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Dilema, please confirm.


Party A, keeps their phone on top of a small draw unit made of straw. On top of this is a basket, that hangs over the edge slightly both sides, full of products. This makes the unit rather wobbly. Party A has a pint glass of water at night and leaves the glass directly beneath the phone by the draw unit.


Party B goes into draw unit to get something. When putting said item away the phone is knocked off the unit and into the water.



Whos fault?


Dilema, please confirm.


Party A, keeps their phone on top of a small draw unit made of straw. On top of this is a basket, that hangs over the edge slightly both sides, full of products. This makes the unit rather wobbly. Party A has a pint glass of water at night and leaves the glass directly beneath the phone by the draw unit.


Party B goes into draw unit to get something. When putting said item away the phone is knocked off the unit and into the water.



Whos fault?

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Party B, for obviously not being more careful.


I am, hella tired. I have had like 6 hours sleep (i didn't fall asleep till 2am, and for some reason i kept waking up totally out of breath).


Gotta finish Assassin's tonight, as well as collect the rent from my housemates and do my washing... and make dinner.


God the list never ends :)

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Dilema, please confirm.


Party A, keeps their phone on top of a small draw unit made of straw. On top of this is a basket, that hangs over the edge slightly both sides, full of products. This makes the unit rather wobbly. Party A has a pint glass of water at night and leaves the glass directly beneath the phone by the draw unit.


Party B goes into draw unit to get something. When putting said item away the phone is knocked off the unit and into the water.



Whos fault?


Dilema, please confirm.


Party A, keeps their phone on top of a small draw unit made of straw. On top of this is a basket, that hangs over the edge slightly both sides, full of products. This makes the unit rather wobbly. Party A has a pint glass of water at night and leaves the glass directly beneath the phone by the draw unit.


Party B goes into draw unit to get something. When putting said item away the phone is knocked off the unit and into the water.



Whos fault?


This thread is "How was your day?"

Please stay on topic.

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Heh, field day.


Anyway my days okay.




Claire is annoyed because someone didnt know her phone was precariously balanced above a water pint and It got knocked in there. Seriously though it was like friggin mouse trap.




Had a nutella hot chocolate yesterday from Coffee Republic, and thus today Ive purchased Basics hot chocolate and Nutella. Gonna be friggin awesome.

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OK I forgot a few details about recent days: I got a new car, I went home to my parents, I saw an ace sunset with my girlfriend that also had the moon and stars in and was quite unbelievable. Went out for chinese with family and friends and g/f, put the bill on my card: £104 - Holy hell. On top of that, car insurance in Sheffield costs a fortune. Apparently we're 48/50 on the risk scale. I have to write 1500 more words on my essay by tonight. My flat is freezing cold. I'm hungry. I should get a blog for all this rubbish.

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Great day. Dell just sent me a Logitech MX 3200 Keyboard and Mouse set free because I complained about the problem with Inspiron 1520's where the headphone port gives of static noise when headphones are plugged in, like a quiet morse code sound in my ear.


It sells for £60, yet all they had to do was send me a express sound card which would have cost them less. Dells common sense is pretty strange.


Anyway, a day with free stuff/watching Borat in sociology = Awesome!

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Guest Stefkov

College was cold and dismal. Sat here with a bottle of apple juice waiting for 6 o'clock to come for the doctors then a night of nothing. Thinking about it makes me smile.

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my day has been ok! :smile:, but Monday's are always slightly boring. :) and i don't like Coursework and have my English to do.


I did have a delicious Chocolate Cookie though. :grin:


Me too! I had this meeting with people from some sort of education council as I'm interviewing potential headteachers for a new school later on in the week. Free pizza and cookies!

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Okay, so I've pretty much finished the background of my painting (maybe some touching up later) and started on the actual figure... But dear god, my back is not going to survive this. It hurts so much I can hardly feel it anymore. X____x


Once I finish half of the figure though, I'm going to reward myself with some tiramisu. I think I deserve it. ='3

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Okay, so I've pretty much finished the background of my painting (maybe some touching up later) and started on the actual figure... But dear god, my back is not going to survive this. It hurts so much I can hardly feel it anymore. X____x


Once I finish half of the figure though, I'm going to reward myself with some tiramisu. I think I deserve it. ='3


can't you prop it up in any way? I had a massive metre by one and a half metre mixed media piece that I did a few years ago and that killed my back teh first couple of days. I propped it up against a couple of massive stereo speakers and put some heavy books in front of it to stop it sliding so i didn't need ot bend over the table anymore.


It was my final piece for my first year of Art at A-level. I did it at home as I'd just had an operation, but the art department never got my doctor's note, and when I turned up with it they (BITCHES) were all "well you could've just found it and brought it in" and failed me :(


Plus they somehow lost the massive piece of chipboard the following week. Fuckers.

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