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Yep, at their child. Mental. She was also waking up the entire neighbourhood at 2am this morning yelling with some bloke about how "You're not my aunt" and how he "Doesn't have any family."

  DomJcg said:
What a joke, where's my first? The uni sent a email round explaining what their contingency plan is, the link they give for it directs you to the who home page ><


Pretty much, I mean. If it's one person why even bother sending an e-mail out. :/


The chief-executive of the NHS Trust here (a.k.a Norma Evans) has resigned because of the swine flu. First death from swine flu, a pregnant mother. Sad.


Flu screening is coming thick and fast here, getting about 3/4 a day.

Guest Captain Falcon
  Raining_again said:
The chief-executive of the NHS Trust here (a.k.a Norma Evans) has resigned because of the swine flu. First death from swine flu, a pregnant mother. Sad.


Flu screening is coming thick and fast here, getting about 3/4 a day.


Three quarters... how's that work?


I'm finally hoooooome. ^____^


Last night in the hospital was probably the one I slept the most... and even then I barely slept haha. I'm shattered. Felt a bit sick again today, barely ate during the day.


After seeing the doctor I finally got to leave the hospital at 1 pm, we got a wheelchair somewhere and from 2 until 5:30 I was in school, listening to information about my Master Year (was super boring by the way, haha). One of my friends helped me out of the building with the wheelchair, but she left me on the side of the street and disappeared with another friend, heh...


Anyway, hoooome! Yummy food! Hopefully good sleep too, once I figure out how to get to my room, heh...

  Eenuh said:
I'm finally hoooooome. ^____^


Last night in the hospital was probably the one I slept the most... and even then I barely slept haha. I'm shattered. Felt a bit sick again today, barely ate during the day.


After seeing the doctor I finally got to leave the hospital at 1 pm, we got a wheelchair somewhere and from 2 until 5:30 I was in school, listening to information about my Master Year (was super boring by the way, haha). One of my friends helped me out of the building with the wheelchair, but she left me on the side of the street and disappeared with another friend, heh...


Anyway, hoooome! Yummy food! Hopefully good sleep too, once I figure out how to get to my room, heh...


Stuck in the wheelchair all of the time Ine? ugh :( I bet your so glad to be home tho :smile:


Hope you have a speedy recovery m'dear! *sends lots of loves in Ine's direction*

  Raining_again said:
Stuck in the wheelchair all of the time Ine? ugh :( I bet your so glad to be home tho :smile:


Hope you have a speedy recovery m'dear! *sends lots of loves in Ine's direction*


Nah I'm allowed to go on crutches, but I'm not used to them yet and going through the school building on crutches seemed a bit impossible heh. Not sure yet what to do on Friday when I get my diploma/grades, as there's no chairs to sit in and standing around on crutches for over an hour doesn't seem easy heh.


But thank you! I'll be fine, just lots of pills and lots of rest and getting bored heh. =P


Work was sooooooo boring today, didn't have any customers in the last hour and a half, just sat there reading a book, which I still find boring, no matter how entertaining the book is!


Tomorrow and Wednesday are gonna be the same as well :( might see if I can borrow someone's laptop and just piss about on the irc!

  Eenuh said:
Nah I'm allowed to go on crutches, but I'm not used to them yet and going through the school building on crutches seemed a bit impossible heh. Not sure yet what to do on Friday when I get my diploma/grades, as there's no chairs to sit in and standing around on crutches for over an hour doesn't seem easy heh.


But thank you! I'll be fine, just lots of pills and lots of rest and getting bored heh. =P


Go in your wheelchair, they cant make you friggin' stand in crutches .___. If you have to be on crutches, doing that and straining your arms isn't really a good idea tbh. :smile:


Pretty good day today tbf, got part of a couple of reviews done, made a nice sandwich for lunch, the restaurant was pretty quiet today not many people - also quite literally as the sandwich machine broke earlier apparently so one less machine whirring for now - was good though as I got everything done which was cool :) oh and I saw the girl at work who I 'asked out' about erm a month or two ago now?


She'd been off for about a week, came back today and seemed pretty happy to see me, like things have been 'fine' since that night when I asked because there were no hard feelings between us but things were a little bit different which is understandable really, until today that is, we seem to be getting on better now as friends and quite honestly I'm happy. ^^


Listened to some Radiohead on the way to and from work - the Bends seems to get better with each listen - got home recently and had fish and chips for dinner which was win, the only thing which would have made this day even better would be cider, I ran out last night and didn't have time to get moar after work ;_; - will get some tomorrow though - ah well, a little bit of wine tonight instead, not too much though, gotta be up for work tomorrow at 5:10am. :/


Enough of the downsides though today has been good and eets not over yet.


Had the school art exhibition opening tonight. Got some stunning comments, which was always nice. Girl who lives with me FUCKING annoyed me again..her parents in their camper van are down (My mum told then they couldn't stay in the house, we have no room), and so they were around, but she stormed off when we arrived. Apparently "someone had played a cruel trick on her" by telling her we were allowed to come in our own clothes instead of uniform. I know (believe me) it was no "trick", and that no one laughed at her, as was the report by her mum.


Drama queen.com just got a new administrator. Ugh.


LOADS of people wore their own clothes...she just stormed off too early in the day to see them arrive.



  Eenuh said:
I'm finally hoooooome. ^____^


glad your home, nothing to make you recover like your own bed and familiarity. hope you recover quickly!


  Gizmo said:


why is my life so pathetic.


your thoughts mirror mine.


actualy, i worked hard at the gym so i pulled myself above pathetic today


for anyone currently keeping fit, ive got two tips. one, do your weights before you do cardio, apparently it helps you burn off fat (i dunno if its true)

and try H.I.T (high impact training) bassicly you walk for a couple of mins, jog for a couple of mins then sprint for a couple of mins. repeat untill thin.

  nightwolf said:
So I told myself I might actually considering 'dating' people again last night and then two guys I've known for ages are suddenly telling me they like me..*unimpressed face*


What the freakin' hell >.<


Melodrama over, I want to go back to sheffield. Today. This instant. But of course I can't because I'd have to find somewhere to park my car because until next wednesday I'm still at halls that have no fucking parking spaces. Grr. I'm going crazy being here, no money to do anything, which means nearly zero petrol to see anybody. Gah. Least my tyres are being sorted tomorrow. But that means I can't go anywhere tomorrow, can't leave the house or anything..


it's going to be a bad week, so I changed my sig and avatar to help cheer me up.


Pffft, its alright for some, I'd love to have people (girls) telling me they like me!


Sucks about the other stuff though, I know what it feels like to just sit around at home when you know you can't get out and see your mates! I am actually going out his week though (woooo me :heh:), although I'm waiting to see if this girl that I've had a bit of falling out with is coming, she has been invited so that could make it interesting... or shit, I know I'll just drink lots of alcohol, that'll make it a good night... right?

Posted (edited)

Well I had an interesting experience today...


After putting drops of sunflower oil in my ears for the past week, I had my ear canals blasted with a mini pressure washer thing so that they are nice and clear and now I can hear REALLY clearly.


Probably should have got it done ages ago. Think I'm just about beginning to get used to this new noise level, but seriously things are LOUD!!... so this is what things are meant to sound like!!

Edited by Retro_Link
  Retro_Link said:
Well I had an interesting experience today...


After putting drops of sunflower oil in my ears for the past week, I had my ear canals blasted with a mini pressure washer thing so that they are nice and clear and now I can hear REALLY clearly.


Probably should have got it done ages ago. Think I'm just about beginning to get used to this new noise level, but seriously things are LOUD!!... so this is what things are meant to sound like!!


You never had your ear syringed before? Think I need to do the same thing Retro, just can't be bothered!


I've actually never had that done either, or heard of anyone having it done. Do you get it done at the doctor's or something?


I had it done a few times when I was younger at the ENT dept at hospital. It's pretty madcore/awesome to go through it, and to hear properly again. I fear I am in dire need of another suction session (insert loltastic innuendos here)

  Eenuh said:
I've actually never had that done either, or heard of anyone having it done. Do you get it done at the doctor's or something?
Yeah the nurse at the doctors does it for you.


It's worth doing... [though you've prob had enough of doctors for a while!], and feel kinda nice in a wierd way with the water jet.

However, most of the time I was actually in quite a lot of discomfort as I'm sure she was sticking the nossle in too far, but being a bloke didn't want to sound like a wuss about it!


Just make sure you get a nice nurse!

  Retro_Link said:
Yeah the nurse at the doctors does it for you.


It's worth doing... [though you've prob had enough of doctors for a while!], and feel kinda nice in a wierd way with the water jet.

However, most of the time I was actually in quite a lot of discomfort as I'm sure she was sticking the nossle in too far, but being a bloke didn't want to sound like a wuss about it!


Just make sure you get a nice nurse!


Ehhh, my general doctor doesn't have a nurse, heh... So I'm not sure if she even does that stuff or if I need to go to a specialist for it. ^__^;


So glad to hear your safe at home Eenuh.


In other news, I made and consumed awesome soup. I make spectacular soup. The kind of soup you want to make sweet, sweet love too. Hot damn, I need to get to a motel.

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