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I think a_f should be commended on his insults, i loved the one where he just goes


your short


like its something she's purposefully done :P


Lmao. I only said that because she once told me she HATES being her height. I told her short girls are usually more attractive-looking to other men as a means of cheering her up, and after this whole ordeal I felt like taking it back.


It's true though, I do find short girls more attractive than normal/tall ones. She's just...too short in real life. You'd probably feel like a pedophile just sitting next to her.

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I used to call my brother midget until he became the same size as me, now I call him beaver (and bless her, my mother still thinks its because of the animal).


Eenuh I really like your drawings, the altered first is perfect :D


Dan Dare sounds cool, but people may cop out with something easy. For my birthday in six weeks (never two early) im thinking Japanese themed. The slutty girls can wear anime schoolgirl outfits but anything Japanese themed (even if its a gaming shirt) will fly. If someone dresses as Godzilla im buying them drinks.

(also thinking may force bright colours. I do love bright colours).


Today has been good. Planned way too much time to spend in my home town so I milled around. Failed to get anything for my mother. Lugged around a lot of heavy presents with me and kept getting stares at the bag (Sport Missoni) I stole from my flatmate and she later told me its because its an expensive make.


Anyway then I crashed couples night (as usual). Two married couples and a couple in a serious relationship. Thankfully another couple dropped out (because they're boring anyway). Although its always nice not to have someone annoyed if I drink or share secrets like it always happens to the others.


Present exchanging too. Wine and sushi making stuff. Add that to the jaffa cakes I had bought earlier it was a good stash.


Oh and I tried on some nipple clamps. As you do.

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What was a huckabuck? Most of you thought it was a Canadian albatross, which I suggested...


My favourite definition from Balderdash is "quackerwodger", can't remember the right one but my mates answer was "my girlfriends nickname for my penis". Was brilliant.

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Holy shit. The style guide for the new site is done. That was quick.


Managed to smash out another 400 words of my essay. I could have done way more but I'm getting distracted...Damn Xmas and the library being closed...although I could go to Peckham library...


Really should head to sleep but I just want to listen to music for a couple hours...


God I love music. Fucking brilliant. Who needs people when you have a well stocked iPod, a decent pair of headphones and a dark room.

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gah. Can't think what to buy my dad for christmas. Last one to buy and I don't know what he wants. this is infuriating


You could go for something completely pointless rather than try to think of something useful. I've got mine a remote controlled mouse.


I'm still in bed and considering getting up. Thus goes my day so far.

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I really liked the Osmund Saddler quote, a_f.




You HAVE NO IDEA. I've actually been waiting for someone here to point that out. LMAO.


gah. Can't think what to buy my dad for christmas. Last one to buy and I don't know what he wants. this is infuriating


A USB-powered cup\soup bowl heater. You put coffee mugs or hot soup on it and it keeps them warm. Pointless, but a gift nonetheless.

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^ you not a bit old to building those kinds of lego sets? :heh:


Anyways, today has been mega-hectic. Non-stop deliveries and knocking on the door (thank you little nephew :) made us get up to answer the door a few times with his banging on it). Had a shitload of food delivered (meats, poultry and desserts which look amazing I have to say. Well worth the expense) and have had to get another freezer for the kitchen as the one in our big American style fridge freezer is too small to accommodate all of the food. What else.... erm.... I've wrapped all of the presents for the family. For some reason I enjoy doing it. Although I could have done with help but my brother is being an arsehole and pretending to sleep even though he got up to turn on his pc (really strange man my brother). Apart from this, I haven't done much else. Had a quick wiz on Rock Band to try out Times Like These and DOA from the new Foo Fighters pack. So much fun and two great songs. Just now mulling over the prospects of going out.

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