uk which is currently being built.


I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw that the latest post was made by one Mr. Brian Mcoy. Welcome back Brian, don't you ever leave us again!

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well, night was a bit better then the day, didnt get tea til almost 9 due to my mams incompetence.


after tea we had a family game of buzz. it was shocking to see just how badly my dad did. i won the first game, then was narowly beaten by my sister in the second. was a good laugh, for £20 you can't go wrong.


we then watched boy in the striped pyjamas. it was sad, but a pretty decent movie.


did the world most amazine shot with a ball of easter egg foil into the bin, about 15 foot away, blind shot directly into the bin. nothing but net.

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Jimbob has decided to welcome Mcoy back to the world known as N-Europe, even though he has drank a few bevvies tonight.


Anyway, enough of the 3rd person viewage. Its been a good night, someone threatened me in the club but being committee, i mearly told him that if his behavior remains the same, then he shall be removed. He soon apologized.

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Shit day really. Parents decided to have an argument and thus they each decided to coop themselves up in a seperate room, whilst I was the one darting between rooms seeing what was what. On top of this it meant I couldn't have my friend over for the evening which suuuuucks.


Did play some Halo 3 with Brian Mcoy for the first time in bloody months which was great, and then played the Red Faction Guerilla demo and really enjoyed it so I'm ending on a high point.

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I wrote a post and it was really boring so to sum my day up; felt insociable, but got drunk so it was easier. Had a good meal, saw nami try to drink a cocktail on the table while she was standing on her chair in a restaurant below our flat that we'd never been to. Got drunker, but then wanter MOAR but I have no money and am scared that I have only £10 to last me 'til my loan.


Want weed.


Want ex-girlfriend.


Currently got a bottle of leftover beer to go with an episode of somethingorother, and feeling a little depressed about life and I don't know why! WOo!

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Mcoy is greeted by EEVILMURRAY.


I would like to see your interaction with people at your new Mcoy Incorporated empire.


"I would like [X] please"

"Mcoy is afraid we have none in stock"

"Excuse me?"

"Mcoy is not one to repeat himself"



:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

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Easter Sunday. *shrugs*


Gonna get outta bed shortly, and maybe watch Mirror Mask before pub quiz tonight. Maybe some Rock Band. WHO KNOWS!


Could go for a hot cross bun...


Nothing to do on this easter sunday? Perhaps you should stop scoffing your face and scoff at this: http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=13097 ;)


Anyway I now need to get ready for a family meal thing. Could be awkward (long story) but should be okay.


"However having previously read other academic insights into popular culture dealing with theories and debates I am more aware of I’m sure there will be cases in which people with philosophical backgrounds may find it oversimplified. "


Comma that bitch up :P Aside from that, the book definitely sounds very interesting. I'm sure your review will get people interested. Shame you can't plug a link to amazon.com and get a bit of sponsorship back, eh.


I like the "NESpace" mentioned... this site could totally steal that for something.

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Comma that bitch up :P Aside from that, the book definitely sounds very interesting. I'm sure your review will get people interested. Shame you can't plug a link to amazon.com and get a bit of sponsorship back, eh.


I like the "NESpace" mentioned... this site could totally steal that for something.


Umm where? My brain is dead at present.


And yes, we shall use that when we go into space!


Urgh family drama right at the end of the meal. And I wish I could react to it somehow but just standard nothingness. Crurpbggr!

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I skived off work today. I said I had conjunctivitus, and that the new pillowcase I have must have caused an allergic reaction.


I took the time to do my chemistry coursework. I still haven't finished it.


I went to the pub quiz. We did terribly. Despite me being the only one who knew who wrote Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), who invented the character Moonface (Enid Blyton), that singer Louise was married to Jamie Rednap and where Acapulco was (Mexico - there's a song by Catatonia called Acapulco Gold, which is named after the Mexican Cigars).


We then went back to Calum's flat. We went up on the roof - really scary because the ladder is REALLY rickety and there's like a 2 square meter area where it's safe to stand, and it was really dark. However, we sat and lay there and looked up at the stars. It was nice.


Then I sprinted to the bus stop to catch the last bus. I'm much faster than I remember. Caught it.

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Chilled day. Some Peggle (got three achievements for Nami as I wasn't signed into my own profile, dang!), some backgammon... came 2nd *cough* to last *cough* in teh pub quiz (they are strangely fun aren't they, Big C?), played table football, pool and quiz machine. Usual stuff.


I have precisely £5.25 to last me until the 20th of April. That means a week of hunger, stress and sobriety! I do believe I have enough food to last me scimpingly, and I have dregs of tobacco about the place So I ought to be fine.


Thing is, the ex is coming up on tuesday. I wanted to at the very least buy her an easter egg :) I won't be able to afford to feed her, go out with her, nor to fall for the temptation to go with her back to Leeds. Very nervous about it. Don't want to bore her, and of course I want to show her that I am able to provide for another, even though I clearly can't.


Well, I'm gonna watch a few episodes of In Treatment, then try and get up for 11am to see my friend off on teh coach. Smart thing to do tomorrow would be to get going with my writing, but I can see a day of Assassin's Creed/Peggle/RE5. And I don't mind that :)


... Love is fucked up.

Umm where? My brain is dead at present.


And yes, we shall use that when we go into space!


Urgh family drama right at the end of the meal. And I wish I could react to it somehow but just standard nothingness. Crurpbggr!


"However having previously read other academic insights into popular culture dealing with theories and debates I am more aware of[here] I’m sure there will be cases in which people with philosophical backgrounds may find it oversimplified."


:) Just gives a much-needed pause, homie.

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