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Seems everyone is in need of one so *Hugz all round*


Eenuh - That sounds horrible. Really hope you start to feel better soon.


Erm... yeh I've been sat with Youtube open for 30 minutes trying to think what music to put on. Have had a mental block and can't think of anything. Was hoping that Youtube would have something worth listening to in it's Recommended For You bit but it's all crap. le sigh.


*Hugs for people*




Had the most amazing night last night. Spent half the night in the local winebar, and then went round a guy from college's house with some others. I love getting to know people I've known for ages but haven't really known when drunk. Then, spent what must have been over an hour on the phone with Razz, which was also hilarious.


Good work moogle?


*hugs Eenuh* Hope you feel better A S A P!


@Nightwolf, why don't you just tell your friends then? It would really help you and I'm sure they want you to cheer up?


Last night was immense. My friend Jonny Fox (had to get the awesome full name in) is, sadly, Departing our hilly abode for warmer climes in Devon on Tuesday. Last night was his big send off with the old guard- all our best friends from over the years. I had a fantastic time just chillin, blazin the rum n cokes and catching up with some peeps I've not seen properly in aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages.


Teh Awsum.


Tonight: Another send off! uni mate is going to Africa (I kiss the rain!) for 6 months so we're seeing him off in style. Still waiting to hear from my mates who are driving me there though (watford, not Africa :heh:)


God, why are people so fucking incompetent. Two people have rang me (one being my sister, the other a number I don't know) and I have text back immediately saying "I'm at work, whats up" (or words to that effect) and then no text back. This kind of thing annoys the bejeesus girl out of me.


Erm... yeh I've been sat with Youtube open for 30 minutes trying to think what music to put on. Have had a mental block and can't think of anything. Was hoping that Youtube would have something worth listening to in it's Recommended For You bit but it's all crap. le sigh.


Spotify and Laft.fm are 100x more efficient ways of finding new music to put on.

God, why are people so fucking incompetent. Two people have rang me (one being my sister, the other a number I don't know) and I have text back immediately saying "I'm at work, whats up" (or words to that effect) and then no text back. This kind of thing annoys the bejeesus girl out of me.


Oh its N-Europe people in the chat room.

Spotify and Laft.fm are 100x more efficient ways of finding new music to put on.



Agreed, I hate the spotify adverts but every so often they bring up new music for me to listen too.


I made food, I talked to my sister and a guy friend, I feel better. Now to think of something to do. :zzz:



[Why the fuck is "gn-aa", without hyphen censored?]


XD, that would be the Gay Nigger Association of America...



Hope you get well soon, Eenuh - that sounds terrible. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.


I didn't even know there were censors on these boards. So we can post numerous synonyms for penis, vagina and poop along with pretty much every swear word in the book - but we can't type the acronym for Gay Nigger Association of America? What the heck? :confused:

I didn't even know there were censors on these boards. So we can post numerous synonyms for penis, vagina and poop along with pretty much every swear word in the book - but we can't type the acronym for Gay Nigger Association of America? What the heck? :confused:


Yeah I thought that was strange too!

I didn't even know there were censors on these boards. So we can post numerous synonyms for penis, vagina and poop along with pretty much every swear word in the book - but we can't type the acronym for Gay Nigger Association of America? What the heck? :confused:


I beleive the initialisation was in jest, sir.




My day has been pretty crappy. I'm in one of those moods where nothing is really wrong yet I just feel... bleh. Been feeling like it for a couple of weeks now and events over the past week haven't helped in the slightest! I've just been sitting around all day and thinking that whatever I do is a waste of time, so don't do anything, then get annoyed that I have actually wasted my time! It's times like these that I feel like I'd be better off being someone else, hence I end up doing things like dying my hair and getting my ears pierced, new look, new outlook mentality!


God knows when I'll see my mates again, but not sure if I want to if there's a possibility that the girl will be there, thinking about it I'm not sure I would actually miss my mates that much if I didn't see them for.... well who knows, I'd be lonely but I would just miss company in general, not necessarily them, strange really!


If it wasn't for the IRC I think I would be going just a wee bit crazy (crazier...) right now :heh:



My day has been pretty crappy. I'm in one of those moods where nothing is really wrong yet I just feel... bleh. Been feeling like it for a couple of weeks now and events over the past week haven't helped in the slightest! I've just been sitting around all day and thinking that whatever I do is a waste of time, so don't do anything, then get annoyed that I have actually wasted my time! It's times like these that I feel like I'd be better off being someone else, hence I end up doing things like dying my hair and getting my ears pierced, new look, new outlook mentality!


I feel like that quite often, it pretty much sucks :/ but there's nothing you can do about it really so you may as well do something maybe play a game you like / listen to some music or w/e... it doesn't have to be anything amazing, just something to occupy your mind until the feeling passes again, it will but it just takes time. :)


Oh and as you've allready mentioned, IRC definitely helps. ^^


Today I was up at 7. Half 8 I was on the road.

At one point I ended up in Birmingham. It was all work mind. Finally finished it all at 6ish. £40 for it all.

I find it weird that for £40 I can spend 9 or so hours travelling to or fro to places, helping people move their possessions, or I can spend 9 hours stood behind a bar on an extremely quiet day, be bored out of my skull and get paid the same amount. Strange how it all works.

Also I think I'm emotionally dead.

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