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Missed my assignment hand in deadline by 45 minutes. There goes weeks and weeks of work, wasted. Fucking 9am deadlines, what the fuck is the use.

Did your deadline mean you fail or a cap on your marks?

Just one last question, prime minister. If a woman were lactose intolerant, and ingested her own milk, would it have adverse effects?

Wouldn't the adverse affects occur before she even ingested it, being in her body etc?

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Friend of mine just made me laugh so hard. I said wish me luck in my exam tomorrow and she goes "Think of me if you get stuck. It won't help you think of an answer, but it'll sure help down there"


Such a slag, I love her for it though. :D




Right, sleep. Up at 6am tomorrow on the dot. This should be something to see. I've never been up that early for college. Earliest is about 8am usually. *sighs*


Good luck!!

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Did your deadline mean you fail or a cap on your marks?


Wouldn't the adverse affects occur before she even ingested it, being in her body etc?


Means a fail, possibility of resubmitting with a cap at 40% of my marks if my lecturerererer can't wangle a deal to get me to avoid the late penalty.

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My nephew was lactose intolerant as an infant. He was fine with breast milk, but regular cow milk made him break out in a rash and turned his poo into some vile substance that tried to melt his skin away. So after "X" months on lactose free soy milk and slowly adjusting him to regular stuff, he's fine now.


But it's odd that Breast milk has more lactose than cows milk, but he was fine drinking that.


Beeeeecause its not natural to drink the milk of another animal and if you really think about it its gross.


Outside of bizarre porn would you be pleased to see a pig suck a woman's tit :p

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Means a fail, possibility of resubmitting with a cap at 40% of my marks if my lecturerererer can't wangle a deal to get me to avoid the late penalty.

Resubmitting with a cap? What's the point in that. They did things differently at DMU, if you're late they take the essay and mark it with a cap.


They give you a day or whatever to remix it then resubmit?

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I've been watching House of Wax for the past hour or so just to see Paris Hilton die. It's about to pay off.


Beeeeecause its not natural to drink the milk of another animal and if you really think about it its gross.


Outside of bizarre porn would you be pleased to see a pig suck a woman's tit :p


It'd be weird and a bit nasty to see a pig eat a person but I'd happily eat a pig. Did that earlier actually.


Not really that different from milk.

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My uni to be fair is pretty leniant. You have a 24 hour grace period (supposed to be for unforeseen issues such as printer problems or car breakdowns but most people say "the deadline is [actual deadline + 24 hours]"...lazy swines). Then 5 days after that to submit it and be capped at a D-.


G'luck hooverman!


Just got a nice text; "All I needed was the love you gave, al I needed for another day. You're all I ever knew. Only you. x" Guessing lyrics but still nice to recieve.


I've been watching House of Wax for the past hour or so just to see Paris Hilton die. It's about to pay off.


It'd be weird and a bit nasty to see a pig eat a person but I'd happily eat a pig. Did that earlier actually.


Not really that different from milk.


I haven't eaten a pig in 8 years (probably longer, I never liked pig products anyway).


I dunno milk is kinda gross though. Its the natural food from mother to child, rather than a slab of the animal.


I still have it though (normally within stuff, rather than milk itself) because hell. I love cakes and biscuits and chocolate and all the rest. But gross to think about.


(and I may be wrong in thinking but I think the un-naturalness of it is one of the reasons people suffer from allergies but I suck at science)

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Beeeeecause its not natural to drink the milk of another animal and if you really think about it its gross.


Outside of bizarre porn would you be pleased to see a pig suck a woman's tit :p


I can't say I wouldn't watch it...(for the lulz of course) idk If it'd please me though.


Unfortunately it's probably been Rule 34'd too....



Side-note, white milk is nasty. Chocolate milk is the way to go, further more. I lurv pig products....well the good ones, no bologna please.

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Wouldn't the adverse affects occur before she even ingested it, being in her body etc?

No, because the adverse affects are caused by the digestion process; it's not an allergy.


Leetpantaloons; I only know what I gleamed from the wiki pages, so I have no idea how the condition properly works :) The stuff I read mostly dealt with the adult population, so I have no idea how it really works!

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Well Paris Hilton died. Didn't scream enough for my liking.


People have allergies to pollen, doesn't mean flowers are bad.


If it isn't processed it's natural I reckon.


They are bad/offensive (as the word du jour is for allergies) to those who suffer from it (I think one of the few Jodie doesn't. I know she's allergic to wheat, dairy, a certain type of nut and feathers...which is a bloody pain when i try and buy her random gifts. Normally the milk chocolate covered nuts on a bed of feathers is the first thing I pick up)


Apparently comes from some of the proteins in the cow, so im guessing thats why someone can drink human milk but not cow's milk. Presume are bodies are used to/immune/whatever from the proteins in human milk.

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Not to provoke an argument or anything, but can I just express my disappointment in Rokhed leaving the boards (this is not a disappointment at the mods, he was rightly banned, just a disappointment at the man himself). I haven't been here as long as a lot of the other regulars, but I knew Rokhed before he "came out" and he was a decent and excellent contributer, and it's always kinda sad to see someone who's been here so long leave, especially in such an undignified fashion.

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Not to provoke an argument or anything, but can I just express my disappointment in Rokhed leaving the boards (this is not a disappointment at the mods, he was rightly banned, just a disappointment at the man himself). I haven't been here as long as a lot of the other regulars, but I knew Rokhed before he "came out" and he was a decent and excellent contributer, and it's always kinda sad to see someone who's been here so long leave, especially in such an undignified fashion.


Yes, likewise. I do believe that for quite some time it's gone too far, but it saddens me to think that someone with the history that he has has left the forum in that way.


Still, this does go to show that nobody escapes the rules, I suppose. If one of the longest serving members can get banned, anyone can.

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Was a character no doubt, shame he's gone. I always found the banning policies here a bit weird compared to other forums, like no chance of appeals, repentage, reapplication etc. Lifetime ban, for life!


As for me, well, I applied for the job with ~4min to go.. I was feeling on top of the world today, right there on top of it, I don't even know why, I was up there, I was happy with it all, somehow, for some reason. Applied for the job, a little bit higher, then one stupid girl managed to bring it all down, I thought I'd finally found a non crazy one, too. So she tells me she used to be all having weight issues, once so bad she was hospitalised...she's only told two other people(I've not really known her long, either). So she tells me, then really pushes for whether this changes my opinion of her, it doesn't, but she's really pushing and constantly implying/straight up saying it does! It really bugged the fuck out of me, and it's like...I dunno, I feel like my mind was already made up for me and I've had a bit of a go at her and she tells me *I'M* harsh. Ask me a question, shut the fuck up and let me answer, don't bother if you're gonna answer it yourself. Now I'm in a bad mood, and losing faith in it all over again. She said she told me because she didn't think it'd bother me, she was right, only if she really thought that why didn't she shut the fuck up and let me answer the question instead of doing it for me.



And yet here I am, wondering if I'm the one in the 'wrong'. Feeling even worse knowing that I don't regret it, and even if I am in the 'wrong', I won't give two shits. Which makes me an utter bastard, and maybe a little crazy. Fucking people. Wrapped up in all their own petty shit. Fucking...argh! It annoys me more cos she's one of those people who pretends she's so happy and content and fine with everything and confident but I could always tell she wasn't really, and that's bugging me too. Maybe I'm just a massive dick. Maybe I need to chill out. Maybe I need to sleep. SLEEP. *sleeps*

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Dude, we're all egotistical bastards. Without a full transcript it's hard to say whether you could've squeezed in a word or not, and I guess it's a real sensitive issue for her. You certain that it didn't change your opinion of her at all?




Decided to tidy up my desktop and delete a few icons - noticed "Old PC Stuff", and waddyaknow - naughty pictures *check*, rubbish scrawlings *check* and... msn logs? Basically a time capsule from the year 2005. 2005, what happened in 2005? Oh yah! I smoked a lot of pot, got a job or two, drank wine on the beach all summer, got a girlfriend and started my third year at college! This was the year I was reborn.


So I started on my Logs, stupidly going for the one girl (girl 1) I almost hit it off with and her best friend (girl 2)that I did hit it off with (the 2-year relationship one)... So many heavily vivid memories! So many awesome things, so much innocence and innovation! So much, so, so much nostalgia I almost cried at the sweetness of it all. Like, I was strapped for cash as 3 buddies had a birthday 3 days in a row and I had a tenner - Girl 1 suggested I buy cheap photoframes, paint 'em and personalise them with messages and put decent pics in, which I thought was cool but I didn't like the people enough - she later gave girl 2 this exact present over a year later.


God... God it's mental. I just finished what would probably be five episodes of The OC, I swear. Such DRAMA. Such joy, hatred and love... There was this one bit, two days after we first threw ourselves into each others lives where Girl 2 and I were trying not to upset girl 1 about it all, and in the mess and confusion there, and as I was leaving;


James: you're still fighting for us yes?

Girl 2: always

Girl 2: i think were winning

Girl 2: and where do you stand

James: right next to you

James: see you later


Man, I got goosebumps reading it. I can remember exactly where I was when I typed that, exactly the thoughts in my head and the emotions I was feeling, exactly what I was wearing and where I was going, what happened that night and... God it's almost surreal.


So I just typed up a massive facebook message to girl 1. We had day-wasting sessions on msn while we waited around for other people/work/drinks. She was a factor in me doing the course I'm doing now, in pursuing my writing over 5 years ago. I just had to apologise to her for how our friendship had ended up - I have new, awesome friends that I'm very lucky to have met, but there's never one great friendship like another, and it's ok to miss any of them.


... God I'm so fucking emo right now. Fucking sobriety!




me: me and ben walked to the marina and back last

night,a s well as enjoying a fire, getting free booze,

seeing pyramids made of sand, saw a mouse, saw a crime

scene, met a guy called lucifer 3 times who offered me his



Shit, I think I used up my 'fun' quota waay too early in life.

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Yeah, I'm actually sure it didn't change my opinion, I'd already clocked her as pretending to be this person she wasn't. What's bothered me more isn't what she told me about the eating shizzle, it's how she was when she told me. I think THAT has changed my opinion of her, because that is her now. Whoever she was in the past is of no consequence to me, people change, I never knew that and knowing it doesn't change who she is now. The past is already cast, regardless of whether I see it or not.

I can provide you with a log, though tis a longish conversation I guess. I'll PM it to you if you wish to peruse my current personal lifetings!


Dude, we're all egotistical bastards. Without a full transcript it's hard to say whether you could've squeezed in a word or not, and I guess it's a real sensitive issue for her. You certain that it didn't change your opinion of her at all?




Decided to tidy up my desktop and delete a few icons - noticed "Old PC Stuff", and waddyaknow - naughty pictures *check*, rubbish scrawlings *check* and... msn logs? Basically a time capsule from the year 2005. 2005, what happened in 2005? Oh yah! I smoked a lot of pot, got a job or two, drank wine on the beach all summer, got a girlfriend and started my third year at college! This was the year I was reborn.


So I started on my Logs, stupidly going for the one girl (girl 1) I almost hit it off with and her best friend (girl 2)that I did hit it off with (the 2-year relationship one)... So many heavily vivid memories! So many awesome things, so much innocence and innovation! So much, so, so much nostalgia I almost cried at the sweetness of it all. Like, I was strapped for cash as 3 buddies had a birthday 3 days in a row and I had a tenner - Girl 1 suggested I buy cheap photoframes, paint 'em and personalise them with messages and put decent pics in, which I thought was cool but I didn't like the people enough - she later gave girl 2 this exact present over a year later.


God... God it's mental. I just finished what would probably be five episodes of The OC, I swear. Such DRAMA. Such joy, hatred and love... There was this one bit, two days after we first threw ourselves into each others lives where Girl 2 and I were trying not to upset girl 1 about it all, and in the mess and confusion there, and as I was leaving;


James: you're still fighting for us yes?

Girl 2: always

Girl 2: i think were winning

Girl 2: and where do you stand

James: right next to you

James: see you later


Man, I got goosebumps reading it. I can remember exactly where I was when I typed that, exactly the thoughts in my head and the emotions I was feeling, exactly what I was wearing and where I was going, what happened that night and... God it's almost surreal.


So I just typed up a massive facebook message to girl 1. We had day-wasting sessions on msn while we waited around for other people/work/drinks. She was a factor in me doing the course I'm doing now, in pursuing my writing over 5 years ago. I just had to apologise to her for how our friendship had ended up - I have new, awesome friends that I'm very lucky to have met, but there's never one great friendship like another, and it's ok to miss any of them.


... God I'm so fucking emo right now. Fucking sobriety!






Shit, I think I used up my 'fun' quota waay too early in life.



Well emo mate! It's understandable though, but I'd suggest you lock them things back away, now's too soon to be drudging up memories of your youth, you'll still think you can live it and you'll miss this, the here and now part of your life as it's happening. Look at it in 5 or 6 years from now, hopefully then you'll be too far gone to lust after it, but still close enough to appreciate the good memories. I say that, it's easy to say, it's easy for me where I am here. For you, probably not so much. I've only ever truly lost a few friends, people who refuse to be my friend, ironically it's girls and due to girls and complications, usually. Had a few good mates drift away though, tis a shame, but all in all, you just gotta remember what you've got right now...and realise you wouldn't trade it for anything, not even what you had then. If you would, you're in the wrong place and you need to find something better! I gotta say, I've had a mighty urge to try and contact the girl from the summer, and actually just to be her friend to see if we can, mainly cos I'm always where we used to hang out as my mate lives well close to her now(other side of london, never went there before I knew her).


Also throw in all the clichés, everything happens for a reason, plenty more fish etc etc.

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Not to provoke an argument or anything, but can I just express my disappointment in Rokhed leaving the boards (this is not a disappointment at the mods, he was rightly banned, just a disappointment at the man himself). I haven't been here as long as a lot of the other regulars, but I knew Rokhed before he "came out" and he was a decent and excellent contributer, and it's always kinda sad to see someone who's been here so long leave, especially in such an undignified fashion.


I agree, t'was a good guy (or girl, I dunno, let's just leave it at that). Oh well, we still got loads of great members!

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James: you're still fighting for us yes?

Girl 2: always

Girl 2: i think were winning

Girl 2: and where do you stand

James: right next to you

James: see you later


Man, I got goosebumps reading it. I can remember exactly where I was when I typed that, exactly the thoughts in my head and the emotions I was feeling, exactly what I was wearing and where I was going, what happened that night and... God it's almost surreal.


.... *sniff* I've never read anything so beautiful...

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Not to provoke an argument or anything, but can I just express my disappointment in Rokhed leaving the boards (this is not a disappointment at the mods, he was rightly banned, just a disappointment at the man himself). I haven't been here as long as a lot of the other regulars, but I knew Rokhed before he "came out" and he was a decent and excellent contributer, and it's always kinda sad to see someone who's been here so long leave, especially in such an undignified fashion.


It seems to be the way a lot of people leave these boards - they do something royally stupid, and get themselves banned. Thinking about it, it's possibly their venerability as members which makes them think it's OK to push the admins/mods. Anyway...



Last night was kinda fun, despite the fact nothing really went to plan. It was a friend's birthday, so people went round to hers and we did the customary drinking in her kitchen. However, only about a third of the expected turnout showed, and then, when we were about to leave for the club, her closest friend, as well as most others, announced that they weren't coming out. Regardless of this, we decided to go anyway. After much complaining (due to cold) from the girls, the decision was made to take the late-night Uni bus. However, whilst waiting for it, all the guys decided to walk. As I knew the girls better, and I felt bad leaving them, all somewhat intoxicated, on their own, I stayed with them. Unfortunately, one of them started feeling ill, so we took her too another girl's near-by flat, were there owner and some of her housemates stayed to look after her. This cut our group down to 4 girls and myself.


After a mad "oh-my-god, there's-the-bus" dash, we got on the (rather drunk) bus, and ended up in town. Unfortunately, the queue to the club we planned to go to was...lengthy, so, after much getting chilly and arguing with people trying to queue jump ('tards!), we decided instead to go back to someone's flat in Uni. By some miracle we got a cab, and one of the girls knew the driver, so he only charged us a fiver (split between 5 made it especially reasonable). After a rather merry journey back, we ended up watching Desperate Housewives (not my choice, but now I'm hooked! :D) and eating that late night food to beat all other late night foods, chips.


A chilly 1am walk across campus, dropping people off en route, left me and one other girl who lives across the way from me in my kitchen just chatting for about half an hour, which was kinda nice, but now I suspect I may be interested in her, but that may just be because of alcohol...


Anyway, a fun night in all, and I was surprisingly awake for my 2-hour 9am maths lecture this morning...


In other news, my telly has just been replaced, I have a 2-hour fluid mechanics lecture this afternoon (it's even less fun that it sounds), and I need some lunch! :awesome:

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its snowing by the way.


spent most of this morning trying to get this damn PC to start. I think i may have fried the circut board when i was pissing about with the hard drive.


FYI: Big circuit board thing = Motherboard/Mainboard. :)

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Well Paris Hilton died. Didn't scream enough for my liking.


People have allergies to pollen, doesn't mean flowers are bad.


If it isn't processed it's natural I reckon.


I kept trying to work out if that was Paris or not I figured it wasnt in the end but I was wrong! I made teh final judgement when I saw she had a nice rack which I thought hilton didnt have haha.


Anyway that movie was sick lol. I liked the ending when the house melted thought that was fun.

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Just spent lunch time with The one and only Dan Dare! Nice to see people again! Spoke about working life - lack of. Had subway, ok well I did, because I was starving, then he helped me pick out a top to wear for tonight. Bless him!


Going to finally get on with some work for uni and talk to my friends who are coming back TOMORROW...I'm excited, oui!

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