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Damn Lee, sounds shitty. *Huggage*






Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucklenegros. Yesterday was amazing.


I will post my impressions of Saw The Ride in the rollercoaster thread, either in a minute or when I'm at work. Had a hell of a time. My voice is fucked from screaming and fucking about/talking constantly for 15 hours yesterday. Work should be interesting lol....I don't wanna talk. :(


Then got back from Thorpe, picked up my comics....shit loads/awesomz. The got home, knackered so went to bed, and just read Invincible #60 this morning and shat myself.


Heres the spoilerific Saw review


Oh I forgot to say, the videos I filmed are amazing. They should be hilarious, like well funny. I'll hopefully upload and edit it all tonight. Laziness/pile of comics permitting.

Edited by ReZourceman
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Went to my friends Dad's Funeral today, somber is the theme.


Also my mom is in the hospital now, her Kidneys are probably failing since she's had chronic back pain for who fucking knows how long now, basically she's been taking at least 3 Advil and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol nearly every night for probably 2 months now like a dumb cunt. I think she also takes advil during the day too. Much better than just going to a hospital to fix what's wrong, or losing weight (she's obese, and I'm sure that doesn't help her back/ankle/hip/neck problems).


Basically though she was in unbearable pain the trip to the hospital and crying the whole way, and hurt with every little bump accelerating/decelerating turning.


Fun day. Fun day indeed.


Well that royally sucks. *massive hug*


I woke up, hit my alarm, and went straight back to sleep. Was meant to be in the library for 9. Time to run, I feel!

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Was just on time for work, but seriously overslept this morning; need to go to bed earlier. But staying up is fun. Although, due to lateness I just let my hair dry naturally and I'm loving the wavy unkempt look. Oh and IT'S FRIDAY WOOOOOP. My modesty scarf keeps falling down, not good.


Oooh Champs league draw in a minute.

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Was just on time for work, but seriously overslept this morning; need to go to bed earlier. But staying up is fun. Although, due to lateness I just let my hair dry naturally and I'm loving the wavy unkempt look. Oh and IT'S FRIDAY WOOOOOP. My modesty scarf keeps falling down, not good.


Oooh Champs league draw in a minute.


modesty scarf?? whatsa onea those?? (O o O)??


my day is proving uneventful. although one of the designers here is gunna try doing the linework for my tattoo :smile: (i havent told her that i've also sent a rather long shot email asking Tatsuya Ishida (of sinfest.net) if he might consider inking it for me............ its a LONG SHOT... but it'd be combinging two of my favourite artists ~ so i figured i may as well ask...



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Ugh, what a shitty day. I just wanna go home.


Had two complaints, registered two deaths, countless stupid pointless transfers.


AH WNAN GO HOME AND EAT RAINBOW COOKIES AND BUILD MY PIRATS COVE LAND ON RCT2. Built the world and scenery, gotta add coasters now.


2:45 to go.

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Why are the post office incapable of fixing my Internet? Im am currently connected at 120k!


We have been trying to get this fixed since September last year and everytime we ring they either try and blame our Sky box or say BT says there is no problem on the line and it will be sorted within a week....it never is!

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Ugh, what a shitty day. I just wanna go home.


Had two complaints, registered two deaths, countless stupid pointless transfers.


AH WNAN GO HOME AND EAT RAINBOW COOKIES AND BUILD MY PIRATS COVE LAND ON RCT2. Built the world and scenery, gotta add coasters now.


2:45 to go.

My day is sexier. I'm watching Attack of the Clones whilst polishing my shelves [not a metaphor sadly], ready for work at 7. It's going to be mega wank.

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well, tidyed my sisters old room up a bit cos shes coming home for mothersday, as a supprise to my mum. also, ive aranged to go to the pub tonight, who cares if my sisters coming home for the first time since christmas, im going to see my mates and drink til my toes tingle.





in outher news, my internets are being strange, i think its to do with the hike up to a better connection speed.

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A manager (not the one I spoke to) just came round asking about Saturdays. He said to me "Well I can tell you now the contract is flexible" which is bull shit considering....it doesn't say that. At all. I wasn't prepared to argue with him, but yeah.


If it comes down to me having to request a copy of what I signed stating that, then so be it, cos' what I've got states the opposite.




Once again, everyone please steer clear of this company as much of possible. They're shit in every respect.

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