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Pretty boring day today, just been listening to music and watching One Tree Hill.


Had a mini Christmas yesterday because my brother went to Austria for 5 months today, so had a nice roast and crackers and presents to/from him. That was nice, although he left some time today without even saying goodbye, didn't realise until my mum had told me!


Also for the past week I've made a conscious effort to not bother texting anyone/organising nights out in attempt to see whether such things would actually happen if I didn't organise them. So far the results have been pretty conclusive, the only text I've had in the past 8 days has been from my sister asking me what I want for Christmas. I think I need some new friends, cause at the moment I've got no job and still living at home with the 'rents when I desperately wanna move out, so the fact that I can add loneliness to my list of insecurities makes me feel real good...

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Friend came round and we continued work on his health and safety video (we = me). He bought me a bottle of red wine and a subway as a thank you which was nice :) (and well timed, I ran out of red wine last night).


Work was meh. I want to quit (now, after christmas, end of january dunno) but then I know Im broke. (well, presume it, avoiding checking). Could do with someone to speak to about it...may pester my nan on Tuesday about it (as im seeing her anyway).


And got back to the usual reception (housemate in her room having sex, me playing music loudly to cover it up). They also baked a rhubarb crumble and it would have been nice to recieve a text saying theres some for me (as there is some left) but I doubt they will offer it. I just feel like I live alone at times, which would have been fine if I chose to.

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Take me now, subcreature!


Props if you can guess the film.


Anyway, we've just put the christmas decorations up in our living room. Looks really pretty. If a bit messy on the floor now, heh.


uuuummmm, ghostbusters 1 or 2...? Or Alien. Or sphere. lol, it's gotta be ghostbusters.


p.s. you'll probably get 7-10 years of bad luck for decorations being up before December, sorry.

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uuuummmm, ghostbusters 1 or 2...? Or Alien. Or sphere. lol, it's gotta be ghostbusters.


p.s. you'll probably get 7-10 years of bad luck for decorations being up before December, sorry.


It's Ghostbusters. Wow, pretty impressed you got that, nobody ever does. Well done. :)


Also, I've had bad luck for yeeeears, so I'm thinking maybe the double negatives will cancel each other out and give me good luck?

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It's Ghostbusters. Wow, pretty impressed you got that, nobody ever does. Well done. :)


Also, I've had bad luck for yeeeears, so I'm thinking maybe the double negatives will cancel each other out and give me good luck?


Well it was mine and my brothers brain combined to be fair, we used to watch ghostbusters...alot. That and star wars.


Yeah that logic works for me, superstition is bollocks anyway so it's all good! :)

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Also for the past week I've made a conscious effort to not bother texting anyone/organising nights out in attempt to see whether such things would actually happen if I didn't organise them. So far the results have been pretty conclusive, the only text I've had in the past 8 days has been from my sister asking me what I want for Christmas. I think I need some new friends, cause at the moment I've got no job and still living at home with the 'rents when I desperately wanna move out, so the fact that I can add loneliness to my list of insecurities makes me feel real good...


If it makes you feel any better, your whole going out situation sounds rather familiar. No one ever seems to text or call me to see if I want to go out anymore.


As for my day, it's been great. Done some Christmas shopping, had a laugh playing RB2, Arsenal beat Chelsea, and I did some reading for my uni project. Successful day.

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invited to pub out of the blue, went along and im glad i did. had a laugh, 3 pints and sat with mates, what more do ya want?


i just realised, when i picture myself talking, i look odd, is this how most people feel?


any way, got spirited away to watch in bed. might do a lil more dakes fortune, im goin for the trophies. i'll have a final run on easy to clear it up.

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I've technically been flirting with four girls in four msn windows at the same time. Although one I blocked for the night because all she was giving was whining over how she didn't have any friends round here bar myself and another. [i believe she used to live round here but got a job in Glasgow so moved blah blah] So can't be bothered to make new friends because she'd move back in Jan [Home for Christmas bullshit] so no point [bullshit in itself]


There is a really tasty lass at Sainsbury's, I have to resist the urge to call it work, but she's gorgeous. There's been some nice msn flirting I think and she's agreed to meet me for a drink when she finishes work before I start work at 6. So who knows, maybe some foundations to be laid for the future. But there's plowing arranged with another lass back in Leicester on Tue night ¬_¬....




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I'm having some serious up and downage lately. I had a good friday night, and a good saturday night, but I also find myself spending half my time(or more, the times when im not busy) wondering...what is it all for? What's life worth right now? I feel like I'm losing faith in the world, in people, and in my friends. Nobody close/local/good friendy seems to arrange/do anything except me, yet they all apparently want to do things. I even got one person referred to me by another person the other day cos I'm the 'organiser' guy. They were discussing doing something and couldn't even make a fucking plan between themselves, to then invite me too. Nobody seems competent enough to do things by themselves, and more everyone seems to be doing their own thing too much to have time for me, and some of the things I get going. It's bugging me, and getting me down. I feel like I give so much to the world, what and how I want it to be, but get nothing back from it.

I feel like nobody wants to have fun anymore, or I don't know, they've found some new kind of fun that I'm not on board with somewhere. Why are people so reluctant to do things these days? Why do I feel like nobody really cares anymore?

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So I had a good Friday. Went to the Hunterian museum with my female New Zealand friend who is back over for a couple of months. It's basically a load of taixdermy from the 17th century and it's all fantastic.


Then on Friday night we went to The Old Blue Last to see PENS but we got there late, but PENS had cancelled anyway, so we proceeded to go to another pub and drink excessively. Then we met up with my flatmates and drank some more and went on a bit of a bender culminating in an 8am booze run during which I told her of my undying love for her, after which we all just fell asleep.


And now I is depressed. But Franz Ferdinand tonight at Durrrr, then Mika Miko tomorrow, Locust on Thursday and PENS, Male Bonding, Hands On Heads and some surprise guests on Friday.


This is going to be a good week.

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Haaaha Rez those videos were amazing!!


'Yeah was abit obvious wasn't it...'


Rez, you sir, are a fucking legend.


*Bows down before your awesomeness*


I'm serious. Was actually pissing myself watching those videos!


Thanx guize. Had quite a lot of good feedback about them now. I'll try and get another OH HAY DER one up tonight. Also...need to try and find the time to put something else up that I will try not to reveal what it is until later. Really need to not be lazy and just do it.


On Saturday I went to Milton Keynes, and I bought a LEGO set. Now I'm sorry, but the LEGO shop is fucking awesome. Right, check this out.


They have a loyalty card, for every £15 you spend, they stamp it, and then when you reach total spent £120, you get a £5.00 voucher, and when you reach £240 you get a £15.00 voucher. Well when you pay with vouchers this still counts towards having paid, which I think is awesome.


Anyway I get home, and discover that cos' I spent over £50 (which I technically didn't even, cos I used epic vouchers) they put a little cardboard box present in that I fold up and then next time I go there I get to fill it with bricks from the pick-a-brick wall for free. Yay.


Anyway yesterday I built the set (is lol) and struggled with the XBOX update, and also baked.


Oh yeah dropped my car off for MOTage this morning. Failed (obv) but its good to get the problems fixed. My car should be sweet as when its all done. Woooop. :)

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Pffff, I'm so tired of school. After about 20 years of education I wish it would just end.

Didn't go to my life drawing class today; tried to work on a project for that class instead but failed miserably. Can't even think of a decent idea.


Should really go to my next class (if only because they take note of who is there), but I'm not sure I can be bothered to get dressed and cycle over there for those two hours.


Also stepped on a small piece of glass this morning. Hurt a lot, but I managed to get it out off my foot myself. Bled a bit but not much. I should wear socks around the house I guess.

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Woke up early to do some uni work. Managed to wrangle quotes to say what I wanted them to. So i'm sort of done on that front. Just gotta go to uni and print my presentation script out and see how it times. As the hamster was awake we got her out and petted her a bit and let her run around in her ball for a bit while I played de Blob.


Now off to uni to hit up the library, do some printing, ask about financing a postgrad, lecture and then work tonight.


Just got distracted by the mirror for a few minutes though. I look good in just jeans, it has to be said :p

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Went home saturday, was showered in lots of ''are you ok?'' texts, it's nice to feel loved ^_^, had an amazing meal saturday night, was like four courses and I felt well looked after! Cost a bomb though!


Had roast dinner yesterday and finally got myself some slim fit jeans, had to get them in xl length leg haha!


Not feeling being back in sheffield, but hey, I'm going to get my room clean, sort out stuff I need to give back.


Going to see my old mate on friday ^_^ we are going to order pizza and watch movies from blockbuster! I get to see his family too, awesome!! So that's something to look forward to :). Now to see what you lot have been chatting about the past few days!

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Oh lawd, I just casually strolled into the Hot Person gallery, forgetting I was on a public computer in plain view of the whole room... >.<


14 days till my birthday!! :D


Yay! Birthday!


God i wish i wasn't so poor, could have bought you something like i did last year :(.


Anyway, i'll make it up to you. Two facts:


1, Panic Attack by Dream Theatre sounds EXACTLY like the Ridley boss music from Metroid. PROVE ME WRONG FUCKERS.


2, 16 1/2 days till i'm on annual leave. Can't wait. Really can't. My new 40" TV should come today. Canny wait :o

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