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Had a good day bar the weather, which was on and off rain and snow. One moment it was snowing, next rain and so forth all day long.


Work was good as usual did so much programming until a 3rd of the software i use decided to crash and not work properly again for the rest of the day.


Now come home and about to go out for the night, so i bid you all a fond farewell and catch ya tomorrow

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I had my hair cut at the Vidal Sassoon Academy for £4.50. Its a bargain and if you get 3 hair cuts you get the next free so for what I normally pay £20 (I know, its extortionet) I can get 5 hair cuts!!


I might post a picture of my hair later.

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my day was



i was woken up from a fantastic dream by a phone call from a fantastic person ^^ then i had a GREAT cup of tea.

later on i went into town for two job interviews; the first was at blockbuster - and i got the job!!

(well, i know most of the staff there anyway so that's not really a big deal ~ but i'm still happy... it's money! and i get to work with my friends)

the second interview was at an art shop, and i think it went really well! i'll know about that later in the week. then i went to GAME and said hello/goodbye to the guys who werent working with me on my last shift... and got some free stuff (i got a guitar hero faceplate for jamba :yay: )

then i came home,

scheduled a pre-emigration chest x-ray,

had some very nice stir-fry,

read some of my book,

had some more great tea,

and played phoenix wright with my mum ^__^


it's been a great day!

now i'ma go clean up my room, file my ECC paperwork and have a bath!!


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I'm feeling a little green! :heh:


It had to be said...



May I ask, how does one become staff? Send a example piece to a certain someone?


I was originally just curious, but mentioning it, I'm thinking of gamer articles, although I think I could do news too.


I won't be sending in anything anytime soon, though - exams, you see.


Elsewhere, I love the new banner!


Oh yeah, just fucking wondering my arse, nobody asks that out of fucking interest.

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Really really pants.


Got to college, finished the work I needed to do, to find the teacher couldn't even be fucking arsed to get himself to college that day, handed it in to someone else.


Got home, then went near enough straight to work, it was dead and found that everybodies hours have been cut because its so dead.


Then got home the net has been fixed, but not on my computer, it lets me connect but the icon at the bottom of the screen says otherwise.


Luckily it works, but I want it to be working properly.



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Oh yeah, just fucking wondering my arse, nobody asks that out of fucking interest.


Well, as you ask, it was - I asked, as I was curious, and as it turned out to be rather simple and they were looking for people, I thought I might as well try for it.

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day has been meh meh meh

except the couple of hours me and greg went up the town and he bought me chocolate cake :D


oh.. congrats to coolness bears and the fish for becoming newsies :D


Ooh, you lucky girl! I want cake! Even though it's a lie...


Thanks, by the way! :smile:

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