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Ah bluey that looks so cool, congrats :).


Woke up crying my eyes (why did I put ears first hah) out, been abit of a new one for me, had a nightmare involving people I care about, don't particularly want to repeat that experince.


Haven't really done anything besides think about crap, whether I go to a wedding in July and face the ex, whether I agree to go with him to sonisphere to see linkin park..my favourite band (ever). Pissing down with rain now too so that means I have to buy wellies for download.


I had to tell a friend about my gran too, because she was getting curious as to what was up to me, gah.


ce la vive?

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Ashley: Disneyland whooooooooooo! Was it fun? =D


Dan Dare: sorry you didn't get the job! Second is good though, so maybe you'll come first next time now (with that other person now out of the way). =P


Bluey: haha that BlueBerry looks great! Lucky you for finding it! X3


nightwolf: *bigggggg hug*





My day was very uninteresting, just studying more art history. And ate pizza for dinner, even though it wasn't that great. =P

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Sorry to hear about your troubles Nightwolf, sounds like an uncomfortable place to be right now.


Anyways, on the job hunt again: why do I have to phone a hot line, so they can tell me to phone another hot line to get the phone number I need to initiate the process of actually applying for a specific job? Perhaps mortal man was not meant to know. Job Seekers Direct - it moves in mysterious ways.

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3 hour DT exam wasn't awful. Obviously done shit as I added like..no detail to any of my answers, but not horrible. I have extra time (doo tah mah duslecksia) so actually had just under 4 hours to do it all, but I finished, only taking (literally) 2 minutes extra time.


Then went home, got changed, met some friends for lunch.


Came home, played more X-Men Legends, then had to go en famille to one of my mum's awfu charity fundraisers. I refuse to go one as shit as this. AWFUL musicians/old people trying to do interesting music and failing. There was one bands that did Gypsy/yiddish folk music though, they were cool. The woman in it looked exactly like Nicole Kidman in The Hours.


Also met the fusion (chair..) of PJ Harvey and Eenuh. For those not in the know, a "fusion" in my circle of friends is someone who looks like a combination of two people known to exist. They come from the future for a variety of reasons. For example. 2 girls in my school are best friends. A new girl joined after them this year, and became the third "member" of their crew. She was in fact their fusion from the future, come back to warn them never to fuse (for whatever reason). But she then decided she wanted to live, so just remains in out timeline.

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I hate my fucking boss. He and his wife seem physically out to get me. They must still be bitter about going over their heads. Especially when he gets drunk his prick mode goes into overdrive. The band that were playing tonight were severely shite, starting late for some reason, and in about 30 mins they'd played about 4 songs. They wasted so much time talking bullshit. As such I wasn't in a happy mood. This was further enhanced by my going into the back to get some cling film and not noticing some people who had just walked in. Prick boss walks into the back, stops my coworker from going out who was nearer to the bar and pushes me out. All the while the missus was there, who could see I wasn't in the best of moods but kept pulling sad faces at me, as I'd done something to upset her. At the end of the night, we can never tell when we'd finally be able to leave, because the band enjoy taking the piss getting their shit out the way. I said this to the missus that she should just go home now, as I wouldn't be staying over and wouldn't be much fun walking her home. As such she still wanted to stay which was fine.


Weather was amazingly shit all night.


I'm walking her home and she's giving me the "You can dry at mine" speech. I told her that I wasn't in the mood, she knew that, she was at my work watching me for about 3-4 hours and could see that. Then starts calling me a tease and giving me bullshit. I was on the verge of shouting as she kept pushing me. Eventually she went off in a strop, once again as if I'd done something wrong... And now I think my brother has stolen another can of beer from me. Last night he took two "because he couldn't sleep"... Little shit. I'm taking away his internet for the weekend.

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So today was my 10th attempt to kick-start doing work over the summer. It ended up in me playing games, eating a chicken casserole and falling asleep. I'm like an overweight cat.


There's no point in you even trying, you're moving out in less than a month so you'd get bothered by that, then you won't want to work after because of the effort of moving all of your stuff.

I worked my shift. I had a shower and now I'm tired. Another shift tomorrow, then watch the football. Then catch up on a few things, and then maybe play some more games. Sounds like a plan.

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It's just like I said before, I wouldn't do any work until I went to the awards... then results... then moving. And then once I'm moved it will feel like my summer holiday has finally begun and I will do sweet-nothing.

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went tot he driving range, my palm is firly swollen from impacts now.


went to the pub, the bar maid is way cute and we have a good bit of banter now, may be in with a chance.


went for a curry and disscussed how tiny and insignificant life is, and how mild blowing infinity is.


thats my night.

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Also met the fusion (chair..) of PJ Harvey and Eenuh. For those not in the know, a "fusion" in my circle of friends is someone who looks like a combination of two people known to exist.


Picture proof needed! =P


God I'm tired! I really am not getting enough sleep, or my sleep keeps getting messed up. Think I actually had a nightmare about school and my upcoming exam (though given by my secondary school history teacher O.o ). Have serious bags under my eyes. =(


Anyway, got tickets to see Muse so I'm happy right now. As happy as a zombie can be at least. X3

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Went Karting last night with a couple of guys at work, first time I've been in probably 2 years since leaving uni. Took a few laps to learn the track but ended up with the 3rd fastest lap time and best average of the group of 20 or so people. A lot of fun and I think we will be putting together a work team which could be a good laugh. Nice and cheap too which was pretty surprising.


Godamn rain got my car filthy having only just washed it the night before - utter pain.


Seeing a uni mate this afternoon/tonight which should be good. Wii and Beer always goes down well :)

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It was eenuh :)


Sorry to hear about that n'wolf. Hugs.


Blueu. Where the fuck is don? Shinjuku is huge. Gimme clues!


Spent two hours in wet shoes trying to find a new pair. Not knowing what shops sold made it tough, then they were all about £40. Got some from h&m as they were only £14.


Went to anime exhibit, shrine then wondered around with sore feet for ages. Found a skyview thing and some Japanese teens came up and asked for a pic together. Think they were mocking me as they insisted I didn't put down my camera. Ah well random fun.


Then after a struggle found food (I fell sorry for waiters that have to endure my limited and poorly pronounced Japanese) and came back and took a Japanese style bath.


Harajuku tomorrow, Gwenny Gwen Gwen would be so proud.

Edited by Ashley
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Ashley: Sounds like you're having a good time, make sure you bring me a present! :yay:


So I may have jinx myself, my gran died at 2am this morning, the funeral directors we planned to used had their mobiles turned off, considering they are a 24hour service, 7 days a week I've never been so angry in my left. Nobody leaves a dead woman in her bed for 7 hours and doesn't respond to us.


We left so many angry messages (the whole family) that their message box is full. W*nkers.


So she's going to be buried hopefully a few days before my birthday.


Happy Birthday me?

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I'm really sorry to hear about your gran Nightwolf :( I remember what it was like just over a year ago when I lost my gran, 'twas a sad time indeed... I know there isn't anything I can say that will make it all better, so all I will say is my thoughts are with you and your family in this sad time. *hugs*

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