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If you've got Virgin you should see their on demand thingy service, yesterday my brother and I were watching various episodes of Balls of Steel [Free I believe] then as he was searching the index for other stuff we came across a biography of Arnie. It had to be watched.

Its brilliant, they also have music on demand.

Watch most music videos anytime you want.

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Guest Stefkov

I wondered why it was so quiet today and it seems High school had started. Seems my sisters started Year 8 already.

Which reminds me I need to go through my items and sort out stuff for Uni.

I think I'll play Castle Crashers and Half Life instead.

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I wondered why it was so quiet today and it seems High school had started. Seems my sisters started Year 8 already.

Which reminds me I need to go through my items and sort out stuff for Uni.

I think I'll play Castle Crashers and Half Life instead.


Eurgh don't remind me, it's only what 20 days? I didn't even realise til last night thinking I had ages! :blank:

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I'm not saying you shouldn't care about her I just don't see what there is to be worried about.


She doesn't like changes which can cause panic attacks, things like that, something you could quite easily worry about in a caring rather than restricting way.


haha war you've been very nice to me today, who are you and where is the real war? 20 days isn't ages, thats nothing! :shakehead

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She doesn't like changes which can cause panic attacks, things like that, something you could quite easily worry about in a caring rather than restricting way.


haha war you've been very nice to me today, who are you and where is the real war? 20 days isn't ages, thats nothing! :shakehead

Lol, im not mean i just type things wrong.

I dont mean to say anything wrong to anyone. It just comes out wrong lol.

I loves you all =]


I didnt know she had panic attacks or id worry all the time.

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Guest Stefkov
Eurgh don't remind me, it's only what 20 days? I didn't even realise til last night thinking I had ages! :blank:

I've known how far it is away for a while. I keep working out how many weeks I have left working to earn me some money before I go.

Trying to save up is hard especially with having my hobbies, and my frame of mind in that anything I see which is cool I must buy it. No matter what.

It's hard.

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That's why I have a bar on the back of each set of teeth to stop that ever happening.


I'm currently making myself cry on overclockers which is in stoke near me, I'm currently weening my mum into coming with me when she gets back to go look, but even the basic system I need/want is looking at £800 because of the montior and extras. Gah. But it's cheering me slightly that I am actually getting somewhere and may scratch at my mum for a while and force her to buy from there and not currys. HURRAY!



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Spent the day at the local council's planning office. It involved me trying to argue the specific classification for the old A3 licence includes under the new legislation the split from A3 to A3 and A5 rawr.

On that note I won! and that means I walk away a happy (ish) man..


Wishing I was back at uni as I am putting on "home" weight and there is no decent gyms or anything so its all going south!! come on uni!!


on that note if anyone is going to oxford or brookes let me know and I can show you around or have a meet or something!

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Was kept awake last night from my brother playing the game too bastard loud, and singing as well! He didn't stfu 'til he went to bed. Kept me awake until about 4am.


Got up at 7am, went to work, came home. Knackered. Made a few insults at a couple of retards on another forum. And I'm still feeling grouchy.... :angry:

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She doesn't like changes which can cause panic attacks, things like that, something you could quite easily worry about in a caring rather than restricting way.



what what whaat!? :D


I never get panic attacks!!


Anyway - I started college today!! It was exciting, but I made a total fool of myself even before I got to know anyone! I was getting something out of my craft box, and a little bottle of scarlet drawing ink flew out and smashed onto the floor!! Oh god, it went everywhere and even stained >,> And it was awful.

I also managed to stutter when introducing myself 0_o


Then I went to work after and now I'm home and exhausted.

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@ Letty - I know the exact feeling of making an idiot of one's self on the first day anywhere. I did it on my first day at high school. I didn't know where I was supposed to go so I went to the classroom which I'd be using only to walk in the door and have 16 guys turn and stare at me before being ushered out of there. When I went back in later that day, it was just awful.


Anyways, after this afternoon's downer, I decided to do something about it and put on some music and by christ it cheered me up. Can't beat a bit of Journey to ignite some happiness. Also started trying to sort out a laptop for uni. Only 2 weeks left for me before I start and that's all I've got to sort out. Well, that and the fact my dad still believes that I'm leaving home to go and stay in Aberdeen for Uni. For some reason, my mother forgot to mention it to him and so I was met with the awkward situation of him asking whether I still needed bedding for my flat. But besides that, I'm really looking forward to going to Uni. Was feeling a bit weird about it and thought I'd look like a prick not having done A levels in any sciences while trying to get through Psychology but I'm sure I'll be fine. And plus, I don't give up a task easily.

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@ Letty - I know the exact feeling of making an idiot of one's self on the first day anywhere. I did it on my first day at high school. I didn't know where I was supposed to go so I went to the classroom which I'd be using only to walk in the door and have 16 guys turn and stare at me before being ushered out of there. When I went back in later that day, it was just awful.


Anyways, after this afternoon's downer, I decided to do something about it and put on some music and by christ it cheered me up. Can't beat a bit of Journey to ignite some happiness. Also started trying to sort out a laptop for uni. Only 2 weeks left for me before I start and that's all I've got to sort out. Well, that and the fact my dad still believes that I'm leaving home to go and stay in Aberdeen for Uni. For some reason, my mother forgot to mention it to him and so I was met with the awkward situation of him asking whether I still needed bedding for my flat. But besides that, I'm really looking forward to going to Uni. Was feeling a bit weird about it and thought I'd look like a prick not having done A levels in any sciences while trying to get through Psychology but I'm sure I'll be fine. And plus, I don't give up a task easily.


You going upto the Granite city?


Next location for forum meet. Beers are on me.

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my week of major mood swings has continued.


just to recap:

wii and 360 not working, unable to get RAF job, hating current job, then mum goes to hospital, break my glasses, job interview with major mixed sugnals, then i had a great night out, then we get burgled.


thats just a quick, edit, summary, but suffice to say this has been a pretty mental week.


so, the week has had a big high finally..........i got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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my week of major mood swings has continued.


just to recap:

wii and 360 not working, unable to get RAF job, hating current job, then mum goes to hospital, break my glasses, job interview with major mixed sugnals, then i had a great night out, then we get burgled.


thats just a quick, edit, summary, but suffice to say this has been a pretty mental week.


so, the week has had a big high finally..........i got the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Freaking hi 5 man!!!! :D:yay:

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