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Went to my school talent show. Very funny and talented thigns from my friends and other yeargroups.


I hated the pretension of the lead singer of "Art Nouveau" *vomits*. You aren't seling out stadiums, so take of your sunglasses, and stop slouching around as though you're too cool for us. He couldn't sing (the prize went to the only good singer, who covered Paolo Nutini very well) either. I'd go as far as to say he ruined a (musically) good cover of MGMT.

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I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show and Kate & Allie. Was meant to watch the Mary Tyler Moore Show too but DVD player issues.

Were they any good? I've always wanted to see what happens in the Dick Van Dyke Show.


If/When he passes away, I will petition [assuming it isn't being done] that a national holiday should be named after him.


I dislike it when we have shitty bands on Friday, every band seems to play the same collection of songs, and a few others. This band did a rendition of Hallelujah, but they kept saying "a cold a lonely Hallelujah" I kept saying under my breath "it's 'broken' dammit!", but they couldn't hear me for some reason.


Plus you always gets students coming en masse right at the end of the night buying a round, a minute later we ring the bell and they buy another round. I never did that when I was a student.

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Razz and I have just managed to sound like total whores on my facebook status, I love it. I already had one friend going "WHAT!", so retarded. Then again, whoever doesn't listen to Lily Allen's new album, deserves a bitch slap.

Edited by Slaggis
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Went to the pub for my friend's birthday. That was nice. Nothing big.


Then went to my another friends party where I spent all night keeping company the loveliest sweetest girl in the world in her room as she had just found out her parents were getting divorced. We had a lot of fun watching youtube, raiding Spotify and generally bantering.


Plus, I look fucking dapper. Not that that isn't unusual. I stole a pair of my sister's jeans. They are damn comfortable. Plus, I look way better in them than she does. I'll make sure to tell her that.

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Well, last two nights have been epically emotionally wrecking.


I got with the girl i was trying not to get with (harsh as that sounds, i don't fancy her, drunk foools) and the girl i invited to try to get with got convinced by friends not to go out because they are shiiiit. So i now have to tell this girl that i don't like her in that waaaay. Tonight however, my friend apparently broke up with his girlfriend, my other friend brought a girl back to his place and explained to me how he hates his new housemate (living with next year) beeeecause she has had... relations with the guy whose living with both of them next year.


And i heard them it was iccky

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last night was monumentally shit. Perfectly good plans were made that fell through and nobody told me. Wasted a good hour n a half bussing to town, then walking home for nothing. gaaaah.


Ugh, sounds ass-holeish. Shit like this annoys me too.




There is sprinklings of genius scattered evenly throughout, so watch through the "not as good" bits and you'll find nuggets of win.



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Blaaaaaah ill!


I woke up yesterday with a realllllllly bad cough, which often made me feel like I was going to be sick just from coughing. Combine with a headache and an upset stomach and you have one Ine who is staying home from school. Felt really bad about that but I think if I had cycled to school in that condition I would've collapsed or suffocated from my own coughing. >.>;


Still have the cough, and it's affecting my voice, which just seems to come and go now. Boooh. Horrible timing, as I need to be better for my trip to Italy on Monday. =(

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yay, finished my english essay due on monday morning. Decided not to go with the mythology in modernist poetry stuff as I would rather write about poetry in my exam. So, I went with a discussion on Things Fall Apart and how the book is used to dispell the stereotypes and ideas that the African people were savage and uncivilised. Think I've done a good job but I'll go over it again later to doble check.


Not doing much today. Will go out and about for a wander but that'll be the highlight of the day. Wonder how bingo went last night for my friends? Damn, wish I had gone. Would have been class. Just remembered that they were trying to force me to hit on one of the other girls who's in our english tutorial as they think we'd make a good couple. ::shrug: Might do it. I like her so might as well give it a shot. Although the piercing she has are kind of a turn off but it's not a huge deal.


Also, my foot has gotten much worse. Don't know wants wrong with it. It's the base of my foot that hurts and it hurts to stand and walk about and couple it with my dodgy knee it's a nightmare. Feel down a few times this morning after getting up because I couldn't walk. :nono: Really should go and get it checked out.


Had an epic night of watching Richard Pryor last night. Such an awesome comedian although I wish he'd have done the Mudbone skit he does in that show but there's other dvds so hopefully it'll turn up there. It turns up in his autobiography where he gets to speak for awhile. It's just so weird but humorous.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Guest Jordan


Ugh, sounds ass-holeish. Shit like this annoys me too.




There is sprinklings of genius scattered evenly throughout, so watch through the "not as good" bits and you'll find nuggets of win.




Ahhhh moments of genius.


Also, the entire time i was thinking "wow Rez, you should go out with that chick..." Then: "Wat?! thats your sister :|"

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I love your eclectic group of friends. That guy with the glasses and black shirt looks like he shouldn't be there, yet he sounds like he should. That woman, the same.


Hahah, I know what you mean. The guy - Brad, when I met him or saw him I was like "Wow this guys a jock. Probably a twat" and after a few minutes I was like "Wow this guys hilarious"

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Last Night was good though I went to a resturant for Mum's bithday and indulged in Belgian Waffles with a hot fudge sauce and vanilla Icecream. :grin:


Whooooo, waffles! And happy birthday to your mom! =D



Even though I'm not feeling that great physically, today so far has been a pretty nice day. The weather is loooooovely and I'm currently sitting outside in the sun in a t-shirt and my jeans rolled up so my vampire white legs can get some sun. =P


Also had some fun with my dog. Was blowing bubbles into the air and she kept jumping around like crazy trying to catch them. Silly dog; made me laugh so much. X3

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Today I open up iTunes to find that an update has erased everything. All my songs, all my playlists, all the play count history. Every-bloody-thing dating back to 2007.

To say I'm 'slightly miffed' would be an understatement, but lack of energy means I haven't done anything but just tut. So nothing's been broken except for silence.


I'd always kept my iTunes and last.fm play counts in sync with each other; iTunes would say I played a song 30 times, I'd make sure last.fm said the same and so on.

Now I've got to create the playlists again and everything. And it's going to look stupid when last.fm says I played a song 100 times when my iTunes only says 9.



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Guest Jordan

I honestly cannot believe anyone would use iTunes as their main media player if you're using Windows. It's god awful for tagging, arranging...


Oh and the fact it can randomly delete everything.

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I honestly cannot believe anyone would use iTunes as their main media player if you're using Windows. It's god awful for tagging, arranging...


Oh and the fact it can randomly delete everything.


Two years without it ever happening...and Media Player is wank...



Oh, wait, I forgot. You're Mr. Anti-Apple, whereas I'm Mr. Couldn't-really-give-a-toss. How you doing? :heh:

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