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Had my head punched in by a psychotic teenager while enjoying my lunch on a garden bench.




Are you ok?


Bluey: Good luck with the job hunt. You're officially kicking arse.


Tellyn: Haha, if you just look at those bits, it does seem quite worrying, but I think it's ok, heh. The lump actually hurts a little, and a bit of the skin around it feels strange. I still think its either a spot or a bite of some kind, and I bet it disappears in a day or two.


Now, on with my dissertation. I'm going to start the Findings Section, which is pretty much my last third. It's going to be the hardest part to write, mind.

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Hmm. My mum just told me that I dislocated my elbow 4 times when I was a child... My rhematologist had asked if i had any trauma, due to it being considerably worse/weaker than the other. Mystery solved I guess... XD


Work was crap, I think I was answering calls solid all day. (must have been 100+ times, and these calls aren't short) The joys of being the first phone to ring... :(

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Found a big spider in my room just now. It was quite a hunt. I found it on the wall right next to the roof. Tried to trap it in the ipod box but it fell into the corner I haven't seen in years. So I moved all the books and whatelse to the other corner. By the time I was done I found it in the middle of the room >_> I have no idea how to deal with it :( I can squeeze the small ones, but afraid to do it with the big ones. I'm don't want to put it in the ipod box after all. I'm too terrified that it will crawl faster up the walls than I can react... Don't help much that I watched Starship Troopers 2 earlier today.


Unless it became intelligent and found a way out, it's still there.



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I'm ok, but my jaw hurts a bit. 5 teenagers (probably BCOT college students because they're retards) decided to come and sit next to me at lunch time and the psychotic one decided to blow a pink balloon up in my face. I popped the balloon and then found myself getting punched by him 3-4 times (he must have had ADHD or something because he was acting like a total freak). He was claiming to be a schizophrenic and he said that he had a knife, but he was obviously just mentally retarded. I think he somehow got it into his mentally ill head that he wanted my phone and that's why he sat next to me.


I had my messenger bag around me and my phone in my hand, along with a bluetooth keyboard on my lap, so could barely move. I got up, threw him to the floor, got on top of him and then put my hand around his neck to then be told to get off him by his smiling and careless friends. I was tired and didn't want to get into any trouble because I was working and he was obviously mentally ill and I just wasn't angry enough to hit him. He was weak for somebody who was just under 6ft tall and I had complete control of him. I called for some help so that I could get this guy arrested or to at least get the situation under control, but nobody came to help me and he had 4 friends with him watching his back... I couldn't risk doing anything.


He gave me 5 seconds to go before he was going to kill me with a brick (lol....this was just after I let him get up from the floor) and because nobody came, I just packed all my things and tried to ask him and his friends a few questions like whether they were at college and what was really wrong with him, but they didnt say anything. They must have been scared of him to just behave the way they did.


I went to get security from the shopping centre next to the garden and they just didnt care because the garden is outside.:blank: I phoned the police and they are coming to see me on Saturday for an interview, but I bet that they wont do anything about it. I am not good with remembering peoples looks and I doubt that they'll even try to bother about looking for this guy.


Oh well, I can manage facing a couple of people and have done in the past, but I dont know how to deal with 5 people. I will apply for martial arts lessons tonight so that I'm better prepared in the future (also because I am a big fan of Journey to the West and it's something I've wanted to do since last year). I also need to replace my messenger bag because fighting with a messenger bag on is ridiculous! It was like having an arm tied behind my back.


Edit: Hope my bad spelling tonight is due to being tired.

Edited by Pyxis
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Guest Captain Falcon
Ok, I found a big enough box to shove into and threw it out, but my problem isn't over. I just found another large spider on the wall. It fled into the air vent. Something tells me that isn't a good thing...


Was that picture you posted earlier of one of the smaller ones, or are you saying that was the beast that had you petrified?

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Guest Captain Falcon
Hey, it's bigger than it looks >_> The runaway was definitively bigger.


Bigger than it looks huh... then your IPod must be enormous.

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Damn listened back to the whole N-Europe Show Podcast, and my mute button doesn't seem to have worked. + Background noise. Annoying. Will be fixed for next time. Apart from that pretty happy though, lot of good feedback. :) I'd recommend people who havn't listened to listen to it, due to your awesome forum friends.






Gonna hit 17 Again tomorrow. And pick up hax comics.

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Damn listened back to the whole N-Europe Show Podcast, and my mute button doesn't seem to have worked. + Background noise. Annoying. Will be fixed for next time. Apart from that pretty happy though, lot of good feedback. :) I'd recommend people who havn't listened to listen to it, due to your awesome forum friends.






Gonna hit 17 Again tomorrow. And pick up hax comics.


i listened! it was good!

darksnowman didnt sound like darksnowman but apart from that it was good!

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Having a nightmare with this dissertation. Im really coming up stuck with this one analysis as im no longer aware what I'm trying to argue.


And so I thought I'd fire up We Love Katamari (after getting a PS2 again last week) to help me relax but I don't have a scart cable, thought I did. Day ruined.


But in other news I got other things done today that needed doing and I made chocolate cornflake cakes.

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ANyone watching the Panorama thing on elderly care? I'm shocked and disgusted at some of the stuff I'm seeing. Really, why would people go into helping people to be so helpless to those that need the help. Ok, if their not getting the correct training then that covers some of the reason but even in those circumstances it's just baffling how bad the care they give is. It's annoyed me and has made me slightly sick that carers and their respective companies are allowed to work like this.

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Damn listened back to the whole N-Europe Show Podcast, and my mute button doesn't seem to have worked. + Background noise. Annoying. Will be fixed for next time. Apart from that pretty happy though, lot of good feedback. :) I'd recommend people who havn't listened to listen to it, due to your awesome forum friends.






It was good, but you guys have to try lessening the awkward silences.

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I'm ok, but my jaw hurts a bit. 5 teenagers (probably BCOT college students because they're retards) decided to come and sit next to me at lunch time and the psychotic one decided to blow a pink balloon up in my face. I popped the balloon and then found myself getting punched by him 3-4 times (he must have had ADHD or something because he was acting like a total freak). He was claiming to be a schizophrenic and he said that he had a knife, but he was obviously just mentally retarded. I think he somehow got it into his mentally ill head that he wanted my phone and that's why he sat next to me.


I had my messenger bag around me and my phone in my hand, along with a bluetooth keyboard on my lap, so could barely move. I got up, threw him to the floor, got on top of him and then put my hand around his neck to then be told to get off him by his smiling and careless friends. I was tired and didn't want to get into any trouble because I was working and he was obviously mentally ill and I just wasn't angry enough to hit him. He was weak for somebody who was just under 6ft tall and I had complete control of him. I called for some help so that I could get this guy arrested or to at least get the situation under control, but nobody came to help me and he had 4 friends with him watching his back... I couldn't risk doing anything.


He gave me 5 seconds to go before he was going to kill me with a brick (lol....this was just after I let him get up from the floor) and because nobody came, I just packed all my things and tried to ask him and his friends a few questions like whether they were at college and what was really wrong with him, but they didnt say anything. They must have been scared of him to just behave the way they did.


I went to get security from the shopping centre next to the garden and they just didnt care because the garden is outside.:blank: I phoned the police and they are coming to see me on Saturday for an interview, but I bet that they wont do anything about it. I am not good with remembering peoples looks and I doubt that they'll even try to bother about looking for this guy.


Oh well, I can manage facing a couple of people and have done in the past, but I dont know how to deal with 5 people. I will apply for martial arts lessons tonight so that I'm better prepared in the future (also because I am a big fan of Journey to the West and it's something I've wanted to do since last year). I also need to replace my messenger bag because fighting with a messenger bag on is ridiculous! It was like having an arm tied behind my back.


Edit: Hope my bad spelling tonight is due to being tired.


sounds shit mate, id have been karking it. im fairly strong but 5 against one, no body likes those odds.

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ANyone watching the Panorama thing on elderly care? I'm shocked and disgusted at some of the stuff I'm seeing. Really, why would people go into helping people to be so helpless to those that need the help. Ok, if their not getting the correct training then that covers some of the reason but even in those circumstances it's just baffling how bad the care they give is. It's annoyed me and has made me slightly sick that carers and their respective companies are allowed to work like this.

Yeah I was just watching with my mum, it is totally sickening. My Nanna's possibly going to need some form of care soon so it was a real eye opener. For a company to be getting multi million pound contracts and then sending out untrained carers who don't have enough hours in the day to possibly do their workload, just awful.

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I'm ok, but my jaw hurts a bit. 5 teenagers (probably BCOT college students because they're retards) decided to come and sit next to me at lunch time and the psychotic one decided to blow a pink balloon up in my face. I popped the balloon and then found myself getting punched by him 3-4 times (he must have had ADHD or something because he was acting like a total freak). He was claiming to be a schizophrenic and he said that he had a knife, but he was obviously just mentally retarded. I think he somehow got it into his mentally ill head that he wanted my phone and that's why he sat next to me.


I had my messenger bag around me and my phone in my hand, along with a bluetooth keyboard on my lap, so could barely move. I got up, threw him to the floor, got on top of him and then put my hand around his neck to then be told to get off him by his smiling and careless friends. I was tired and didn't want to get into any trouble because I was working and he was obviously mentally ill and I just wasn't angry enough to hit him. He was weak for somebody who was just under 6ft tall and I had complete control of him. I called for some help so that I could get this guy arrested or to at least get the situation under control, but nobody came to help me and he had 4 friends with him watching his back... I couldn't risk doing anything.


He gave me 5 seconds to go before he was going to kill me with a brick (lol....this was just after I let him get up from the floor) and because nobody came, I just packed all my things and tried to ask him and his friends a few questions like whether they were at college and what was really wrong with him, but they didnt say anything. They must have been scared of him to just behave the way they did.


I went to get security from the shopping centre next to the garden and they just didnt care because the garden is outside.:blank: I phoned the police and they are coming to see me on Saturday for an interview, but I bet that they wont do anything about it. I am not good with remembering peoples looks and I doubt that they'll even try to bother about looking for this guy.


Oh well, I can manage facing a couple of people and have done in the past, but I dont know how to deal with 5 people. I will apply for martial arts lessons tonight so that I'm better prepared in the future (also because I am a big fan of Journey to the West and it's something I've wanted to do since last year). I also need to replace my messenger bag because fighting with a messenger bag on is ridiculous! It was like having an arm tied behind my back.


Edit: Hope my bad spelling tonight is due to being tired.


That's really bad dude. I don't mean the spelling, as yours is fine, but that fighting. There's a great quote from the first Karate Kid that sums this up, though. "Five to one problem, too much ask anyone."

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That's really bad dude. I don't mean the spelling, as yours is fine, but that fighting. There's a great quote from the first Karate Kid that sums this up, though. "Five to one problem, too much ask anyone."


Hey, I was watching that last night! Karate Kid 3 is legendary.:awesome:

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I fucking hate chavs.


I had an assignment due today that had to be handed in through a shared drive on the school server. So some chav in my class waited until I had logged out and was about to leave before he changed the filename of my assignment to something offensive, and then show me. I had to go to the school library after class to change it back, as well as a few other kids files who he had changed.

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Guest Captain Falcon

But the beauty of chavs is that you know you'll never be the bottom rung of the social ladder as long as they exist.

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Someone bitchslap me for taking Geography at A-Level, please. I've been sat trying to revise fucking soil for so long, but it won't stick at all. I said to a friend, and I got told to write "Mud is wet soil" in my exam...A Grade here I come!


Also, those freaking 4Head things need to die, they don't work at all. I looked like a total tardasuarus with it on only for it not to do a friggin' thing...I'm not a happy goat right now (...Bunny sounded to cliche).

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