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spent all day yesterday alternating between bed and the bathroom, managed to get some horrible virus. was being rather violently sick, and despite my sister being just outside the room, she didnt hear.



might try and eat somthing tonight, its about 36 hours since i last ate, i dont feel hungry but i should atleast have sothing.

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Speaking of bad jokes, I might as well load up the NE meet videos now I have a spare minute.


I want to play RTC2 and Guitar Hero aswell though....hmmm. Which order.


I know. Ill convert files WHILST playing RCT. GENIOUSE!


Actually taking forever +1 day to upload to YouTube.






Bonus ; Episode 6 of Weird Slowed Down will be premiering also. :smile:

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Ack, just had no energy today. It's quite pleasant in it's own way, lying still in front of the computer or gazing out the window. Least my headache's gone anyway. Gotta get packed to go visit my dad tomorow though - hopefully the trains won't be such a bitch now the west coast line upgrade is finally finished. >.<

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Yeah, i've had it for at least 4 years now..but it's getting worse and i'm thinking things i shouldn't be. Next year i've decided i may as well see someone about it, who could give me the medication i need..i'm scared..really scared..even though it's something which may help me...saying that i think i found a cure bout a month or so ago and now that person isn't in my life anymore..the depression has come back, strange..Perhaps it's cause i was experiencing things i never have before, thus taking my mind of things..i don't know..:(

Personally I see anti-depressants as the medical equivalent of hitting something to get it working again; they might work, or they could make things worse. Depression itself is very hard to pin down, so you can't expect to be prescribed some kind of magical panacea that will make everything better. I'm sure they've helped some people a great deal, but to my mind they're something to turn to when you've run out of options or you have no idea why you feel the way you do. If, however, you can easily identify the aspects of your life that you want to fix then it's a case of turning those things around, not popping pills.


That's easier said than done, of course. But the trick is to not let yourself be daunted into inactivity. Break things down, start off small; chip away at the problem instead of bashing your head against it. It can be really frustrating to take things one step at a time as it feels like you aren't getting anywhere, but that's where other people come in: find someone that can pick you up when you're at your worst, that can give you another perspective that highlights all the progress you've made, or even just be there as a safety net.


At the risk of embarrassing her — sorry! — Eenuh has really helped keep me going. She always seems confused by that as she "hasn't done anything", but that isn't the point: I try my hardest never to trouble her with my problems, but I know that if I did she would listen. I never want to be a burden on anyone, but having her there is a huge comfort and helps give me the strength to not bother her. I know that sounds very circular, but it works.


Anyway, this is erring a bit on the lengthy side so I'll cut it short with some choice lyrics:


“We're so busy looking for a saviour,

we don't see the power in ourselves.

All our lives are precious;

don't let it pass you by.â€

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I think in the last 10 days I've consumed more Paracetamol than in the entirity of the previous 16 years. I'm sick of it already, don't know how people who have to take things daily can cope.


Your body gets used to having crap in its system, then your liver starts to fail, lol. I was taking two different medications and I had to come off them cause they started giving me liver damage. But day to day I didnt feel unwell.


Paracetamol really doesn't make you feel great at all. I took it when I had a bad reaction to a piercing and it was so bad i was sleeping most of the time! Its not really something you should take longer than a few days - made me feel groggy and shit.

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Your body gets used to having crap in its system, then your liver starts to fail, lol. I was taking two different medications and I had to come off them cause they started giving me liver damage. But day to day I didnt feel unwell.


Paracetamol really doesn't make you feel great at all. I took it when I had a bad reaction to a piercing and it was so bad i was sleeping most of the time! Its not really something you should take longer than a few days - made me feel groggy and shit.



+1 it's the same as taking ibuporephen(sp?) you should always have a day gap every 2-3days of taking the stuff!

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Every boxing day we go to some family members [on the step daddy's side] for dinner and shizzle. Due to my throat giving me some agro I demanded we stopped at the local shop so I can deplete their stocks of Lockets. The lass in front of me in a queue was getting lottery tickets. I felt INSPIRED. I got 2 lines, and won a tenner!


First time I've played in about 6 years.

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Every boxing day we go to some family members [on the step daddy's side] for dinner and shizzle. Due to my throat giving me some agro I demanded we stopped at the local shop so I can deplete their stocks of Lockets. The lass in front of me in a queue was getting lottery tickets. I felt INSPIRED. I got 2 lines, and won a tenner!


First time I've played in about 6 years.


I hate the Lottery :(


I never win :(


I won £2 on a scratch card few days ago :heh:


Thats my biggest and only win ever i think...

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I just noticed: my voice doesn't sound really nasal (a rarity), but my accent swings between non-descript and posh, which is about right.


Oh, and at one point, you start just as I'm talking about centripetal/centrifugal forces, so I sound like a massive nerd!

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I just noticed: my voice doesn't sound really nasal (a rarity), but my accent swings between non-descript and posh, which is about right.


Oh, and at one point, you start just as I'm talking about centripetal/centrifugal forces, so I sound like a massive nerd!



Centrifugal motion!


A feelin' like this!


Name the song quick.

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The Kiss by Faith Hill?





"This" Kiss. Idiot!


I just remember listening to that a few years back in Florida, and thinking it was cool that it had such a lovely lyric, when on the same day I first heard it, I also "rode" Mission:SPACE in Epcot, which is basically being unhealthily (people die/are rushed to hospital from this thing) spun around at a zillion miles an hour in a sealed room.

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