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  Shorty said:
My day has been strenuous. I've been coding a website all day, my neck is killing me and I'm starting to think I haven't asked the client for enough money. How do I go about telling them this? :heh:


Hmm, well, i think you should code it into the site so when they go to click on a part of the site it flashes up GIVE ME MORE MONEY OR THIS WILL CONTINUE.


My day, worked from 10 till...now, but its for monies so yatta etc, and got a phone call from a former friend (now a jerk face) shouting that he can't hear me because he's at reading >.>


And i have a great avatar, great sig to follow.

  Ramar said:
Um, I work in a Supermarket. The safety knife is to open cardboard boxes. But yeah, country is on its arse.




I thought the it was to protect you from other knife wielding maniacs :heh:


My day has been Awesome!!!

I've been learning a little more of Japanese (Already know every Hiragana and 10 Katakana's, also know how to use verbs and senteces, i also learned some simple words) and now im going to play Okami, :D

The majority of my day has been the ongoing paintage of the Space Marine Sinister Six. Much to Rez's ballsack, it will soon empty on the knowledge that the Scorpion will be replaced by the Hobgoblin. Today I have been painting Doc Ock, should be available for viewage within the hour.

Exactly an hour later, I deliver.





IM RAALLLY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My best friend, from the first town that I lived in, who I had tried to find but couldnt bloody remember his surname added me on FB!


Im so chuffed! Dude seriously Ive beenl ooking for this guy for like.,..honestly years.


  Shorty said:
My day has been strenuous. I've been coding a website all day, my neck is killing me and I'm starting to think I haven't asked the client for enough money. How do I go about telling them this? :heh:


Erm....depends who it is! Hahah! :heh:




Murrazter, nice Doc Ock. Old school costume colours. *Thumbs up*


AH, had a bloody right laugh with some friends from work. Theres just something about paedophile, jokes isnt there?


Last day off work, and now i have a week off.. huzzah! ^_____^


I'm considering growing my hair out to its natural colour (zomg!) and just colouring a section or something.. I've gotten to the point where my hair is no longer rad and/or hides me from people I know. They've all fucking realised dammit. Now I cant just go stealth shopping, I have to actually talk to people... lose! o_o


The problem is...how the bloody hell do you grow out white hair??


I dont really know if I want the hairdresser to dye it a similar but not quite browny colour, or look like a nonce for a few months. Could do it in the winter and hide under a hat and/or hibernate... ^___^

Exactly an hour later, I deliver.



That actually looks like Doc Ock, with some uber-cool helmet.


Also, glad Hobby is making an appearance.

  ReZourceman said:


Murrazter, nice Doc Ock. Old school costume colours. *Thumbs up*

Word, I'm not going with any of the new boring colour schemes they have now.

  Paj Meen Ah said:
That actually looks like Doc Ock, with some uber-cool helmet.

Awesome, t'was what I was going for. Just finishing off Electro, it doesn't look that great because it hasn't got the lightning thingies sticking out its head. Just the sexy colour scheme.


Hmm completely changed feelings. This morning I was quite enjoying having the house to myself (grandparents gone away for the weekend) but just been to a wedding reception and while I had a good night I was one of about five single people. And I think coming back to an empty house didn't help. Still, this happens every once in a while. I'll be fine come tomorrow.


And as I usually do at a wedding I considered who I'd make as my best man (dunno why I do this but hey ho). Think it would be my friend Nick. Im in awe of him as a person. Six months older than me with two kids and a wife but he handles it with such maturity. In fact I've unofficially adopted myself into their family :p


Oh and an acquaintance said as I was saying goodbye to him "Have a good life" which sounded a bit...final.


I do however feel like having a child. Was looking after my friend's kids at times and doting. Won't have one obviously, but nice to take care of them for a while.


Fuck, ashley, you don't really want a child. Not yet. You want to be in the position to be contemplating children! As do I. *rapidly deletes far too much rambling nonsense, and saves it into a notepad titled "Novel number 5: The one where the guy commits suicide over the life he never got" and whistles*


SO YEAH. It's not the child you want to take care of, it's another person! Get a dog! I'm gonna be getting a rat that's going to rely on me to live and be kept in a small cage whenever I want to ignore it. I'll let those in teh stalls come up with some sort of punchline for that.


No, instead I'll meander down this path over here. Today I stayed in my pajamas until 7, when I decided to have a shower. Shortly afterwards I put a pizza in the oven, booked some tickets to london for sunday, then had a spliff, and went off to watch films. Got hungry later so cooked some chips, had another spliff and watched the extras. Now I'm bored, out of DVDs so probably gonna finish re-reading Time-Traveller's Wife, big girl that I am.




*closes diary*


I've been up for an hour and having all the emotional people coming at me.


My housemate broke up with her boyfriend a few days ago so I sent him a facebook message of condolensce or whatever because, for a Rugby player, he was quite a good perosn. Anyway. He replied and seems so downtrotten. And my housemate said she's regretting it...maybe I should get those crazy kids back together!


Then my brother accidentally phoned (forgot grandparents were away this weekend) so I spoke to him for the first time in months. He was concerned I might be getting some hassle due to his antics (24 years too late but hey ho...well 21 I suppose as I was still in the planning stages before that).


Anyway rest of the day consists of housewife stuff (washing, ironing, cleaning, tidying etc) and I have a date later...not sure how that happened. And as Rufus Wainwright is currently singing; "I don't want somebody to love me, I just want sex whenever I want it"


Oh and im going to purchase Super Mario RPG later :D

Guest Jordan

My day: Play Fifa 2006 for the last 150 points, play Lost for the last 25 points, finish Bionic Commando Rearmed.




i was woken by my sister calling and saying she and my mum had decided to come visit. Today.




what is the point of living 112 miles away if they are still going to drop by unexpectedly... at least they gave me some warning. I'm trying to tidy my room now (lived here 2 months now and still not unpacked...) so they dont realise i'm a slob.

  Jordan said:
My day: Play Fifa 2006 for the last 150 points, play Lost for the last 25 points, finish Bionic Commando Rearmed.




No offense and I mean that literally but noone is forcing you to get those gamerpoints it boggles my mind why people even care about gamerpoints and play garbage games to get more I dont get it. Bit of a weird way to spend your leisure time. Unless you meant fun in a literal non sarcastic sense.

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