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Jeez. See, this is why I don't lend things out anymore. People always used to "lose" stuff and such which drove me insane. If I lend something out now then people know I basically love them, considering I only do it with people I trust completely.


It just shows, being a nice person is obviously not the easiest thing nowadays.



I was the same as you, but thought ''hey maybe the people I live with are ok''..


it's like I attract bad people.

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I was the same as you, but thought ''hey maybe the people I live with are ok''..


it's like I attract bad people.


Aww, don't say that. I'm sure it's just you got unlucky, that's all. But still, like you say the rest of your housemates are alright, it's just one of them that isn't. :)

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Like I've said time and time before, they are really nice people..well ok except guy.


I gave him my 2007 give it a name belt to wear a few weeks ago...now he's lost it.


It sounds daft to get so angry, but that belt had alot of attachment to it and it's not like I can just buy another one.


Sigh, it's just one thing after another these days.

I went there. It was amazing :). So many of my favourite bands played. Sorry about your belt though. He will end up finding it someday or if he has stolen it its not like he can really wear it iwithout you knowing

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Decided to stay home today, only missing one 4 hour lecture (interesting one though). Just not feeling like it today, I blame my upset stomach and aching back. Plus I don't feel like biking through the cold, when everything is frozen outside.


So I'm gonna try and spend the day working on my assignments, maybe get one of them finished already. Though that's a biiiig maybe.

Oh and X-files, gonna watch some X-files while working.

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Just had my driving test cancelled due to ice. Bollocks I had an hour driving before and it's fine. They just wanted to stay in their nice warm offices.


They cancel it if there's even a teeny bit of ice on the side roads. Soft twats, I still do my lessons in the ice. It's good experience.


Never book your test in the morning in winter. You should always try to get it around 1pm ish. That way you've more chance of it going ahead.

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I burnt my finger on a soldering iron T_T


It was so hot I didn't even feel it at first, but I looked at my hand, and the skin was like when you sear chicken in a pan and it goes white!

It looks kind of cool anyway... *pain*


Work night out tonight ^^

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Had such an awesome afternoon yesterday. Microsoft threw us a surprise Christmas party in the work boardroom! We had GHWT, Lips, Scene! It on different teles, free food and drink and lots of fun. Love it. We even got goodie bags with Gears 2, Fable II, Lips, Banjo, Too human and Ninja Gaiden II! So hats off to Microsoft, they know how to keep the journos happy!


Come on Sony, you're got a lot to live up to! :p


Today is a bit shit though. Got no work to do just yet. Half-day though so its not so bad. Crappy wedding to go to tomorrow though, and saving isn;t going very well :(

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I had my work Christmas party last night. It was okay. A lot of immature shenanigans went on, and now I'm a little tired from staying up later than normal but getting up at the same time as normal.


I have a couple of bruises from play fights. Especially sore around the nipple area - nipple twists seem to emerge as a theme quite early on. :S

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I had my work Christmas party last night. It was okay. A lot of immature shenanigans went on, and now I'm a little tired from staying up later than normal but getting up at the same time as normal.


I have a couple of bruises from play fights. Especially sore around the nipple area - nipple twists seem to emerge as a theme quite early on. :S


God a night of twisted nipples absolutely kanes in the morning. I feel your pain.

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Woke up the earliest Ive done for the past week! For I am going to Boston for my black belt in taekwondo on the saturday and have to be down there the day before. Been training 4 years for this so it better be good!


See you guys on the other side! : peace:

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I did my CSCS (or possibly SCSC, I can never remember) test this morning, and passed, which is nice. I'm now qualified as a person who is safe on a building site, woo...


In other news, I've managed to find all the components (bar monitor) for an uber-PC for under £500. I was really excited, and ready to buy, when I remembered I'd need an OS. The cheapest I can find Vista 64-bit is £90 from Amazon. Bloody Microsoft...

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Its CSCS. My brother did it a while ago and I made a health and safety video about it a few weeks ago. Although I still have no idea what it stands for (Codes and Standards on Construction Site?...Construction Site Construction Site?)


Anyway. So far have done one of my tasks for the day (getting up to 3000/3500 words for an assignment) and started another. Going to pop into town to do some xmas shopping and buy some xmas decorations to make this place feel more festive.

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Well my week of gambling experimentation has ended. Of the eight plays I did I lost once, which was the first time I played when I didn't know what I was doing. Coincidence? We'll never know as the week and experiment has finished. :)



£7 bet on. Lost £7.00. -£7.00

£10 bet on. Won £17.50. +£7.50

£20 bet on. Won £39.00. +£19.00

£32 bet on. Won £34.50. +£2.50

£10 bet on. Won £14.00. +£4.00

£25 bet on. Won £37.25. +£12.25


Ladbrokes Online

£10 bet on. Won £15.00. +£5.00


Coral Online

£10 bet on. Won £25.00. +£15.00


TOTAL ~ +£65.25




Turned a tidy profit.

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so in other news: I hate my life!


I've just been put on a mandatory scheme with jobseekers to go on a 2 week course to 'work on my CV and apply for jobs'.

My CV is perfectly written, thanks

I already apply for jobs, ta.

I can't bare this much longer. I'm going mad. I'm surrounded by fucking morons who's lives revolve around tick boxes and the shapeless void between their ears. I can't deal with them- they don't work like humans.

fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck them. fuck it all. I need a hug :(

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so in other news: I hate my life!


I've just been put on a mandatory scheme with jobseekers to go on a 2 week course to 'work on my CV and apply for jobs'.

My CV is perfectly written, thanks

I already apply for jobs, ta.

I can't bare this much longer. I'm going mad. I'm surrounded by fucking morons who's lives revolve around tick boxes and the shapeless void between their ears. I can't deal with them- they don't work like humans.

fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck them. fuck it all. I need a hug :(


God that sounds hurrendous dude.





.....*Touches Dan in places whilst the hug occurs*

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fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck them. fuck it all. I need a hug :(


*big hug*




I've been spending a couple of hours working on an illustration, only to find out that I just really suck at painting and that it looks bleh. So now I'll probably start it all over again using something other than acrylics.

Hooray for wasted time. =(


Some good news though, for the second time this week one of my shirts is featured on RedBubble's frontpage. Yay!

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so in other news: I hate my life!


I've just been put on a mandatory scheme with jobseekers to go on a 2 week course to 'work on my CV and apply for jobs'.

My CV is perfectly written, thanks

I already apply for jobs, ta.

I can't bare this much longer. I'm going mad. I'm surrounded by fucking morons who's lives revolve around tick boxes and the shapeless void between their ears. I can't deal with them- they don't work like humans.

fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck them. fuck it all. I need a hug :(


No one is forcing you to go. Just stop accepting all the free moneys. :)

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In other news, I've managed to find all the components (bar monitor) for an uber-PC for under £500. I was really excited, and ready to buy, when I remembered I'd need an OS. The cheapest I can find Vista 64-bit is £90 from Amazon. Bloody Microsoft...


Firstly check if your uni is part of the MSDNAA, If it is you may be able to get your OS free or greatly discounted.


If not, check for other places with educational discounts.

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