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Indeed. This and also the thing I posted in User Image [/advertising] may seem silly to the outside world, but as you and I both know it is these small things that allow us to clutch onto the fabric of existence without dieing that little bit inside.



And your boss sounds like a legend! :bowdown:


Call centre high five!! :D


Best thing was it was a bad word :D My boss is a legend. Probably because we are only 5 FTE (full time equivalent) staff so he hasn't got too many problems to deal with. I would imagine it may be different in your case..


You guys can all tut and laugh, but yeah, working in a call centre is sinfully boring, and you find amusement in the most unbelievably stupid things. At least we enjoy life even when its shit. Ner! :heh:

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Prank Jamie and I have played on our friend at work, we did this as we were both on the 10-6 shift. The perfect crime. I just wish I was in to see his reaction. Molly this is your mission. Observe and report.

Is that Tom's desk? lol. He's gonna love it. You guys are so cool. Reminds me of when I was really cool and stole Maj's mouse ball and headset. In other trivial news, today the boy who sits next to me said ''I've been watching you Molly*, I've been watching you all day'', which was fairly weird, even as a joke.


*used my real name etc.


Also just booked my train tickets to Lincoln for this weekend, gonna be big, woop woop de woop. Plus I registered for another job fair thing in London.

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Did my presentation. Everyone loved it even though the stupid teacher cut me off...'not enough time' my arse!!


Anyway, managed to show the ending video at the end of the class.


Played some Burnout online which was awesome.


Sister came home, *shock horror*, I'm getting her to play flower. She actually likes it. :heh:


She's not being a bitch which is a nice change.


In other trivial news, today the boy who sits next to me said ''I've been watching you Molly*, I've been watching you all day'', which was fairly weird, even as a joke.


*used my real name etc.


The story gets weirder and weirder. :heh:

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Letty's not around tonight, but i've had some cool funnnzz..


Checked out a tonne of Street Fighter IV reviews - all bad ass.

Whilst at work we found a user on a database (thats actually a real person, they work for a company called Tesoro) called "Letty Jordan". Its was one of the weirdest moments of my life.


Got home, made dinner (pasta 'n pesto... mmmm) and played Lost and Damned, which is a great little expansion. Watched 24... And now going back to GTA.

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Letty's not around tonight, but i've had some cool funnnzz..


Checked out a tonne of Street Fighter IV reviews - all bad ass.

Whilst at work we found a user on a database (thats actually a real person, they work for a company called Tesoro) called "Letty Jordan". Its was one of the weirdest moments of my life.


Got home, made dinner (pasta 'n pesto... mmmm) and played Lost and Damned, which is a great little expansion. Watched 24... And now going back to GTA.


Werid Jordan!


Ive seen some of shops/pubs named named after cube-europe users ie a pub called RoadKill but nothing weird like yours.

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Checked out a tonne of Street Fighter IV reviews - all bad ass.

Whilst at work we found a user on a database (thats actually a real person, they work for a company called Tesoro) called "Letty Jordan". Its was one of the weirdest moments of my life.


Lolz, my dad rang through to my work once. (He's a financial advisor) it was so weird.


"Hi....dad....its er...Michael Jamieson at the Aylesbury office" lol. Well obv I didn't say that. Well I did but I said my call opening before I knew who it was.



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Lolz, my dad rang through to my work once. (He's a financial advisor) it was so weird.


"Hi....dad....its er...Michael Jamieson at the Aylesbury office" lol. Well obv I didn't say that. Well I did but I said my call opening before I knew who it was.




My brother often likes taking the piss when phoning me at work. I'll go through my spiel on answering the phone and he'll impersonate some prick of a customer. It's often goes on for a long time.

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The latest in the Arnie Name series. This time my brothers' friend Robbie. Someone is a little aggressive today. Takes awhile to get started though. Skip about 18 seconds in.



Hahah! Brilliant.




My brother often likes taking the piss when phoning me at work. I'll go through my spiel on answering the phone and he'll impersonate some prick of a customer. It's often goes on for a long time.


Lol, my sis is ridiculous too. Like I'll ring her and she'll go "Maaaaaaahhhhh" (Just making a weird noise or whatever) and I'll say "Yep. Recorded line sis."

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I spent today being a boom operator on set of a student film. It was pretty fun but exhausting! It took ages to transform a performance studio into a 'weapons room' and after about 7 hours we basically filmed a scene about ½ a minute long! And... I'm not even on the course, I was just helping out.

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Haha funny videos Eevil. X3



Phew! I just got home from school, and it's now about 10:30, haha. Had a late evening lecture (8-10), which was really quite interesting, as we had a guest lecturer speaking. He's like, an all-in-one guy: does graphic design, webdesign, animation, typography, illustration... Very awesome! And very inspiring, heh.


Hope that one day I can be like that. Maybe not work in all those fields, but at least have a lot of experience in at least one field and know what I'm talking about. =D

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I had my first driving lesson today ^____^


(and I didn't kill anyone - weeeee!)


She was impressed at my turning and gear changing skills :awesome:


I just cannot get into the whole biting point thing, my feet seize up horribly (thanks arthritis) and I conked out the car twice =(


Arthritis aside, you'll get it. It will just click one day. I was shite at first.


I am now massively "pr0" after two years of driving.

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@ Nightwolf and Ellmeister


I hope you feel better/get better! : peace:






If you have to choose Across the Universe but as Dan Dare said both are essential!


That's it. I'm going food shopping. My "weekly" (lol) shop where I buy a bunch of food that all goes off before I get round to eating it.


Coolness Bears - I'm thinking pitta bread for the snack-wise gamgee, so if you get this message in the next two hours, can you psychically tell me some good things to go with? Otherwise I'll just end up getting regular, non-green bread.


Woah. :o Way late to replying to this message!!!


I'm sorry J7 for not being there in your urgent time of need! :(


Anyway I answer your question now in case the crisis arises again. That way you'll be more prepared. :)


The one day I actually do something!


Taramasalta is essential for your Pitta Bread it is an awesome Dip/Pitta Bread Filler. I've been eating the stuff for years!




Chicken Tikka

Mini Sausages




Cherry Tomatoes

Red Pepper


Crisps. (yeah you heard me!)

Japanese Rice Crackers. (sometimes only when you don't really have anything else)


Cheese could be good? but I'm not a fan of the stuff.


I hope that helps! (for next time) I'm sure I'm missing somethings I'm trying to picture what's in my fridge but I pretty much emptied it of its contents today!


I pretty much have all that but now stuffed into one tortilla. :grin: tortilla is the way to go at the moment all the cool kids are doing it.


(okay only me... but I'm cool.... right...?)


At 1:15 I was helping my friend make a tortilla. I say helping but I was laughing at his failure... :p Also I'm apparently not trusted with a knife.


Today was good. :)


Invited my friend over (sort of) it was kind of awkward as I'm never really sure what to do when some one comes round! I'm not used to company. Normally it's just little old me sitting in my room consuming a vast amount of snacks.


Also I'm never really sure what to say to him so I filled the silence with music and games and then went to the Cinema to kill sometime!!!


And tonight it has been decided I'm going to make a STACK OF WAFFLES! :yay:

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