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For a job with no basic wage? I could work for a week and get nothing. It's selling fuckin' windows, who in their right mind would buy windows from a door to door salesperson in the current economic climate anyway?


I wasn't going to bother going but my friend persuaded me to go for it anyway. On the plus side it's also job interview practice, something I could do with. Don't get me wrong; I can't stand being on the dole, but for a job that has no basic salary? I'll wait until I can get something that means I might actually get paid for my work.


i had a couple of interviews with them, though neither made it clar it was commision based, and didint mention id be door to door.


first one i went to, they talked about how you go to f1 days, meet clients, that sort of shit. they said id passed stage oe of the interview and invited me to stage two the next day, meeting clients in newcastle. i attended that, was jammed in a mini bus and once the mini bus was set going, i was told i was going to middlesbrough (you dont got too middlesbrough, you go through middlesbourough!) and would, infact be shadowing a guy doing door to door sales ona commision basis. 8 hours of my life spent being told to fuck off, get off peoples property and that they would not fill in a form.


i didnt get back tot he office area till after 9, and they expected me to stay and do a test. the fact that the guy only made £15 all day told me that no, id be better off signing on.


i instead left, and went tot he pub were i got the piss taken out of me by my mates untill i told one hed better fuck off or id break his nose. im a very non violent person, but id have done it without hesitating. if a job does that to you, iy aint worth having.

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i had a couple of interviews with them, though neither made it clar it was commision based, and didint mention id be door to door.


first one i went to, they talked about how you go to f1 days, meet clients, that sort of shit. they said id passed stage oe of the interview and invited me to stage two the next day, meeting clients in newcastle. i attended that, was jammed in a mini bus and once the mini bus was set going, i was told i was going to middlesbrough (you dont got too middlesbrough, you go through middlesbourough!) and would, infact be shadowing a guy doing door to door sales ona commision basis. 8 hours of my life spent being told to fuck off, get off peoples property and that they would not fill in a form.

Exactly what I had, I asked twice if it was commission based and he was like "Did you not hear what I just said?"... No I didn't. Because you didn't answer the question.

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Exactly what I had, I asked twice if it was commission based and he was like "Did you not hear what I just said?"... No I didn't. Because you didn't answer the question.

Here's the sexy paper I had during my 8 hour walkabout:


This is the sheet we wrote our answers/notes on the random crap he talked about. As you can see I got mighty bored and started drawing chess pieces. Yet this and the Callippo couldn't stop me from getting hired.



Syed asked us to write down what he does when he knocks on someone's door, I went for the sarcy approach because by that time I'd really stopped giving a shit. The impatient fucker kept asking me to read it out before I'd finished, as if we were strapped for time. He kept unusually quiet after I pimpsmacked him with this piece of literary genius. Edited slightly because the notes I copied from were slightly off.



This is how the monies work when you get the job, you start at the bottom as a distributor, working on 100% commission it seems, although as mentioned he never actually stated it/otherwise. The 40% in the pie chart is what goes to the company from your monies, 30% going somewhere else and the other 30% to you, at the top with the assistant/manager you get to keep the entire 60% extra. This all seems a little dodgy since they're bragging about expansion, yet don't seem to have need for lower people when they're training all these upper managements all at once.


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i attended that, was jammed in a mini bus and once the mini bus was set going, i was told i was going to middlesbrough (you dont got too middlesbrough, you go through middlesbourough!) and would, infact be shadowing a guy doing door to door sales ona commision basis. 8 hours of my life spent being told to fuck off, get off peoples property and that they would not fill in a form.



i totaly have to agree with you there seeing as i live in middlesbrough :(.

middlesbrough is definetly the worse place to live. lookily thought im going to leeds met uni in september, so i can escape from here.

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No more college, ever! Such a wierd feeling, knowing I'll never have another lesson there again. Spent the day messing around, taking many photo's and raving in the college lift which was one of the funniest moments ever. I collapsed I was laughing so much, it was amazing.


Aww, I want to stay another year now. How odd.

Edited by Slaggis
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Fairly good day today. Went to town, picked up my new glasses, bought some shit I don't really need and went to the Job Centre for the last time.


"What have you done to find work this week?"

"I found a job, I start tonight"


Best feeling ever. To make things better, it was a particularly bad day in there. Ie, busy, noisy, "chavs" everywhere and I'm fairly certain someone was argueing with the receptionist. All I heard was the receptionist say something like "OK, I'll see to you then and make all these people wait" then storm off.


Although I'm not really looking forward to my new job. It's working nights in a petrol station. I've never really wanted to do customer based jobs, but I'm hoping the night shift will be really quiet.

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I've been trying to see about getting a leather coat like what Spike wears in Buffy, but the closest I've come is an Aragorn copy:


The stiching looks awesome, they said the original is longer so I've asked them how much it would be to have it at the original length, apparently £400, I sent them some pictures of Spike and they said they'd forward the pics to their designer and get back to me, most likely it'd be around the same price tag.

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Had real trouble staying awake this afternoon. Just felt so drowsy. Even had a short sleep to see if that'd help but it didn't If anything I was worse after it. Doesn't sound particularly healthy and probably has something to do with the fact I haven't been eating much lately. Oh well. Makes for some interesting times if anything.


Didn't really do anything today. Went into town for a wander and lunch but that was it. Over 3 months of this. :nono: Need to find something to do. Waiting on hearin back from some friends about meeting up but don't know how long it'll be before I hear anything.

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I was in a pretty serious car crash today.


Me and Nethy(driving) were doing about 70mph on a blindish hill, (hill being, crash barrier and steep drop on one side, steep hill on the other) and as we reached the top he clipped a big rock kinda sticking out from the verge. Shit hit the fan!


We spun out, hit the crash barrier, he steered away from the barrier, but we skidded and he had to steer in again to avoid the ditch, and we ended up zigzagging across the road, eventually hitting the steep hill at about 50mph.


The car def flipped once in mid air, and flipped a few more times on the hillside.

Then we finally stop moving.


The car is on its side, and I'm hanging in my seat thanks to my seatbelt (THANK GOD). I look down at nethy, his face is bleeding awfully from hitting it on the steering wheel a few times. The car is smoking and we're like 'OSHI' So luckily the window nearest me had smashed and we climbed out. I had glass in my mouth since it smashed so close to me. Then we called the police, gave statements etc.


I hit my head and cut my hand, but I'm not dead.

He fucked his nose up, black eye and cut his chin, but he's not dead.

His car is a complete write off though.


Pics; (Since I'm sick :D)








Needless to say, my mum was pleased.

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None came out. It was ridiculous.


Maybe there was no direct head on impact to the front or the car? Although I'd be more concerned the seatbelt let him lean that far forward to begin with.


Glad your both ok. Was anyone else involved? Did anyone stop to help?

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Maybe there was no direct head on impact to the front or the car? Although I'd be more concerned the seatbelt let him lean that far forward to begin with.


Glad your both ok. Was anyone else involved? Did anyone stop to help?


No head on collision, the only thing I can think of is that he is pretty short, so sits close to the wheel? I really didn't know what was going on until after we'd stopped and I realised though. it might not have been the wheel, but he was def bleeding a lot.


No, luckily the road was clear both ways!


Yeah, a lady did. She helped me ring the police since I didn't know where we were!

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You get a lift?


Unfair. Although I'd be scared it would be sabotaged by fools, so I'd never go on it, if we had one.


Students aren't supposed to use it, which seems pointless. Han and I got banned from it earlier in the year, because we were "being reckless". It's like, how the frick can you be "reckless" with a lift?




Glad you're okay Letty. :)

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