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It costs £2.00 here for about 2 applications worth. You also need some bandages though, to put over the top whilst it soaks into your skin. You need to put it on an hour before hand.


If you will get it, the kind you need is 5% EMLA cream :smile:


ooh thanks!! maybe i'll ask jamba to send me some... do i wash it off before the work starts...? ima need bandages anyway ~ gotta hide it at work!! ^_^

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Massive lolz generally the whole thing, but particularly between 1:10 and 1:45 ish. (But watch whole thing to get full joke)


To be honest i thought 2:26 to 2:31 was the funniest.


My day: Half term (Weeeeee!). Did nothing except sitting by the comp (In my Pj's) and watching the first 2 seasons of Peep Show.

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Today was ok for me. Handed in two pieces of work. Hoping for at least B1 or B2 on them as I know for sure that I'll never be able to get an A grade. Polish woman at the coffee place was acting very friendly towards me. When she was bringing me my toastie she stayed awhile to have a little chat before going off to give the rest of the food to the other customers. I swear to god she has a thing for me. She's a nice woman, but she's also older than me yet I don't think she knows it (having a quasi-tashe and quasi-beard probably doesn't help me out). She may just be being incredibly polite though. I'll have to devise some way to find out.

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Massive lolz generally the whole thing, but particularly between 1:10 and 1:45 ish. (But watch whole thing to get full joke)


Dude I don't know what to say, you are just...mental. :heh: But I guess I should know that by now!


^^Yeah I loved ''Thursday? Can't do thursday. Neither can I''.

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Dude I don't know what to say, you are just...mental. :heh: But I guess I should know that by now!


^^Yeah I loved ''Thursday? Can't do thursday. Neither can I''.


There actually was a reason behind the mentalness....it was for a competition to impersonate a villain. Choice of villain was simple. :awesome:


Oh...to clarify, I am mental though. I don't think I'm not.

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Still looking for entries too if anyone else wants to enter last minute. :heh: Villain of your choice, record a video or sound clip of your impression, send it my way and you're in with a chance of winning Doodle Hex on the DS.


[/shameless plug]

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gym was out of lucozade. worst thing to ever happen :( had to have evian instead, which wasnt a sports cap so had to do 2 miles without a drink. not really a bigge but still, i sad.


then my parents got home earlier then i was expecting from amsterdam. came close to hitting my dad more then a few times. hes just a prick at times.


didnt haver the house tidy like i was going to but i care very little. my dad tried to say id not done anything while he'd been away, but he was on holiday, i deserve one too.

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gym was out of lucozade. worst thing to ever happen :( had to have evian instead, which wasnt a sports cap so had to do 2 miles without a drink. not really a bigge but still, i sad.


then my parents got home earlier then i was expecting from amsterdam. came close to hitting my dad more then a few times. hes just a prick at times.


didnt haver the house tidy like i was going to but i care very little. my dad tried to say id not done anything while he'd been away, but he was on holiday, i deserve one too.


You do know that by drinking a bottle of lucozade, you are probably defeating the purpose of going to the gym? And it rots your teeth. Tut tut. :heh:

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gym was out of lucozade. worst thing to ever happen :( had to have evian instead, which wasnt a sports cap so had to do 2 miles without a drink. not really a bigge but still, i sad.


then my parents got home earlier then i was expecting from amsterdam. came close to hitting my dad more then a few times. hes just a prick at times.


didnt haver the house tidy like i was going to but i care very little. my dad tried to say id not done anything while he'd been away, but he was on holiday, i deserve one too.


^^ Yep I hear you. Well, not about lucozade :heh: but... after being at uni living away, coming back home and living with my parents can be testing to say the least. Not to sound like a 12 year old but tonight I've been told I have to ''tidy my room for the plumber'', just blurgh.

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You do know that by drinking a bottle of lucozade, you are probably defeating the purpose of going to the gym? And it rots your teeth. Tut tut. :heh:


its the active one, though its probly not that healthy, though it certainly helps me go for longer.


as for defeating the object, the new biceps and the legs so hard they could be iron say outherwise. mind you the fat's last stand (stomach) may be brought to an end by giving up lucozade. to unleash the fighteningly strong abbs beneath. then again, i dont drink any outher sugary drinks, realy have alcohal and its even rarer for me to have sweets.




its not so much the tidying that bothers me, its the constant get a job. as if im not looking. contary to popular belife, i dont like singing on to the dole or not having the money to do anything.

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Laaaaaaaaaaaame. Gym told me I needed some kind of recruitment/training/induction session, I was like "Oooh okies, sounds cool." then they were like "Yeah...you have to book it" I was like...ewww phailz. SO that was my brief gym experience. I need to decide if I wanna do it now...TBH I'm just not a gym person...I can't see myself doing communal work out with other people,...certainly wouldn't feel comfortable doing it. I can just press up/sit up/weights at home anyway. Ho hum. Hmmmm.


^^ Yep I hear you. Well, not about lucozade :heh: but... after being at uni living away, coming back home and living with my parents can be testing to say the least. Not to sound like a 12 year old but tonight I've been told I have to ''tidy my room for the plumber'', just blurgh.


A) Damn, crazy.


B) Tidy your room for the plumber? Ah yes...foolish of me...of course your palace has an en suite.




Ugh, Sky knob twats pissing about. Channels aren't working upstiars, and Ive rung them up, they said no financial histroy...which is obviously bull shit. On hold to them now. She was a miserable cunt aswell. *Sigh* Don't need this kinda shit when I wanna watch my stories yo.


Oh my god this woman is a retard........

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Work always blows goats on a Monday night. I managed to read about 100 pages in the Wheel Of Time book I'm currently reading. Then the temp manager we've got was seeing his missus and apparently the taxi coming back was really slow and he didn't get back til 11:30 [i finish at 11:00], So I was sat for 30 mins doing fuck all.

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Average shaped. I must have woken up at like 6 and thought it must be time to get up soon, but went back to sleep. And did it a few more times. Eventually I switched on my phone and it was 8. Didn't have to be up for two hours.


Lecture was...average. Come back and done some work. Fun times.


Also decided I want a hamster (well, I decided it last week when I saw a book in the library about it but remembered it again today).


Found this which amused me:




Although if it happened I wouldn't be impressed (although granted, he does look similar but they didn't bother getting someone who looked similar for the Japanese film so why bother now?)

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Incidentally bluey, isn't the whole tattoo thing a bit taboo in Japan? I heard it has yakuza associations and the like.

yeah it's not just yakuza style tats either ~ it's anything... so even the one i'm planning will be kinda frowned upon by the older generations because tattoos are associated with the whole organized crime world... my company's dress code means i'll have to hide it all the time at work.


but thats ok ^_^

a lot of people dont mind them here... just... society in general kinda looks down upon it.

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