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Well today has just nose-dived in terms of how it was going. It was going ok until I got home from Uni. Have been waiting for my banking stuff from NatWest and there was a letter from them waiting at home. So I opened it only to find that they have rejected my application for a student account (they wrote NatWest Current Account on the letter which makes me think that they have not sorted out my information properly). I don't have bad credit (I've never had a job so there is no way I could have bad credit) and neither do any of my family. I am at University studying and they would have found that out by checking with UCAS. So why in the hell have they rejected my application? And they didn't send back my birth certificate and letter of confirmation from my University, which I believe they have no right to do as the documents are mine.


I'm gonna have to get on the phone to them but I know that I'm going to a) be on there for ages trying to sort it out and b) go absolutely ape shit at whoever answers the phone over why the are with holding my documents.


So yeh, I'm in a real happy mood right now.

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I just had one lesson this morning, then I was supposed to go to some 'learning conversations' session, but I went to town with MadDog and another friend instead. We experimented with the CD scanners in Zavvi and ended up making a hybrid of High School Musical 2 and the Dark Knight soundtracks. :heh:

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I'm gonna have to get on the phone to them but I know that I'm going to a) be on there for ages trying to sort it out and b) go absolutely ape shit at whoever answers the phone over why the are with holding my documents.


So yeh, I'm in a real happy mood right now.


Nooo its not the person on the end of the telephones fault. If they cant help you just calmly and not arse-holeishly ask for a manager.

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^ I know it's not their fault. Probably won't bother phoning. I'll just in contact to find out where my documents are and why they haven't been sent back and then tell them to shove their account up their arses before getting an account elsewhere. I wouldn't call up somewhere and go ape shit on someone who wasn't directly involved in the thing. It's just bloody annoying that it took them so long to send me any information on the matter.


Also need to get on the phone to SAAS and find out where the hell my tuition funding is or what's happening about it. I contacted them awhile back about it and haven't got a reply. Luckily, I have until the 1st of December to pay my University tuition fees.

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Just got off of the phone with them. Apparently, my documents are being sent separately from the letter they sent me and I should give it until the end of the week for them to appear (which means that if they hadn't have put them in the mail yet, they now have to seeing as they have told me they have been sent separately). As far as a reason as to why my application was declined, the lady couldn't say because nothing was coming up on the system. She said that it could just have been a computer decision to not give me the account.


So my mother got on the phone for Lloyd's and they said that it's probably been declined because I have no previous credit rating or bank account so they have no credit history to check on. So I'll be off to Lloyd's later on to sort out an account there.

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So my mother got on the phone for Lloyd's and they said that it's probably been declined because I have no previous credit rating or bank account so they have no credit history to check on. So I'll be off to Lloyd's later on to sort out an account there.


Stay the hell away from Lloyd's. Go to Halifax, Barclay's, HSBC, or even back to NatWest, just don't go near Lloyd's with a bargepole.

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First day back at uni! Woo... Knew, like, nobody, so I've made a new buddy who smokes too! Wikkid. Found out I won't need to get up for 9am every week, just alternate ones. The modules so far seem pretty interesting.


Also got the mega-sniffles. Pretty sure a drip dropped as I bent over to get some tissue from my bag. Rather hoping nobody saw that...


3 lectures? lolll electronics ftl! where was it? keynes but wheres? My first lecture was pretty awesomes! it was about plato's cave theory =D can't wait for the next one!

What?! I covered the cave theory in AS philosophy!

Stay the hell away from Lloyd's. Go to Halifax, Barclay's, HSBC, or even back to NatWest, just don't go near Lloyd's with a bargepole.

Why? I'm with lloyds and they're pretty sound.

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I just had one lesson this morning, then I was supposed to go to some 'learning conversations' session, but I went to town with MadDog and another friend instead. We experimented with the CD scanners in Zavvi and ended up making a hybrid of High School Musical 2 and the Dark Knight soundtracks. :heh:


That was amazing when i scanned in High School Musical, your face was epic :bowdown:

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Work was absolute wank, but I'm technically proud of it since I get paid to do bugger all. I bought an issue of Edge to help pass the time.


I got so bored I even started synchronising all the beer mats per tables, before they liked it if they were all set the same way, facing the same way. Close to the edge of the table, but as pricks ripped them apart they were replaced but not always with the same design. Today that grevious mistake was taken care of.


I got a phone call from a friend asking if I could make her a proton pack, I said I would if she could find me a pair of dungerees Mario style.


Riding to and from work was a potential danger once more as my handlebars started turning a little to the left. Meaning I had to hold them as if I were turning left to keep the wheel straight. Tomorrow this will be pissed on once and for all, as well as sorting out the return of another digital camera, this time to Play. Practically the exact same problem with two different cameras.


I think it might have something to do with the way I transfer pictures onto my PC, I don't use the eject or safely remove option, mainly because there wasn't one for this camera.

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Sooo, I've been without the internet for a few days, some jackass forgot to install some hardware properly on my computer so it started to throw a fit after just freakin 4 days!


So play decided to send me a brand new one, wahey, two new computers in a week, not quite sure what I'm doing right, but for now it's back to the old faithful laptop, even if it did take 2 hours to turn off last night and I'm not sure why.


Went home at the weekend, which would have been nice if my dad's mate hadn't had to come over, the guys a twat but my parents are too nice to tell him to bugger off, so that put abit of a downer on my weekend, alas I had to return back to uni.


Went leadmill last night, got absolutely smashed off strawberries and cream shots so I'm pretty sure I was:


1. Dancing like a fucking idiot

2. Wandering about looking slightly confused




Other than that I have my first real lecture at 10, can't say my hopes are too high, but you never know, 1 and a half hours with John may be interesting, although going off last week hardly any of my tutors can be bothered to turn up. haha.


I also think I may still be slightly off my trolley..

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Urgh. Great morning ¬_¬.


1, Letty is in a huge mood with me for seemingly no reason recently...


2, My new CX500's are fake. Which sucks, like huge obvious fakes. So i'll have to buy some really expensive ones so i know they're real.


3, Most importantly, the surveyor of my new flat hasn't actually handed in the survey documentation. Due to which, is holding EVERYTHING up and he is completely unreachable!! Fuck!

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