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Shit. A bunch of chavs just tried to get into our house, despite my parents watching TV in the living room. My dad chased them up the street and confronted them, they gave some bullshit about their motorbike being stolen and checking gardens for it, but they definitely tried all our doors. I honestly thought he was about to get stabbed. Fucking chavs.


Went to a lovely party, had a genuinely fun time.


Despite walking several miles to get to a girls house pointlessly. When other people just got a taxi.


Got to know a few people better too.


I'm slowly smoking more and more though (various things), and I'd prefer not to officially start...


Aaaw that kitten is cute,


Dyson. Go forth and Shabba'ise.

Letty don't do the massive ear stretch thing. It's horrific.

I concur! It's fucking horrible. Imagine those people who have massive pebbles stretching their lips, take the stone away. Saggy bottom lips.




Are those people meant to be impressing us when they do that?

Excuse the language but that is fucking disgusting. Why would anyone willingly do that to themselves.

I think they're trying to show how unique and individual they are. Let's feel in awe of their individuality. Those renegades.

he looks like hes just been hunting arnie in the jungle.

There was something out there, and it aint no maaahn.

A suprisingly nice day. Went to sort out this guy's website and he gave me £40. Quite a suprise (and I feel as if I should give Shorty some of it as he helped a bit...).
I'm listening! you can buy me a pint or something :D

I concur! It's fucking horrible. Imagine those people who have massive pebbles stretching their lips, take the stone away. Saggy bottom lips.




Are those people meant to be impressing us when they do that?


I think they're trying to show how unique and individual they are. Let's feel in awe of their individuality. Those renegades.


There was something out there, and it aint no maaahn.


No, alot of people including him do it for the act of doing so rather than impressing people, I don't understand how everything ''different'' has to be an act of individuality, I mean come on look at other cultures!


Just got back from a night out, argh! I was only meant to stay til about 3am, but we got talking and such forth and next minute its half 8 in the morning, walking out of halls I noticed a large dent in the world..that could have been made by a friend..whoops.


Tired, sleepy time. Will post more of my adventures later.


Large dent in the world? My my, you sure do have one careless friend.


Right, I'm off. Dunno when I'll be back, could be Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. Maybe even Wednesday, at a stretch. Even so; see you crazy bunch soon.


Just got back from a night out, argh! I was only meant to stay til about 3am, but we got talking and such forth and next minute its half 8 in the morning, walking out of halls I noticed a large dent in the world..that could have been made by a friend..whoops.


Oh no, not another asteroid hitting our wonderful planet again?


Last night was weird. In swung between awesome and awful so many times. I did ask the DJ to put on some Justice, since he had no Shinichi Osawa, but he put on We Are You Friends instead which irked me.


Kind of wishing I had just walked/taken several night buses home.


I feel like shit. Didn't have much to eat last night as my mum couldn't be bothered to make me a dinner. Hence I got drunk quite easily.


I threw up in bed. I was half asleep when I did it. I can vaguely remember it but I thought I was dreaming. I realised that I wasn't a few hours later when I noticed the dry sick next to my head.

At least here, switching between mechanical, medical and aerospace (MMA) in 1st year is literally signing a piece of paper. For civil, after the first semester, it's a bit more tricky, but do-able.


A couple of things: if you want to look outside of the Uni's you've applied to, look at Surrey - it's got one of the few (if not the only) ICE accredited Civil engineering course in the UK, and, for all 4 disciplines, it has the joint-best graduate employment rate, as professional placements are pretty much par for the course. Where ever you end up, do a placement year. It'll help to no end.


Where are you applying to at the mo'?


Well I'm not even applying to places this year - it's next year I do all that. I'm just trying to get a handle on the actual subjects I'm interested in for now. Once the Open Days all start is when I'll look at more specifics. Also, as I mentioned to Chairdriver in the Uni thread, I think I'm pretty much restricted to Scottish Uni's, as I don't think my parents would take too kindly to me passing up the free tuition.


I just spent about half of my rebate monies on a new bed and mattress and lots of bedsheets. WoooOooo.


And now to spend the rest on a netbook! ^___^


Winrar. Retail therapy is the best thing ever =)


Had an interesting last night to say the least - first we helped a lost dog called O.J. back to his owner, then after a couple of bars allowed myself to get dragged into a blisteringly awful club where one my housemates was solicited by an over-friendly drunk to "go back to his place" to "play" "Call of Duty 4". My housemate pulled us all out pretty quickly after that, convinced that he had just been "mind raped." I thought it was funny as hell. :D


Today I have been shopping in Mansfield and I purchased nothing :( I was meant to be on the look out for clothes, but there's nothing good around.


Also I've just sorted out my Hard Drives in my Laptop, I have 20Gb left overall (10Gb on each drive) after deleting a fair amount of stuff I don't need. WoW has taken up 17Gb on its own, which I'm going to re-subscribe to fairly soon now the exams are done (Hurray!)


Got an 18th Birthday party tonight as well and I really can't be arsed to go.


Bloody Royal Mail! Seems that they've lost my copy of Pikmin 2 which I was selling to Tapedeck. Bastards. Sending his money back on monday and lord knows what'll happen with the game. All I know is that it's gone somewhere and I put the correct address on the package along with the first class stamp like it said. Supposed to arrive in 1 to 2 days and it's been 5. Small parcels can take 3+ days so there may still be a hope it arrives on monday. But I'm not holding my breath.


Not happy. Anyways, think I'll go and mindlessly play Left 4 Dead. Killing large numbers of things should take away the anger.

No, alot of people including him do it for the act of doing so rather than impressing people, I don't understand how everything ''different'' has to be an act of individuality, I mean come on look at other cultures!

Other cultures [such as the aforementioned stone lip], and the things they do are normally acts of religion and their way of life.


I have every confidence that Ringo there did it so he could stick it to the man, and show what a marvelous call centre worker he'd be. That is assuming he can talk properly.


My room is all cleannn, yay! Well clean enough. X3


Just had a shower and I'm a bit confused. I have this box of perfume, which also contains two small bottles. One says body shampoo and the other body lotion... now is the shampoo supposed to be soap? And the lotion stuff you put on after the shower? :confused:

*is stupid*


Also, there's something wrong with one of my fingers. It's all red and there's small swollen parts that are a bit more white. And it hurts. And it only just showed up...

*pokes it so it'll hopefully go away!*

My room is all cleannn, yay! Well clean enough. X3


Just had a shower and I'm a bit confused. I have this box of perfume, which also contains two small bottles. One says body shampoo and the other body lotion... now is the shampoo supposed to be soap? And the lotion stuff you put on after the shower? :confused:

*is stupid*


Body Lotion you apply after the shower, to make skin nice and soft.

Um, has everyone got the same problem with Google as I have - when I search for anything it says every single result "may harm my computer". Anyone know why???


Yeah, same here. Wasn't even looking for anything dodgy.

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