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Were you not late to your last shift too? Or was I imagining you telling me that on msn...Shame. On. You :heh:




URGHHH my server won't connect *cry*


Bad times :(


Nah, I missed the bus to work, but I got there on time!! Hitching ftw.

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Day has been meh, I'm feeling a bit poopy again.


Not happy with the drawing I did. Still haven't seen my friends since the start of summer and it seems like I won't get to see them at all. No one wants to go to music festivals with me. No one wants to go see a movie with me. I need a haircut badly but don't know what to do with it, and everyone is saying something different.



Blaaaaaaah. *big sigh*

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Day has been meh, I'm feeling a bit poopy again.


Not happy with the drawing I did. Still haven't seen my friends since the start of summer and it seems like I won't get to see them at all. No one wants to go to music festivals with me. No one wants to go see a movie with me. I need a haircut badly but don't know what to do with it, and everyone is saying something different.



Blaaaaaaah. *big sigh*


So your friends refuse to hang out with you? That's not nice of them... Or aren't you talking about those friends when you mention going to a festival/movie? If not, don't you have any way of contacting your friends?


Eh, haven't met up with friends either the past two weeks. They're gone on camps/festival. The loneliness and boredom is starting to annoy me. But one of my best friends should be back from a festival by now. Hope this week will be more interesting.

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So your friends refuse to hang out with you? That's not nice of them... Or aren't you talking about those friends when you mention going to a festival/movie? If not, don't you have any way of contacting your friends?


Eh, haven't met up with friends either the past two weeks. They're gone on camps/festival. The loneliness and boredom is starting to annoy me. But one of my best friends should be back from a festival by now. Hope this week will be more interesting.


We've been trying to arrange a meetup since June. They're always busy doing something else it seems. -____-;

I wish I had more than the 2/3 "friends" I have now, and that they lived closer so I could hang out with someone.

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Today was rather dull. Sat around the flat on my own all day, avoided revising and read Invincible volume 1 instead. Watched another disk of season 1 of Lost, then cleaned the kitchen top to bottom. Psychofied my signature, and now I can heard the tweeting of birds coming from the front room, where I've left the DVD on the menu screen. It's a bit wierd. I can never remember how to spell weird. I do not think I am cut out for University life, I think I would rather be working an office job, or making webdesign my career.

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I walked to town and back again today. Smoked 5 cigarettes so far. Sorted out the mixtape mashup, and now probably going to sit and eat a crunch corner while watching american history x.


Shorty ol' buddy; curses to being bored at other ends of the country. We could be playing Rainbow 6 2! Rock Band! Omgomgogm... just generally drink away our miseries.

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Mine does the same. Torrents whore the hell out of my bandwidth. =(


i think the programmes that run the torrents use up as much as they can take, regardless of how fast the actualy torrents go. Cap the speed to how fast you expect your torrents to go and the rest of the bandwidth is yours.

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i think the programmes that run the torrents use up as much as they can take, regardless of how fast the actualy torrents go. Cap the speed to how fast you expect your torrents to go and the rest of the bandwidth is yours.


Interesting. I had a funny feeling it did, and it seems a bit wasteful when you get pisspoor speeds really.


Thanks for the heads up, d00d.

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my day. urgh, were to start. Went to newcastle to exchange my PS3 for one that worked, which went fairly well, in that they did it. no problem. then trapsed around newcastle looking for work, which apparently, newcastle dosent offer. got home, set up ps3, put devil may cry in, instaled and have so far managed to get half the distance i was in the game, and only spent 3 hours. just annoyed that i've got alot more to do, and bits i only won by luck last time are going to be a chore this time.


got a delivery of booze from tesco that my sister sent, which is nice (graduation presant). dont have any one to drink with atm, my friends are all off on holiday, ive had to opt out of a camping trip due to the fact i have £7 to my name, and i cant afford to go to prauge later in the summer which im gutted about, and the finaly cherry on the shit cake, i dobt i can aford my trip to cornwell now, despite having planned it for months and being a last chance to see half my uni friends.

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Hey guys to all of you who posted such nice "it's gonna be ok Jamba-man" messages yesterday, many thanks!


I was in a really bad mood and therefore wasn't thinking straight so don't worry about me too much, I hardly ever feel like that. I've always told bluey that we can only have what we have and wanting anything different is silly. I just enjoy what we do have, even if it's not a relationship like everyone elses :)


Muchos gracias todo.

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Apaz Dan's a mod now, who knew? well i'm sure some people did, but i know for sure i didn't until now, i don't think ted knew either...




I drove sis to friends, hung out with gf, had dinner, watching anime, god, life is good

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